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    posted a message on First Person RTS

    Nice work, iwann. I'd like to see more things like this.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on First Person RTS

    I did not play Savage but I saw some screenshots, looks a bit old. :P But I've a feeling it could be close to the general concept of what I'd like to see created.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on First Person RTS

    I can't say I've ever heard of Savage, I suppose I'll have to check it out now. :P

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on First Person RTS

    Is anyone working on one of these or thinking about it? I think it would be fun...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on First Person Mode

    Are any of you working on a map with first person view? Not a FPS necessarily... I just think it would be neat to play maps, even regular melee in 1st person mode.

    I've been thinking about a map style that is basically melee, except instead of just a camera moving around, the camera is attached to a Commander Hero unit. I've heard issues about that style of camera though. If any of you have ever played the Half-Life mod 'Natural Selection,' this is basically what I'd want to create. A first person camera with RTS elements. This is actually what I imagined SC2 to be like before it was ever announced.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on CTF Team Fortress 2 Map, need YOUR input!

    I am working on a Capture The Flag map based on the classes from Team Fortress 2. The map will also feature rising and draining lava like the first of Tosh's missions.

    Since it's the community that will be playing the map, I figured I should ask people for any ideas they may have. I've pretty much just finished the terrain/environment and am now working on the flag events and the classes. I'll be using all 9 classes from TF2, and I hope you'll help me in deciding what models and abilities to use. While a lot of these are blank, I already have ideas but won't really be able to fully implement them until I can begin class balance testing.


    • Model-Reaper
    • 1-Passive movement speed bonus
    • 2-Dash
    • 3-
    • 4-


    • Model-Ghost
    • 1-Snipe
    • 2-Binoculars (scan area)
    • 3-
    • 4-


    • Model-MinerMale
    • 1-
    • 2-
    • 3-Build Turret
    • 4-


    • Model-Thor
    • 1-AOE damage?
    • 2-HP/armor bonus
    • 3-Possibly ability to move through lava
    • 4-


    • Model-Dark Templar
    • 1-Hide
    • 2-Assassinate
    • 3-
    • 4-


    • Model-Medic
    • 1-
    • 2-
    • 3-
    • 4-


    • Model-War Pig or Tychus Chaingun
    • 1-Charge+Stun
    • 2-Rocket launcher
    • 3-
    • 4-


    • Model-Firebat
    • 1-Berserk
    • 2-Possibly ability to move through lava
    • 3-
    • 4-


    • Model-Marauder
    • 1-Grenade launcher
    • 2-Mines
    • 3-
    • 4-

    There's a good chance that auto attack will be removed and you'll have to rely on abilities and teamwork to win. I also want players to have the ability to change their class at will just like TF2. One thing that I enjoy in class based games is that there are many class abilities that are intended for use against particular classes, and I hope to implement that as well.

    Lastly, if anyone has experience with the trigger/data editor and would want to work together on this map, please send me a PM. Thanks for reading! 8)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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