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    posted a message on Star Tool - Export bugged WoW models ?

    Hi guys.

    @SearingChicken: Go

    Actually, I knew it but I forgot to update. Did not solve the problem anyway. ;)

    @Zolden: Go @Daara87: Go

    Thank you for the tips, I'll try that soon (bit booked at the moment). I'll give you infos at time. Thank you guys !

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Star Tool - Export bugged WoW models ?

    @Zolden: Go

    I can see Illidan and browse for his animations in 3DS 2011, but once in the GE editor, the model is just blank. Yes, I use the Nintoxic's plugin (last version) to import. I've read sometimes ago that this model could not be imported properly, but I hope with Star Tool is possible.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Star Tool - Export bugged WoW models ?

    @Leruster: Go

    Depends of the model. For example, Illidan gives me a blank model in every case(from WMV or with an intermediate format). Also had little glitch on Thrall's fingers.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Star Tool - Export bugged WoW models ?

    Hello guys.

    I'm working a bit on a project involving WoW models. As you know, some of them cannot be exported directly from WoW Model Viewer (at least for me- Illidan, Water elemental, Thrall, most of the spells, creatures with particles...). I gave a try with Illidan, imported it with M2 importer, then converted it to most of the files formats supported by 3DS Max. But once exported via Star Tool, it remained bugged. My questions are:

    Is there a way to have *.m2 models in 3DS Meooow without (or with an alternative to) the M2 import plugin we have here ? Is there any other way to chain convert those models and have them working ?

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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