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    posted a message on How to disable the default gain-resource texttag?

    This is a necro, but I need to know as well, and this was never answered.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on NineSlice border textures

    @Bommes: Go

    Nine-slice images don't use separate images.

    Given a single image, using it as nine-slice will make the corners not scale at all, make the sides (left, right, top, bottom) scale in their given direction (vertically, horizontally), and make the center scale in both directions.

    I'm not entirely sure the dimensions of each sector but it could be that each is simply a ninth of the image, in a 3x3 grid.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on HotS Hero Models

    @TyaStarcraft: Go

    I'm SURE they won't want us to use any paid models in Starcraft 2. But what about free models? Even that is a question, IMO.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on HotS Hero Models

    @TyaStarcraft: Go

    Are these available in the editor now???

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Going from XML -> Dialog Actions/Functions

    @SuPa_Link: Go

    There is an action for getting an inner dialog item by name. Just look for it in the library browser.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Going from XML -> Dialog Actions/Functions

    @SuPa_Link: Go

    You've created the layout for something but haven't actually put it into the standard game interface anywhere.

    You can either put it into the standard interface by adding it to UIContainer or some descendant in the GameUI layout, or you can use the trigger actions "Create Dialog Item From Template" or "Create Dialog Item In Panel From Template" to create it in a dialog or a panel using the template you made there.

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Why is there not as many "sims" maps?

    @Charysmatic: Go

    Personally I wouldn't want to make one for what I see as a lack of good assets and also the difficulty of implementing any kind of terrain customizability.

    As far as terran assets go (probably would be most popular for a sim) there are a fair number of korhal skyscrapers etc. but they don't have any build/death models so making it look like they were building up or getting destroyed would be a pain in the butt. The terran melee buildings have those assets but look totally different and don't really look suited for a sim IMO, except maybe as some sort of resource/commerce building.

    And as far as customizing terrain goes, it's very limited. I'm sure there are plenty of people on here who will tell you that a large number of things are possible for it but implementing them is a pain is also a pain in the butt.

    The engine just wasn't built to naturally support such a game.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Customizing the buttons on the command cards?

    @sunyatasattva: Go

    Something similar like displaying number of available charges or the like? It would be helpful to know exactly what you're trying to do.

    In any case, it becomes more complicated from there. It seems like what you want depends not just on the button but also the ability on the button. That may or may not be possible depending on a number of things.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Array Shenanigans

    @JademusSreg: Go

    You lost me at FuckPoo.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Convert Galaxy code to GUI?

    @Chris97Ong: Go

    Now why on earth would you want to convert real code to that hideous GUI?

    Anywho, you can't.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Changing unit skin by triggers

    @penguinwars: Go

    You can change the texture of an actor using actor events/action (set texture by declaration). It can be quite complicated to do as you have to actually look at the information on the model itself. I suggest you look for a tutorial on how to do that.

    Once you have the texture prepared to go on the unit, you can make it happen via trigger by sending the unit's main actor a message to declare the texture.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Changing unit skin by triggers

    @penguinwars: Go

    You need to define what you mean by skin better. Do you mean a change in texture or a different model?

    If you want the change to apply not just to existing units but also any new units as they are created you'll need to use upgrades.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Lock UI

    @Hockleberry: Go

    In the editor, look at the toolbar at the very top, and go to Map -> Game Variants. Select the tab Player Attributes.

    Select each player in the list one at a time and check the box for each of the non-Terran races, so that Terran is the only one unchecked. This will make it so that they can only play the game as a Terran player, and thus will have the Terran UI.

    One thing to note: for some reason these player attributes don't affect you when testing the document, so when you test it you will still end up on any of the races. However, when you publish the game and try it online, you'll see that you can only be Terran.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Simple Custom UI Qestion

    @Duke1623: Go

    Everything there is totally doable - though I'm not sure what the "Build" section is.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating abilities with Triggers to support it?

    @Vicboy: Go

    Every step of the way that you replace data with triggers, you are introducing delay. I used to think that the delay was just 0.0625 seconds, but it's probably more and depends on the connections of every player in the game.

    Every time you introduce delay, you make your game feel less responsive, and add the potential for unanticipated bugs to occur during that delay.

    Posted in: General Chat
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