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    posted a message on Marauder tower

    Im trying to create a marauder tower, but it doesnt shoot. I just duplicated the marauder actor and weapon, linked everything else, removed the 'movable' flag and added 'footprint 1x1 doodad' to the unit. If i remove the footprint it engages targets as it should, but if the footprint is on, it doesnt do anything.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Turret not facing target

    @nevjmac: Go

    No, i havnt done anything with the actors. Im pretty new to the editor. Can you explain how i would do that? And thx for the help :)

    If its relevant, i used the spire->greater spire morph for the upgrade.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Turret not facing target

    In a map im working on i have an auto-turret which can be upgraded into a perditions turret. The problem is the perditions turret wont face its target. Strangely enough it works if i just place the perditions turret on the ground, but not if its upgraded (morphed) from the auto-turret. Hope someone can explain what im doing wrong.

    Posted in: Data
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