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    posted a message on Moving persistent effect

    I might mess around with the markers, but don't worry, there can only be one unit of this type - and even if we consider having more of this at some point, this ability is too strong to effect the same unit multiple times in a short time window. (This is PvP, not PvE).

    The kills to caster thing doesn't work. Probably because it's an behavior and I still found no way how to apply an behavior to the missle with the launch effect.

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    posted a message on Moving persistent effect

    It works 100% like I posted it.

    I did some optimizations myself though. It's better to run the damage and apply immunity effect as a set as an initial effect on the persistent, because otherwise units that get sucked into the effect sometimes get the final effect before the initial effect and then take no damage.

    Of course this will make them immune to the force effect before it is applied, but that was no issue due to the fact that I wanted units to be sucked much longer into the ability than they take damage. So I gave the immunity behavior a periodic effect with 1 second period and only 1 period that applied ANOTHER immunity behavior, just for the apply force part. Now when they are hit, they are sucked into the ability, once they take damage (and they always do because the immunity and damage are on the same effect in the effect chain) they get immunity to the damage and after 1 second also immunity to the force effect. If they SOMEHOW manage to stay at the edge of the ability (the force effect search is bigger than the damage effect search) then they keep getting sucked into the ability until they take damage + 1 second. And all of this is working as I intended it to.

    I didn't mention the height effects, but of course I lift the units before pulling them around (simply for the visual effect - this is a "whirlwind/cyclone/tornado" ability after all). That was no problem - if someone reads this and wonders how to do them -> http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/9021-data-force-effects-intermediate-difficulty/

    But you are right Photoloss! I need the kills to be granted to the unit casting this ability - because it needs to get experience from the kills. Otherwise this would of course not work as intended.

    Now tell me - if I make the Launch Effect an "Apply Behavior"-Effect that applies the behavior which is casting the persistent effect on the missle - will it give the XP/Kills etc. to the casting unit or still to the missle?

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    posted a message on Moving persistent effect

    Well, like I said, it works already.

    What I did is: Ability -> "Persistent Effect" -> Periodic Effect ("Launch Missle") with Periodic Offset (0,-5,0); Period Count 1; Period Durations 0

    Missle Effect: Launch Location: "Persistent Effect" - Target Point; Impact Location: "Launch Missle" - Target Point

    Mover: I copied the Yamato Cannon (because that missle moves without any special stuff) and set minium and maximum movespeed to 2.0.

    This works 100% like I intend it to.

    What I am going to do now, is I will create a behavior which I put in the missle unit. This behavior will cast periodically a persistent effect (target = caster unit), which will cast a search effect initially which applies damage. So that everything around the missle will get damaged. Further I will add a periodic effect, with a very high count (20) and very short periodic durations (0.01) which casts an search effect with an apply force effect with amount = -1. This will drag all units into the missle after they got damaged (ingame it will look pretty much like it happened at the same time). At last I will add a final effect, which will also use a search effect and applies a behavior.

    Then I will add validators to the damage and apply force effects which checks for the behavior so that units are immune to this ability after they got affected by the persistent effect once.

    Any optimization? I don't like using markers because I don't understand them.

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    posted a message on Moving persistent effect

    Okay, what I tried first was:

    Ability -> Persistent Effect -> Initial Effect = Launch Missle.

    Launch Location: Persistent Effect - Target Point (this works) Impact Location: Persistent Effect - Source Point (then the effect travels TOWARDS the caster, but at least this works nicely)

    Now what I tried was a bit like what you suggest. I made the persistent effect create another persistent effect at (0,-5,0) (that's Y: -5,0 aka away from the caster) and set this new persistent effect as Impact Location, but this causes my missle to wander towards the bottom left corner of the map.

    I thought it might be because it's the initial effect and the periodic effect happens after the initial so maybe the missle doesn't know where to go, because the missle is created before the persistent effect. But changing the missle to Final Effect gives the same result.

    What you suggested didn't work, but a small change made it work:

    Imapct Location -> Missle Effect - Target Point

    No matter where you set the periodic offset the persistent effect will still be at the same location as the set - you need to use the periodic effect itself because that's the effect which is offset.

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    posted a message on Moving persistent effect

    And how can I make the missle move away from the caster? I am not sure it will move at all if I create it with a persistent effect, because it has no target.

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    posted a message on Moving persistent effect

    And how can I make the missle move at the speed I want?

