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    posted a message on Ranking System based on Kills

    @Mugen245: Go

    For what?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on access to custom image

    @Dzuke911: Go

    You could try Hookup Standard Dialog Item.

    The path you would use would be "UIContainer/ConsolePanel/BlackBackground1", the type would be image.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Star Karts

    I suppose if you're somebody who doesn't understand GalaxyScript, but wants to use the map, just post here and I will add some GUI action definitions for the more important functions.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Star Karts

    Hey all,

    I have a map that I am looking to give to anybody interested that might see themselves developing it or at least learning from it.

    It's Mario Kart inspired - hellions as the karts. I was planning to make numerous courses and add powerups, but I'm too busy to continue working on it now. What I did finish is the control scheme for the karts - WASD, with PROPER backwards driving, turning, and backwards turning. It does suffer from the battlenet delay, though.

    The controls are all done via galaxyscript, so you might want to know at least a little about it if you plan on using the map. The "proper" backwards driving as I call it is done via a somewhat complicated method - the hellion model is actually an attachment to an invisible unit, and rotators are used when appropriate to rotate the hellion model separate of the actual facing angle of the unit.

    Also, I'm sorry to say I did take the Arcade name Star Karts, so if you liked that you'll have to think of something else. ^_^

    I'm attaching the file here, so please, take it and use it as you please.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Automatic Scrolling Textbox

    Hmmm... My first attempts to make a working custom list box template have failed. Hoping somebody else knows how to do this. I will probably try again later.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Automatic Scrolling Textbox

    @Ownag3666: Go

    I myself am actually working on something similar, so I'll post a demonstration sometime tonight.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on MSG From Blizzard.

    @fishy77: Go

    You misunderstand me. The question isn't how many people bought Starcraft for the Arcade (and therefore how much it earned). The Arcade is presently going nowhere because it no longer earns Blizzard any money and they hardly support it. It may even be the case that this little bit of communication is little more than PR designed to keep us happy until we move on to the next Blizzard game. I'm not saying that's the case, it's just a possibility.

    What I would prefer is for Blizzard to start looking at the Arcade from a business point of view and actually take it somewhere. If I was Blizzard I would be saying "what is the Arcade going to earn me now? Sell a few more copies of Legacy of the Void (at best)? Why support it?". The solution is, in my opinion, to allow map-makers to sell their games, such that Blizzard actually has a reason to support the Arcade.

    The bit about making it a separate platform was more of a long-term idea. After Legacy of the Void is released, the Arcade will eventually die out, because it will be on a game that is no longer supported and eventually replaced by something new. If, at that point, they made the Arcade a separate platform with access to a wider range of Blizzard assets... Well, it would be quite profitable, I think. They would want to develop and support it. And the platform itself could be free... They would just take a cut of all sales.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on MSG From Blizzard.

    @fishy77: Go

    I didn't suggest in-game microtransactions, just being able to sell the game itself, and perhaps assets for use in making games.

    And I don't agree that it's off-topic because Blizzard's message refers to long-term plans for the Arcade but doesn't actually provide them... Furthermore, I think the release of the marketplace (which was already "promised" by Blizzard in the first place) would be a major improvement of the current Arcade system.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on MSG From Blizzard.

    @lemmy734: Go

    To say that mappers could make money from it is not to say that they would have to. While my vision of an Arcade would support paid versions of games, people would still be able to release free games... And they could be browsed for according to paid/free as well. Besides, I think you're underestimating the age of most Starcraft 2 gamers. Most are in their late teens or early 20s, I believe.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on MSG From Blizzard.

    What kind of confuses me is their statement that they have long-term goals for the Arcade that they want feedback on. They don't actually describe those goals at all in the message.

    I mean, let's think about this: the Arcade is essentially a side-feature from which they make no additional revenue. It might sell a few more copies, but how much, really? It can't be selling that many HotS copies, as essentially none of the most popular games have upgraded to HotS.

    So what can their plan be for a feature that doesn't make them any money? They will never truly support the Arcade under those conditions. If you ask me, the response should not be these little requests like more terrain levels/tiles and server side storage, but rather for them to finally create this marketplace that they have talked about in the past.

    If mappers can make money from the Arcade, they will put more time into doing so. If Blizzard can make money from the Arcade, they will put more time into doing so. And it also inspires some more long-term goals... After Legacy of the Void they could contemplate making the Arcade a separate platform with access to resources from more of their IP.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Automatic Scrolling Textbox

    @Ownag3666: Go

    List boxes are the only way to have scroll-wheel functionality. You don't have to use the built in version, though. Create your own list box template in the UI module, with an empty frame inside it. Use triggers to create an instance of this list box template, then hookup the inner frame and use create in panel to add contents.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Command Card Question

    @XLIIVI: Go

    You can use behaviors that enable/disable the abilities, or you can use requirements that check which weapon is active to disable the respective ability.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hide Experience bar

    @Dzuke911: Go

    It might not be an element that you can hide. Try moving it offscreen instead. Something like move to bottom with a y offset of -200. If that doesn't work, I don't know.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on MSG From Blizzard.

    @Zolden: Go

    Seems to me like your second feature there could be done in a less round-about way. If you're asking them to make it a feature, make it a feature! Two/more camera screens would be AMAZING.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on MSG From Blizzard.

    @ObsceneCereal: Go

    I don't agree.. Star Battle has an achievement system and I think it was quite well received. Some people only play Starcraft for a specific Arcade game and would really value such a system. Others can still enjoy it as well.

    Posted in: General Chat
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