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    posted a message on Help finding a map where you play a queen trying to destroy a terran base by spawning and upgrading Zerg units

    I am trying to find a map I played in WoL. At the beginning of the map, you started off as a Zergling until you found your Queen. Once you found the queen, you could start spawning all kinds of Zerg units from lings to banelings to Lurkers to destroy constant waves of Terran units.

    The key to victory was to destroy enough units (and thus gather minerals) to be able to upgrade all kinds of attributes - regular stuff like damage to normally unavailable attributes like movement speed and healing rate.

    The eventual goal was to destroy some Terran structures on the other side of the installation, but it usually took some time - there was a leaderboard in-game as well - last time I checked it was around 40 mins or so at best.

    Posted in: General Chat
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