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    posted a message on How do I get the Burrow Move animation?

    I'm attempting to make Hydralisks able to burrow move, and they can, only they don't have that trail of dirt they leave behind like Roaches and Infestors do when they are burrowed. I tried to change the actors macro 'Zerg Standard Burrow' to 'Zerg Mobile Burrow' but it just caused my Hydras to behave burrowed, only look unburrowed. I found a Burrow Move Effect actor and model, but I don't know how to link it to the actor of the Hydralisk. I'm not very experienced with the actor module, so easy, comprehensive help will be appreciated. I don't care if it is difficult to do, just explain to me in a step-by-step way so I can understand. Also, how do you edit the 'Help Menu' with all the units' strengths and weaknesses and tech tree? TY ;D

    Posted in: Data
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