just make a unit with laser actor and laser model. lower height of unit. set it to fly. i dont understand why those guys say same thing endless in many threads. i would just copy and paste some map or unit. this way seems way better. every each person works hard is worse than every each person doesnt work hard. it is like steps. you study of it in science. scientists dont make someone work hard to learn without something. they teach each other. they work hard with knowledges people already found. call me an idiot. i have seen people force someone to do some dog training in real life like this. this site's mood is different from other sites. not very free. blizzard needs to add a function people can share functions, units on internet. this is so inconvenient.
There is a data field under the unit Viking that has "height": #
On ground units you will notice this number is set to 0 (reapers and high Templar will be a bit above 0) and air units are higher numbers like 5 6 or 7, if you lower this value, it will make the unit fly lower to the ground.
Also, a bit more information, under (found at the bar at the top left of the editor window) under Map > Map Options you can adjust the minimum flier height.
Lol man you can't edit model animation through the editor, we can use only assets available in sc2. Just use your imagination. if you want cinematic quality whirlwind grab 3dsmax and make it by yourself (doubt you are able though, considering the fact that you don't want even try to learn smthng)
that was a joke. i dont want to force you to do something stupid.
Ouch man, easy with that guy :D. Well, DrSuperEvil promoting method he invented long time ago, however with new Actor SiteOp - Rotator you can avoid attaching marines to everything at least for this particular task :). Study attached MAP.
this is rhythmic gymnastics not whirlwind.. i think i want to make zealot spin like zeratul. only one hand.. or i want to make 3 zealots spin in one zealot.
The Zeratul model has an animation called Spell A where he spins by himself without the need for SOps. The Zealot lacks any such animation so you need the SOp (Forward Vector) method.
how do i do? any tutorial map? any screenshot? stop explaining of SOP. you can tell me which tab, which line not the word SOP. i think all the people who posted them dont understand it.
those are threads i found. i see someone talks of SOP. i searched SOP on zeratul model, zeratul actor everything but i couldn't find it. also i looked at zeratul model animation by pressing Shift + D. there was nothing really. there were only two events about whirlwind on zeratul actor. Abil.Whirlwind.SourceCastStart and Abil.Whirlwind.SourceChannelStop. i added the whirlwind ability and two events in zealot actor. but zealot started running not whirlwind. how do i make this whirlwind ability work for other units? also i looked at other whirlwind ability (there was only one though). but that zealot whirlwind looked horrible and slow as compare to this zeratul whirlwind. so i dont want to use that.
just make a unit with laser actor and laser model. lower height of unit. set it to fly. i dont understand why those guys say same thing endless in many threads. i would just copy and paste some map or unit. this way seems way better. every each person works hard is worse than every each person doesnt work hard. it is like steps. you study of it in science. scientists dont make someone work hard to learn without something. they teach each other. they work hard with knowledges people already found. call me an idiot. i have seen people force someone to do some dog training in real life like this. this site's mood is different from other sites. not very free. blizzard needs to add a function people can share functions, units on internet. this is so inconvenient.
it doesnt work on burrowed unit. got it worked
i need someone who can add new abilities like sandstorm or tornado and new unit model like gundam or pikachu. i can pay you. but it is not big money..
what do you think of it?
which tab must i check? i think i must ask the owner. there is no way. i made applelord work when i applied it to baneling.
how do i change psi storm to sand storm (sand tornado)? i want to change arts and effects.
i applied it to zergling. charger doesnt move like a doll but i see it moves like alive being in model preview. how do i do?
ok i got it worked.
this unit must be shiny or glow whenever it attacks like Corsair.
that was a joke. i dont want to force you to do something stupid.
this is rhythmic gymnastics not whirlwind.. i think i want to make zealot spin like zeratul. only one hand.. or i want to make 3 zealots spin in one zealot.
how do i do? any tutorial map? any screenshot? stop explaining of SOP. you can tell me which tab, which line not the word SOP. i think all the people who posted them dont understand it.
i used SC2BW_-_Data, Custom things. i get error "sc2bw_-_music.sc2mod". nothing works.
now i got SC1BWmod. i can play reaver in game.
but i get error document dependency does not specify a battle.net file (SC1BWmod).
must i export all the files one by one? no way? or is there any thread i can just download files?
those links are broken. how do i do?
i downloaded the map. there is zeratul that does whirlwind.
those are threads i found. i see someone talks of SOP. i searched SOP on zeratul model, zeratul actor everything but i couldn't find it. also i looked at zeratul model animation by pressing Shift + D. there was nothing really. there were only two events about whirlwind on zeratul actor. Abil.Whirlwind.SourceCastStart and Abil.Whirlwind.SourceChannelStop. i added the whirlwind ability and two events in zealot actor. but zealot started running not whirlwind. how do i make this whirlwind ability work for other units? also i looked at other whirlwind ability (there was only one though). but that zealot whirlwind looked horrible and slow as compare to this zeratul whirlwind. so i dont want to use that.