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    posted a message on Advanced Building Interaction

    Do you mean Actor - Filters? It has flags for Ally, Enemy, Neutral, and Self, but they are all disabled by default, and enabling some of them doesn't make the actor invisible to the others. So it doesn't work. Is there some other property that does what you're saying? Have you actually tried that it works or are you just saying it because it looks like it can be done?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Map Ideas Thread
    Quote from PsychoMC: Go

    plz can somebody make this map haha ... we only need burger models, tables, and an civillian eating a zerg burger animation :)

    PS: maybe you can sabotage other players in multiplayer games with infected burgers You need to manage zergfarms , cucumber leaf domes and bread bakeries. the more you invest in these buildings, the better the burger tastes, but the more expensive the burger will be. so you need to buy flowers, music, paintings and so on to make your restaurant more interesting for reacher people so they can afford your luxury burger. or you produce cheap bad tasting burger for dozens of poor people. you have to treat you employes nice, otherwise they quit. salary vs. working hours. maybe you can feed the zergs with bad employes, so they others work harder, because they are afraid :-D

    I think I'm up to this, but I'll take some time to come up with more ideas... Then I'll post it on the forums, and I'll let you know in PM if you don't notice it otherwise. I'll post my own idea first but we can still discuss it further after that. I'm good with triggers and decent with making custom dialogs, so this shouldn't be a problem for me. I'm not sure about making an "inside view" of the restaurants though, since it would be quite a bit of extra work. I was thinking more like an overview of the city where you can buy buildings and upgrade them etc. and also of the countryside where the zergling farms are located (and the meat brought in with trains or something). The biodome idea is cool.

    Edit: Alright, I've created a team (Zergling Burgers) so we can properly start designing the map. I'll do most (or all) of the actual work but I could use some extra brains to help with design, give feedback and suggestions and so on. Give me a shout in PM if you're interested in helping out. I've already posted a design overview on the team forums, but I've restricted access for members only.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Map Ideas Thread
    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    I came up with this idea, anybody feel free to use it as long as you put me in the credits! What if you ran a burger company on Mar sara? You sell zergling burgers! You have to manage prices, advertisement, employees, the farm where you raise zerglings, and other fast food chain related stuff. At least it would be unique!

    Zergling burgers as fast food... oh the irony. Finish your meal before it runs away or the Vultures get to it! Now digestable even faster with the Metabolic Boost upgrade!

    Reminds me of Rupture Farms from Abe's Oddysee... I'll see if I can get enough ideas to make this into a fun map.

    Oh, oh, an opening scene with the narration (something like this anyway): "This is the dawn of a new age on the planet Mar Sara, where the zerg have invaded every city, every building and every home on its barren surface. Not so long ago, the swarm was still spreading around the globe slowly, but now, the zerglings, have become incredibly fast...


    And then continued by an epic charburger (...lulz) commercial (I'm tired).

    It definitely needs infected food that turns the eater into an Infested Terran. :D

    Zerglings trying to escape from the farms... psi disrupters to slow them down so the guards have enough time to take them down... hmm the idea's starting to evolve... ^^

    Maybe make this into multiplayer so you can compete on the market against others? :o

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Advanced Building Interaction

    I'd also like to know how to make a unit actor only show the unit to its owner (or some other player). It annoys me when people reply with "why don't you just do X" without explaining how to actually do X when they can clearly see that the other person doesn't know how to do X, since otherwise he'd have done so in the first place. So please, everyone, less trolling, more sharing your ideas with those who want to learn.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [solved] Share tech requirements between allies?

    You shouldn't use periodic triggers if you can avoid it. Make a trigger when a unit construction progress is completed and then enable the dummy requirement if the unit type matches. Likewise, when a building is destroyed, check if there are any more of those buildings left and if not, disable the requirement.

    Maybe there's a way to do this with data editor but I don't know about that.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Advanced Building Interaction

    The one problem with this solution, which we tried to solve yesterday on IRC, is that the real per-player selectable buildings aren't properly be hidden behind the dummy building (which is the visual representation of the building and takes damage). However, now that I noticed you did the damage sharing using triggers, I think my way of showing only one building per player or player group will actually work with this. You'll actually use the same number of buildings and you won't need your Selection trigger at all (removing the selection lag, wooo).

