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    posted a message on How do you add a death animation?

    Well I have been looking into the death animations for the specific models I used, which all have their own separate animations rather than built in ones.

    The three models I used were:

    • Tempest
    • Carrier
    • Phoenix

    I have tried creating actors for each of the death animations (as was done with the Carrier and the Zealot (trying to copy to see if I can get similar results)) but still at no avail.

    I guess 3 full animations together is a bit on the rough side. You said I could do two though... I can make that enough. I really just want some pieces flying and an explosion (a big one) to go with it. I don't care for other animations like fire death or acid animations; it can all be the same.

    Anyway, I did in fact create an actor for the death animation, set as a model to play the death animation (I chose the Tempest death animation as the base for the entire death animation). Upon trying to add the death actor under Combat: Custom Death + and under Combat: Death Actor Model, I still don't get any animation (just vanishes) when I test it. I'm clearly doing this wrong.

    Also, I was hoping for a more... Step by step type post. xD (Your's is good but because of my own stupidity, I need more. xD)

    Also, mind my stupidity with the editor lol. I'm still learning it and basically right now the only things I can do are create custom units (not weapons or abilities though, but this does include actors, models (except the death animation), sounds, textures, and all that other data stuff, including using the data editor to attach models to other models (which I have fallen in love with xD)) And just in case you're wondering, I have fully figured out how to copy current weapons and abilites and add them to my units WITHOUT the copies having ANY effect on the original abilities/weapons or the original units they go with. So yeah... I'm a big noob. xD I keep telling myself though that the only way I'm gonna get better is practice and plenty of reading and also spending time on these forums. :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do you add a death animation?

    Title pretty much says it all. I've been working on this custom capitol ship for fun but I'm having difficulties adding a death animation. I've spent hours buzzing through the data files, looking at how other units have it done, and google searching but to no avail.

    So how do you add a death animation? Also, is it possible to have more than one death animation play when the unit dies? I need 3 death animations because the main model is composed of 3 different models molded together (not done through triggers; done through data. :) ).

    Thanks ahead of time if you can help! :P

    Posted in: Data
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