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    posted a message on I want to make a Behavior that Gives Orders

    After a quick test, it seems a persistent is need in the effect chain to issue targeted orders, that's likely the reason your behavior doesn't work. I'd suggest you use auto-casting for the ability. Would be much more elegant. Just use the ability auto-cast validators, filter and range to find the units you want to target.

    I attached a quick test map for an eat ability with two types of eating; behavior based with a hidden ability and auto-castable ability. As you can see, the auto-castable ability is a much cleaner approach.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on I want to make a Behavior that Gives Orders

    Hi wisesquirrel,

    If you are using a validator for unit type in the search area effect it will most likely be validating the caster. Try using the search area effect filter field instead (only neutral, requiring worker).

    Posted in: Data
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