    The problem now is that you'd need to share its vision with its enemies when you want them to see it. :( However, I think you could work around this by setting its sight radius to 0 and only sharing its vision when an enemy unit is in its own vision range with the building... Uh, that part sounds a bit tricky. I'll post this solution anyway since some (especially co-op) maps might not care that the building can be seen by enemies all the time.

    So, instead of using a "dummy building", just place one visible, damageable building at the same spot for each player who can buy stuff from it (owned by that player), and one for the enemies (or other players) who can't buy stuff from it (owned by an ally of the players who can buy stuff from it). Check the "Buried", "Cloaked", and "Undetectable" flags for the building in data editor (Buried removes the distort effect from Cloaked, Cloaked makes it invisible to others and Undetectable makes it not detectable by units with Detector). You might also be able to use your "Building - Ally Interact" behavior to enable those flags if you want.

    Make none of the players share vision with each other, and if you want to share the vision of some other units, do that manually using the "Share vision of unit" action first at map initialization for all preplaced units and then every time a unit is trained/constructured. Make the extra building owned by some ally player, and share its vision with all enemy players (otherwise they wouldn't see it at all).

    Lastly, make your damage sharing trigger share the damage with each of those buildings whenever any of them takes damage.

    In conclusion, you have:

    • One building for each player who can buy stuff from it, owned by and visible only to that player, sharing damage to all the other buildings at the spot.
    • One building for all players who can't buy stuff from it (enemies), owned by an ally player of the players who can buy stuff from it, visible only to the enemies, and sharing damage to all the other buildings at the spot.

    This is still very hacky and non-perfect so if anyone has any ideas, do share!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Weekly Data Exercise #2 - Overseer Weapon

    I might try again after a while, I've been learning quite a lot about the data editor by talking on the IRC channel. :x

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to fix this Odin problem?

    Change the "Unit - Movement - Radius" data value for the Odin. Check what it's for Marine if you want it to be the same size, or for comparison.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Showing a model to only one player

    Tick all of the following flags for the unit: Buried, Cloaked, Undetectable.

    "Buried" will remove the ripple effect from "Cloaked", and it won't actually burrow the unit or anything, it's just a state flag. :)

    Just make sure you aren't sharing vision with the players you don't want to see the unit.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weekly Data Exercise #2 - Overseer Weapon

    I gave up already. :P

    The idea was that the Overseer would drop down a mobile "Creep Tumor" which would bury underground, move while burrowed towards the target (it could be killed if detected), unburrow at its feet and inflict it with a debuff that would start to emit creep around the unit (this was actually someone else's idea as an addition to my creep ball idea). Would be cool to see this if someone made it though. ^^

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weekly Data Exercise #2 - Overseer Weapon

    I'll give it a try tomorrow. It shall be known as the Malignant Creep Tumor. o//

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Extending Camera Bounds

    You can extend the camera bounds to cover the entire map by using the Set Camera Bounds trigger action with "Entire Map" function as the Bounds parameter (or whatever size you want for the bounds).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to simulate "kills" condition

    Simplest way could be to increase one of the unit's custom values every time it kills a unit. So when a unit dies, add 1 to the killing unit's custom value 0 (for example) and then you can just get a unit's custom value 0 to see how many units it has killed. The custom values are Reals so you need to do a real to integer conversion.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Modifying Food?

    Supplies Limit changes the hard cap of your supplies, which is 200 by default. If you want to add to the supply cap, you need to spawn a unit that provides supply. I did dynamic supply changes by making one of my buildings provide 1000 supply and then just capped it by setting the Supplies Limit to whatever I wanted.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Changing the resource icon

    Here's a better way, thanks to Helral for figuring it out. This method doesn't overwrite any icons, instead it modifies the paths that point to the icons in the Assets.txt:

    1) Create an empty Assets.txt file and add any of the following lines you wish to modify:


    2) Change the texture path for the icons you want to modify.

    For example, if you want to change the icon for Terrazine and Custom Resource for all races to "icon-customterrazineicon-race.dds" and "icon-customresourceicon-race.dds", add the following lines to the empty Assets.txt:


    If you wish to modify any other assets, the default Assets.txt can be found in "patch.sc2archive/mods/liberty.sc2mod/base.sc2data/GameData/Assets.txt". You can open .sc2archive files using any MPQ editor.

    3) Import the Assets.txt to "Base.SC2Data\GameData\" Import Path in your map using the Import Manager.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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