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    posted a message on "Unallowed prepositioning"

    try look in unit properties flag "Ignore placement requirments". At terrain layer.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How share actor timer between behaviour ON-OFFevents?

    So I have 3 events which are used 3 different timers to repeat animation every 5 secs. I have 3 behaviours on which events are fires and timers are starts. Animation of all events is same. Problem is how to do animation play with same pause when any of these behaviours are on,even when 2 or more at the same time. I tryed set same timer for all actors and it's not helps. Now I set different timers for each behaviour, it's ok but not what I want exactly, as animation playing is stacks when 2 or more behaviours on. Any ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (solved)Sound of ability must play from point where effect applyed

    Ah, well I wasn`t able find it cuz I tryed find it in msg type "Behaviour", my ability applyes buff to target. When I change this to Apply effect I find this, thanks!

    P.S. Why I need change this from 2D to 3D, its already work. And how do it?)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (solved)Sound of ability must play from point where effect applyed

    At target term is which message type?

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    posted a message on (solved)Sound of ability must play from point where effect applyed

    I have ability with range 500. When I cast it on units standing far from caster sound not playing, but only when caster near target point. I want change executing sound from playing near caster to playing near target point(its buff and its applyed when targets over 0). Someone knows?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Stimpack Actor disappearing when applying behaviour, need help

    Ok, I find solution. Using this did it through timer, of couse I set my own duration of timer(for stimpack its >1sec):

    Behavior.x.On -> Create
    Behavior.x.On -> AnimPlay Birth Birth
    Behavior.x.On -> TimerSet Bomb 1.67
    TimerExpired -> (right click, Add Term) TimerName Bomb : AnimPlay Birth Birth
    TimerExpired -> TimerName Bomb : TimerSet Bomb 1.67
    Behavior.X.Off -> Destroy
    Behavior.X.Off -> TimerKill Bomb

    as someone describe there http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/data/16368-sfx-with-buff-continuous-actors-model-problems/

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    posted a message on Stimpack Actor disappearing when applying behaviour, need help

    Can write exactly what I must do, I pretty poor in Actors, and wiki info on events also not much more...

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    posted a message on button display resource cost

    Button - Tooltip flags?

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    posted a message on Enemies using abilities

    Yes I had fun set enemy AI cast debuffs only on targets which not have it. AI used Blind debuff which set unit vision to 0 such effective so I removed it xD

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    posted a message on [Solved] Passing a target to Effect - Instant

    Try use Set. First part is Search Area as Evil said, missile on impact apply dummy behaviour with duration 10secs. Second effect in Set of Caster apply behaviour on Caster with duration of few seconds(5-6 I guess) and release missiles with every period to targets with dummy behaviour validator.

    Effect also can be with validator to prevent dummy cast. This is how I would try if will be on your place.

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    posted a message on Stimpack Actor disappearing when applying behaviour, need help

    I tryed this...

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    posted a message on Stimpack Actor disappearing when applying behaviour, need help

    Tryed already, or I something missed but its not work

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    posted a message on Stimpack Actor disappearing when applying behaviour, need help

    I want use stimpack Impact actor attached overhead unit with custom behaviour. Problem with actor, it disappear after animation finished for one cycle. I tryed use defensive matrix actor and it applying on it all time behaviour is ON. But this one strucks me.

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    posted a message on I give up with dialog labels ^)

    hm. Thank you alot^^

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on I give up with dialog labels ^)

    I making Leadearboard based on dialog labels. I did it before separately for each player for FFA mode in another map and it work perfect.

    At first I done:

            ------- LeaderBoard
            Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (500, 250) at (40, 40) relative to Top Right of screen
            Variable - Set LeaderBoard = (Last created dialog)
            Dialog - Create a Panel for dialog LeaderBoard
            Dialog - Move (Last created dialog item) to (0, 0) relative to Top Left of dialog for (All players)
            Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) size to (500, 250) for (All players)
            Variable - Set LeaderBoard Panel = (Last created dialog item)
            Dialog - Show LeaderBoard for (All players)

    Then another trigger:

            Timer - Every 1.0 seconds of Game Time
        Local Variables
            ------- Players names
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    (Status of player (Player 1 from Team Red)) == Playing
                    Dialog - Create a label for dialog LeaderBoard team 1 with the dimensions (100, 50) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (50, 50) with the text (Name of player (Player 1 from Team Red)) color set to Automatic text writeout set to False with a writeout duration of 2.0
                    Dialog - Create a label for dialog LeaderBoard team 1 with the dimensions (50, 50) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (250, 50) with the text (Text(Number of Kills[(Player 1 from Team Red)])) color set to Automatic text writeout set to False with a writeout duration of 2.0
                    Dialog - Create a label for dialog LeaderBoard team 1 with the dimensions (50, 50) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (300, 50) with the text (Text(Number of Deaths[(Player 1 from Team Red)])) color set to Automatic text writeout set to False with a writeout duration of 2.0
                    General - Switch (Actions) depending on Status label index team 1[(Player 1 from (Players on team 1))]
                            General - If (1)
                                    Dialog - Create a label for dialog LeaderBoard team 1 with the dimensions (200, 50) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (350, 50) with the text {Dead((Text(Respawn time[(Player 1 from Team Red)])))} color set to Automatic text writeout set to False with a writeout duration of 2.0
                            General - If (2)
                                    Dialog - Create a label for dialog LeaderBoard team 1 with the dimensions (200, 50) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (350, 50) with the text "Lost" color set to Automatic text writeout set to False with a writeout duration of 2.0
                            Dialog - Create a label for dialog LeaderBoard team 1 with the dimensions (200, 50) anchored to Top Left with an offset of (350, 50) with the text "Alive" color set to Automatic text writeout set to False with a writeout duration of 2.0
            General - Wait 1.0 Game Time seconds
            Dialog - Destroy all items for LeaderBoard team

    This one update current state for player 1 of team 1 with delay 1 sec. I stalemated with this when copy trigger for team 2:

    Labels for player 1 of second team created in same coordinates as for player 1 of team 1. This is pretty unfortunately for me. Of couse I set another Y coordinates for offset

    More mystic moment next: I did 2 separate dialogs with offset:

            ------- LeaderBoard
            Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (500, 250) at (40, 40) relative to Top Right of screen
            Variable - Set LeaderBoard team 1 = (Last created dialog)
            Dialog - Create a Panel for dialog LeaderBoard team 1
            Dialog - Move (Last created dialog item) to (0, 0) relative to Top Left of dialog for (All players)
            Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) size to (500, 250) for (All players)
            Variable - Set LeaderBoard Panel team 1 = (Last created dialog item)
            Dialog - Show LeaderBoard team 1 for (All players)
            Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (500, 250) at (40, 290) relative to Top Right of screen
            Variable - Set LeaderBoard team 2 = (Last created dialog)
            Dialog - Create a Panel for dialog LeaderBoard team 1
            Dialog - Move (Last created dialog item) to (0, 0) relative to Top Left of dialog for (All players)
            Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) size to (500, 250) for (All players)
            Variable - Set LeaderBoard Panel team 2 = (Last created dialog item)
            Dialog - Show LeaderBoard team 1 for (All players)
            Dialog - Show LeaderBoard team 2 for (All players)

    Trying make label for player 1 of team 2 at dialog 2 - no effect. Labels for player 5 created at place of player 1(i.e. on dialog 1). Anyone can help?

    Posted in: Triggers
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