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    posted a message on Suggestion for all mapmakers sc1 art remake

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    I agree it would be hard... really hard but if they could copy a few of the best games from sc1 and mayby change a thing here or there if they wanted they would have made the best maps in sc2 and probably advance mapmaking to a new lvl in sc2 at the same time

    sorry didn't really know much about the sprite thing ( know nothing about mapmaking )

    and to the lag thing i'm not sure your probably right though I wonder if theres something blizzard could do to solve this like a map pack for COD just instead of maps put in the sc1 style and stuff for use in custom games that way I think it would reduce lag. (though im not sure if blizzard can do that.) but if they did would just show how cool they really are.

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    posted a message on Suggestion for all mapmakers sc1 art remake

    lost my sc1 disc :( and around the time I lost it a lot less people were playing custom games as well. and the reasoning for this even if it didnt cause less lag you can still emulate the games and take there aspects and do many cool things with it.

    even if it doesn't reduce lag I just want to emulate the balance like how the units are clumped together and things to the smallest detail so if changing the graphics doesn't doesnt reduce lag then the mapmakers can just keep the sc2 units but try and change to fit into how the game works in sc1 ( though it would be cool to have lurkers and sc1 units the custom game lurkers in sc2 don't look to great :/ ) o ya and vultures are way better than hellions and everyone knows spidermines are the coolest unit in the game.

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    posted a message on Suggestion for all mapmakers sc1 art remake

    so i'm not sure if this is entirely possible to do but i'll give the suggestion anyway

    So I think a lot of people will agree that sc1 has a lot of cool sc1 games that are balanced and with the low graphics as lag free as can be so what i'm wondering if it is possible to recreate the graphics and how the AI works and all the aspects of sc1 for the sole purpose of recreating the maps and units graphics sc1

    so want a want to know is if you mapmakers can recreate sc1

    Graphics for maps
    Graphics for units which would enable to make lurkers, defilers

    and some aspects like you could burrow units on top of each other in sc1 where you can't in sc2 and how clumped the units are

    Ok you guys might be wondering why I ask if you can do this the fact is it would be beneficial I believe in many ways including the following

    the graphics would probably be a lot less laggy than using the regular sc2 graphics and you would be able to recreate the balanced custom games from sc1 many really fun

    So what I ask if you can make the recreation of all the starcraft1 game into sc2 and if you can then take this like literally copy and paste the sc1 games into sc2 ( probably wouldn't be that easy ) but just remaking everything to the dots on the map to what the units and how much hp they have the whole thing.

    Posted in: General Chat
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