    Also: I intended the ability to be castable at a range, and the effect should start at the target location and then move away from the caster. I am not sure you can do that with a missle.

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    posted a message on Moving persistent effect

    Okay, here is what I am trying to do:

    Ability: Effect - Target Range: 5

    A persistant effect, which travels away from the caster, deals damage and sucks units hit into the center of the effect.

    The damage shouldn't exceed a certain amount, but it would be great if it wouldn't be applied instantly either. The force effect should only pull a unit into the center once.

    Since force effects are useless without a persistent that repeatedly activates them, I think the best way is to give the unit a behavior when it gets hit, which lasts for a short time - enough time to do the maximum amount of damage I want and to pull it to the center of the persistent effect - and then apply another behavior (via final effect) which makes the unit immune.

    The question is though - how can I make a smoothly moving persistent effect? I think with small offsets (-Y) and small period durations it works, but that's still not very smooth, especially actor-wise.

    Maybe create an invisible unit and attach the persistent effect to it? I am out of ideas.

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    posted a message on (Solved) Set unit back in time

    Can anyone explain me how I can make it so this trigger is working in every case? Let's imagine the unit that should be set back in time is a standard-army unit and can be produced a lot.

    I would need to make the trigger run the function that saves the state at the event "Unit created" or "Unit enters region". As far as I know I need a global variable "unit type" that I can use, otherwise I can use this trigger only for preplaced units.

    So could anyone explain me step-by-step how I can do this?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Pathing changing ability and learn upgrades

    It doesn't matter that much, I made a different ability now - this is just too much trouble for what it's worth. The solution I would take if I had access to the map would be to make morph abilities on all buildings and make a behavior with a periodic effect that issues all nearby buildings to morph when the unit comes close.

    But like I said, I don't have access to the map.

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    posted a message on Pathing changing ability and learn upgrades

    Because the goal is to create 1x1 spaces, not to block something off entirely.

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    posted a message on Pathing changing ability and learn upgrades

    Removing the pathing footprint doesn't work, headbutting the wall is exactly what we want, but builders with the gather ability can walk through buildings that don't have a footprint when they gather.

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    posted a message on Pathing changing ability and learn upgrades

    What if the ability morphs the building into something else? E.g. a unit?

    What would I need to do so that after a certain duration it regains it's old state?

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    posted a message on Pathing changing ability and learn upgrades

    Cat and Mouse style game. Big scary Titan is 2x2, builders are 1x1. Walls (aka buildings) can be used to create 1x1 spots. There are natural 1x1 spots created by trees.

    You have to be unable to get through the 1x1 spots which the trees provide, but you have to somehow get through the artifical 1x1 spots the buildings create, e.g. by ignoring the building.

    I cannot change much about the units still into the game as it is not my map, but I usually add units to the game.

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    posted a message on Pathing changing ability and learn upgrades

    Well, okay, so Validators - like I thought, I think that will work, might just become a bit messy, I hoped there was a cleaner solution.

    As for the collision ability - it seems like it's not that easy. I messed around a bit and nothing really seems to work. Even if I remove ALL collision flags the unit refuses to automatically path through buildings (it will still behave like they are in the way). If you spam-click you can even walk up cliffs then >_<

    Any idea how to make that ability? I just want my unit to be able to path through buildings for about 1 second. So a small teleport would work too, the problem is that doodads and cliffs HAVE to stay unpassable. Imagine trees giving 1x1 spots but the unit has a bigger radius, so can't get through that spot. It should still be unable with that ability, but it should just walk through buildings.

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    posted a message on Pathing changing ability and learn upgrades

    Didn't think I would run into more problems but here we go:

    I want to make an ability which enables a unit to path through buildings for the duration.

    The other thing I have trouble with: Imagine a hero unit, with a learn-ability and several skills. One ability the hero can learn is a toggle-able behavior, pretty simple. That ability has three ranks. So far so good. I want him to be able to learn a different "ability" though, which improves the toggle-able ability passively. I know that upgrades can modify behaviors. How can I connect the learn ability with upgrades? Validators? Might be messy - anyone having a better idea?

    Edit: The pathing ability is only for a single unit to cast it on itself, so triggers that target all units of that type are allowed. I am thinking about duplicating the unit and disabling the buildings pathing checkbox on it and just make the ability a morph-ability.

    The important part is that the unit can move through buildings. It doesn't need to be able to path through units. It should in no case be able to path over cliffs or doodads.

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