I wanted to ask whether there are still people who are ready to make a big campaign for SC2, because it will take years till Blizzard releases theres.
If yes, I would be happy to work with you and create an really awesome campaign.
I know there was an tread about this, but its last post is 3 months ago.
PS: I know I'm new here and don't have any published projects in here, but don't think i can't do anything.
I worked through the editor, made a view things, and I work as a programmer so I have some programming knowledge.
So I would be really happy if some people in here would be ready to work with me.
Hello all,
I'm happy to join your community,
as OutsiderXE mentioned an WC4 game after LotV would be awesome.
But I think if Blizzard does LotV like promised, there won't be many Protoss left for SC3.
Excuse me, I wanted to ask whether you would like some help with the project. If yes, I would be happy to help you.
Thank you for the fast responds and the hearty welcoming, maybe your right and I was a bit unrealistically Im very sorta for that.
@SoulFilcher: I thank you for the advice to ask the SC 1 guys whether they need some help, I will do so :)
I wish all of you a nice day Zz3r4tul
Hello community,
I wanted to ask whether there are still people who are ready to make a big campaign for SC2, because it will take years till Blizzard releases theres. If yes, I would be happy to work with you and create an really awesome campaign. I know there was an tread about this, but its last post is 3 months ago.
PS: I know I'm new here and don't have any published projects in here, but don't think i can't do anything. I worked through the editor, made a view things, and I work as a programmer so I have some programming knowledge.
So I would be really happy if some people in here would be ready to work with me.
Hello all, I'm happy to join your community, as OutsiderXE mentioned an WC4 game after LotV would be awesome. But I think if Blizzard does LotV like promised, there won't be many Protoss left for SC3.