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    posted a message on Ui depending on player

    @Softcloner: Go

    It's not possible to use different layout files for different players.

    You can, however, achieve a similar effect - by using the trigger action Hookup Standard Dialog Item to get the interface elements as dialog items, and then manipulating them by other dialog item actions.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on [AoS] Rush of the Avatars

    @xxxNEARBYxxx: Go

    The bots and the boss I could forgive, but I think you are way overplaying the difficulty of making heroes. You should have made at least 10 heroes before release.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [AoS] Rush of the Avatars
    Quote from xxxNEARBYxxx: Go

    Anyway creeps role is in fast exp/gold. My bad I didn't give a good description cus mechanics is on heroes, not on creeps. Towers also ez mode... 1-2 heroes with 5/10/15 levels. Quote:

    There's a lot of problems

    Which others?

    It doesn't matter why you made them so weak, they're still so weak that you can't push the base towers. The tower kills the creeps too quickly and regenerates all its shields every wave.

    Your bots do push the towers down anyways because they're so dumb that they just run directly to the first tower and suicide on it without creeps. This also makes it confusing because you'll be pushing a lane and all of a sudden a bunch of enemy bots are behind you because they've run directly to a tower behind you.

    The items have terrible stats. The more expensive items frequently have worse stats than some of the cheaper items. The item with the most Runic Power is one of the cheaper items - something like 550 gold or so. Many items have stats that just don't belong together - like Runic Power and Lifesteal. Runic Power increases your spell damage whereas Lifesteal benefits from weapon damage. The fact that there are no recipes means you have to just throw away cheaper items sometimes.

    Also, one of the biggest problems is simply that there are only four heroes. This makes it really boring! You see the same stuff over and over and over again.

    Another big problem - your boss creeps don't fight back! The big glowing enemies in the boss spawns. They just sit there and die.

    You should have prioritized making a decent number of heroes and items with good stats over something like bots and custom models.

    All that being said, I give you props for one thing above all else: your terrain. It's very pretty, albeit dark.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [AoS] Rush of the Avatars

    @xxxNEARBYxxx: Go

    Well, they're both initially too weak, and the upgrades are too weak, because they were just way too weak through the entire game.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on [AoS] Rush of the Avatars

    @xxxNEARBYxxx: Go

    There's a lot of problems with it, but the main problem is:

    The creeps are too weak, they die in just one or two attacks from any hero. This can make it really hard to push because the towers kill them so quickly and have shields that regenerate so quickly. It's also especially difficult for melee heroes to push because the towers will attack the melee heroes before creeps often.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Behavior period altering

    @TheLostAzn: Go

    You have two options: create multiple such behaviors, one for each rate that you want, and use validators to disable all but one of them at a time depending on these other effects and behaviors that you want to alter the rate.

    Or, create an upgrade that modifies the period of the behavior, and use triggers to modify the level of that upgrade based on these other effects and behaviors that you want to alter the rate.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Missile w/ Source Offset

    @hobbidude: Go

    That's kind of unfortunate. What if I was trying to launch from more like eight offsets? There'd be no easy way to do it, huh?

    For this though, I can just use those launch offsets. Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Missile w/ Source Offset

    Hey all,

    I'm working on an ability where the caster launches two missiles from either side of himself, offset by 1.5 units and -1.5 units in the X direction. I can't quite get it to work, though.

    I know I need to use a persistent effect to create the offsets, but I can't quite figure out how to use these offsets as the source point of the missile launch.

    Anybody know how to do it?

    Thanks, Wrath

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Constant mouse location?

    @Drunkenseagull: Go

    If your idea is to have a trigger that "constantly offsets the cursor point", then why not just have a trigger that constantly records the cursor point?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Can't edit BehaviorBar at all

    @Ahli634: Go

    It may not seem right intuitively, but I assure you that it works. That snippet is from the AoS layout file.

    Edit: Obviously with the path compressed.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Rotate unit forward

    @Shieldnutzz: Go

    I don't know if that's possible to do to a unit actor.

    Another way of going about it, though, would be to give the unit an invisible model, and attach a separate model actor to the unit actor. Then that model actor can be rotated with whatever explicit rotation you want.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Can't seem to reveal an area of 120

    I know this is a necro, but I am having this same issue now. I am trying to reveal a circular region of radius 60, and yet it only reveals one of radius around 32. I've tried Reveal Area, creating a Revealer as a variable, and using both preset regions and regions created around points. None of it fixes the issue.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [AoS] Rush of the Avatars

    @xxxNEARBYxxx: Go

    I can certainly appreciate the value of that. I do think it would be best if you had at least 5 heroes before release, though - so everybody could pick a unique hero on their team, if they so desired.

    Are those fully functioning bots?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on [AoS] Rush of the Avatars

    After watching the video again, it seems like you only have four heroes. Is that the case?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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