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    posted a message on Swarm multiplayer exclusives

    @Eimtr: Go

    If you mean opening the dependencies list and fake removing the Multiplayer mod, that is what I have been doing. However, In order to find out which abilities are used that way, you must first find a unit that has abilities exclusive to HotS Multiplayer and edit them.

    By doing it this way, So far, I have found these items in the data editor do not exist in the campaign (Sorted by unit)-


    • The ability to change anti air weapons and the anti armor weapon


    • For some reason has an alternate attack button

    Mothership and core-

    • Temporal field + A validator relating to the multiplayer swarm host (The swarm host from multiplayer exists separately in the campaign files from the nerfed version you use in the campaign)
    • Behavior that ends Mass recall (two versions)


    • Mass recall with nexus target (Mothership core version already exists)

    Void Ray

    • Prismatic alignment ability and associated weapons


    • The Envision ability (I.e. makes it a detector)
    • The pulsar beam ability and associated weapons

    If I am doing it wrong, tell me. Otherwise, I am simply trying to double check. Ps, Ignite afterburners does exist in Multiplayer.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Swarm multiplayer exclusives

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Please no insults. I want to add the multiplayer exclusive abilities to my map without running the risk of causing the errors the editor warns about with mutually exclusive dependencies so I want to be as thorough as possible.

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    posted a message on Swarm multiplayer exclusives

    Unlike in Wings of liberty, the campaign of heart of the swarm did not come prepackaged with all the abilities, weapons and other forms of data that was present in the multiplayer version of the game. Can someone give me a list of all those items in the data editor that are currently exclusive to multiplayer. (Just do the main items such as with the Void Ray, you do not have to list off the behaviors, validators, actors, and effects associated with the Prismatic Alignment ability, just the ability itself and the weapons)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on No animations when Snipe ability duplicated

    @Vicboy: Go

    You have to modify the ghost's actor to respond to the casting of the Spell.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    possible solutions to Specter/Shadowguard problem:

    • Ultrasonic pulse silences spell casters (prevents them from casting) for a short time after their stun wears off.
    • an upgrade that causes their attacks to remove energy.
    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Converting map to HotS

    Also, there are some abilities that do not exist in Swarm campaign/story that do in multiplayer such as the mothership's temporal Field and the Thor's weapon changing abilities.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Evolutions you would like to have seen

    Heart of the Swarm introduced us all to a new concept in evolutions where players are given the choice between two forms of a previously existing unit, each with its own strengths and weaknesses over the other. However, heart of the swarm didn't exactly give us a dearth of these and I have seen several people give us some ideas for new ones on this site. This thread is for depositing all those ideas. However, there are a few constraints I would like to make first.

    • You can create evolutions for units that already had evolutions in the campaign, like the Zergling, or for units that did not, like the Aberration
    • Your evolution can be a morph, like the Lurker is for the Hydralisk, or a replacement, like the raptor for the Zergling
    • The base unit for the evolution does not have to have appeared in StarCraft 2 as a buildable unit and can instead be based on a unit originally from StarCraft 1. However, if the base unit is an evolution for a previously existing unit like the lurker, viper, or brood lord, it must have existed in some form prior to its existence as an evolution (so no impaler or corpser evolutions).
    • Finally, the unit used as a base for the evolutions MUST BE ZERG! As hilarious as the concept is, I do not want people coming up with evolutions for High Templar or SCVs.

    And now to start with an example-

    Aberration- Cannibal Strain Gains hit points and energy when attacking, but loses energy outside of combat. When energy reaches 100, the Cannibal may construct a Virophage, which provides creep and heals nearby zerg

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Showcase] SoulFilcher's models

    @Muspelli: Go

    I don't think soul filcher does requests, though your idea for the first Aberation strain bears similarity to one of mine- The Canabal strain. Its attacks heal it and generate energy, though it loses energy outside of battle. When it gains a cetain amount of energy it can heal allies.

    Also, do you think we should make a thread somewhere detailing all the various strains we can come up with?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @FreezingAcidRain: Go

    From what I understand, the Tal'darim have been cut off from the Khala and now use the Void (which can explain the void rays) to fuel their psionic abilities. The rank and file Tal'darim however do not know that and it is a bad idea to enlighten them of it.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Unused HotS models

    @Cardanis: Go

    The bunker form is just a vannilla bunker. as for the transformation, well, I don't know.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    So, Soul Filcher, Are there going to be any statistical differences between the primal zerg units and their vanilla counter parts? I for one can see the Primal Zergling doing more damage per attack but having a lower attack rate, ultimately amounting for the same DPS. Also, the Primal Ultralisks could do more damage to a single target but have less/no area of effect damage compared to the Kaiser Blades of the regular Ultralisks.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @Kanitala: Go

    One of the roach's evolutions- the corpser strain does pretty much the same thing, albiet with roachlings and weapons instead.

    As for possible infestor evos, I have my own ideas, but I don't want to cause problems by derailing the thread.

    Also, SoulFilcher, what do you plan to do with the various evos? Disperse them to whatever brood you feel is most appropriate?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    Considering the Viper vs BW Queen option is the second most voted option I'll include it in the next update.

    So how are you going to work with the queen's infest command center ability, seeing as there is a whole faction dealing witht the infested? Are you going to replace it with another ability, (like infesting a bunker to turn it into that monster in the model files) or leave it be for now? Also, are you going to to rename it?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Unused HotS models

    Let's see, I found a cerberus, which is essentually a battlecruiser with a few changes. It also has its own custom yamato cannon (blue) model, icon, and wireframe.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod
    Quote from Kanitala: Go

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Infested Ursadons!

    The Zerg have infested the Ursadon!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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