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    posted a message on Various Editor Issues (and bugs?) yes I tried it myself

    I've looked around, and don't see immediate discussion on these topics, so here goes.

    Mod 1:

    How do you add a second train/build queue to a structure without requiring a research, upgrade, or add-on. In other words, by default?

    I tried studying the WoL campaign file to look at the way the reactors were done, and the upgrade for the command center, but I still can't figure it out.

    Mod 2: How could I make a building construct other buildings within their site radius, the way a creep tumor works, except require minerals and gas cost?

    I need this construction to count against the train queue of the building which already exists, in the same way Terran add-ons currently count against the parent structure's train queue.

    Mod 3:

    How do I remove abilities, behaviors, upgrades, and so forth from a copy of an existing unit? There isn't even an option to do so in the editor, and it's really annoying.

    Like for example, removing a requirement for a command (as described in the sticky) does not work, nor is there any such buttons or fields as described in that sticky.

    Seriously, I picked up Warcraft 3 editor in like 2 hours, but I've spent 2 days on SC2 editor and haven't managed to do anything more than change build times and resource costs.

    If I get answers to at least some of these, it will help me greatly. Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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