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    posted a message on The Forest Project

    I'm in the very early stages of creating a fantasy mod for sc2. It's basically gonna be the same game, I'm just changing all the models of the 3 races, maybe switch a few numbers or abilities here and there. Protoss is gonna become a Chaos/Undead type army. Not sure about Terran yet, propably some kind of human/dwarven army.

    My idea for the Zerg however, is what this thread is for. I want to turn them into a forest army, including tree men, wood elves, dryads, centaurs, bears, foxes, fairies and what not. The creep needs to be replaced with leaves/forest ground, if that's possible. Overlords => clouds (rain instead of creep poop). Tumor-pooping queens turn into seed-planting tree men.

    Other ideas: Zergling => Wolf or Boar; Hydra => Wood Elf Ranger; Ultra => Giant Bear; Muta => Eagle-Riding Wood Elf Archer; Larva => Wisp; Drone => Fairy or Gnome

    I am planning to wait for the SC2 Model Editor to come out (I understand it's supposed to come out with HotS?) so the lack of existing models shouldn't be a limiting factor. I'm not good at 3D Modeling yet but I am in no hurry, I know this might take me several years ;) What I need from you guys is more ideas for this army and/or ideas for existing models that could act as placeholders for now. Also, if anyone could tell me if the idea with the forest ground instead of creep is realistic and/or how to implement it, that would be great. Thanks!

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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