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    posted a message on Possible/Not Possible quiz

    Hi guys,

    I am considering creating a mod for SC2. However, I am new to the editor and I have a hard time figuring out what is possible and what is not possible to do with it. I searched the forum but didn't get all my answers. This is critical for me in order to know whether or not I am starting this project. So here's a quiz for you about features I would like to implement : possible or not possible ?

    • Friendly fire: ranged units cannot shoot at the ennemy if there is a friendly unit inbetween them and the target.
    • Reversed fog of war: I would like to have fog of war deactivated by default (this part is possible) and structures and/or units having the ability to create fog of war. I found this thread related to this, but I can't tell if he eventually made it work and he won't answer to PM: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/triggers/22877-map-and-minimap-scrambler
    • Customized UI. Changing minimap position, displaying the production tab (like in the replays but ingame). I found this thread about moving the minimap but I can't tell if he eventually made it work and he won't answer to PM either: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/map-development/1850-moving-mini-map/
    • Different types of creep -> already know that it is impossible :(
    • Dynamic water/lava level -> already know it is possible :)
    • Shield regeneration in pilons power field
    • Others that may come in the future

    Thanks for helping me,

    PS: English is not my native language. Sorry about that.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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