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    posted a message on My timer needs a fix

    Those sneaky waves....

    I put in the missing link, and it worked. Thanks :D

    In the future I'll have to make sure I double check everything. Thanks for the help!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on My timer needs a fix

    Okay, I added pics. I also added in the condition that you suggested. Same thing happen.

    Right now, with what I have, the timer works fine for the first 3 times. Which is game start, after first wave, and after the second wave.

    The spawning works fine twice, after the first time the timer expires, and the second time it expires. After that everything stops.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on My timer needs a fix

    Alright, so for some reason my timer works, then stops working.

    I created the timer variable, and the triggers to create the :30 one shot timer, and also the trigger action to make a visible window for it.That works fine. Game starts and timer starts. Yay.

    Now, one of my other triggers is starts when the timer expires. Timer hits 0 (expires), then trigger spawns tons of units. Okay that works. Then when last unit dies, timer needs to reset. Then what should happen is timer expires, units spawn, last unit dies, timer resets, timer expires, units spawn... etc. etc.

    Well it works the first time. The first time the timer gets reset, I see it reset, and when it expires the spawning happens. Then the unit dies and the timer resets again... but this time when it expires, nothing happens. Why doesn't it continue to work? The triggers all work the first few times. Last unit dies, timer gets reset, and when timer expires units spawn. But it never keeps working, it just finishes the second wave of units, starts the timer, and when that timer expires nothing happens.

    Hope I was clear enough.

    edit: I've tried changing the original timer to a repeating timer, and then pause it when the units spawn, but the pause never works and then the units just keep coming. I've also tried adding a condition in the trigger with the last unit death, so that it creates another timer, but that didn't work.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Fixing the Turrets

    @Photoloss: Go

    Thank you, I got the turret animations working.

    I replaced the turret attached to the weapon with the actual auto turret turret, and then added the effects Create turret, enable turret, and turret rotation to the main actor's turrets. It works perfectly now!

    For the build animation, I messed around, and I decided to just use the regular turret birth animation. Still thanks, since I was able to add the build animation to it following what you said.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Fixing the Turrets

    So in an effort to better learn parts of the Galaxy editor, I decided to make a TD.

    The first tower I made is just a simple auto turret. I create the unit from 'scratch' (didn't right-click duplicate) and copied everything from the auto-turret. So far, everything works. But there's some issues I'd like to fix.

    1) Turret rotating around 2) Build animation

    The regular Auto Turret in the spins around when it's idle, and turns to face the targets it's attacking. The one I created does not do this. It stays facing 270 degrees and attacks units from that angle. It just plays it's attack animations, but facing it's same 270 degrees. How do I fix this so it turns around? I created a 'turret' for it based off the auto turret's turret that's attached to its weapon. Is there something I'm missing? If so how do I add it, where, and make sure it makes the turret I have do what I want it to?

    For the build animation, there's currently none. It looks the same when it's building and when its built. Only difference is when it's building it gets the building loading bar. If possible, I'd like it's building animation to look like a drop-pop (like what mules come out from). Fall from the sky, land down, and boom building. Only maybe have a red dot being on the ground before hand? Then the 'building' would look like: Builder builds red dot, drop pod comes, building finished building.

    Posted in: Data
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