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    posted a message on Dia Blo - Mortal Shroud
    Quote from Alevice: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    I tried to play this the other night with a friend, and as soon as the map loaded we got disconected. Is it multiplayer friendly?

    Yes, it is for 1 to 4 players.
    Did you try it again? Editors closed? Tried it with a fresh sc2 start (-> restart sc2)?

    @yukaboy: Go It would be possible. Since I disallowed usage of spawnpoints within a pathing distance around the heroes, that seems reasonable to limit this below 40.
    I will tinker with that because it seems reasonable. I will use 34-2*playercount for now.
    Respawns numbers are:
    playercount - respawncount
    1 - 40
    2 - 67
    3 - 80
    4 - 88
    xp, health, goldamount, itemdropchances are modified, too. If a person leaves the game, the settings will be adjusted to the new player amount (respawns are lowered correctly, too).
    With the exception of dungeon doodads, the loot/enemyLife output should be potentially equal for every player.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on colliding with nothing


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dia Blo - Mortal Shroud

    @yukaboy: Go They will attack if an enemy is attacked next to them (alerting radius: 2).
    The vision itself is enough to make them attack because of weapon scan range, else they never notice you.

    I could add a behavior that periodically scans for enemies within a given range and check if they are within a max pathing distance (behavior -> periodic search effect -> validator with pathing distance). So they would be able to see around corners (sucks 2), but they won't be able to notice you through room walls.
    I would limit the sight range to 1 and the weapon scan distance, too.

    I don't understand what you mean with the 40 monsters per room. It would be to crowded, every room would be crowded. Monsters would block each other. Then AoE attacks would be everything left in the game or I had to nerf them to death because you would always hit multiple monsters.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Dia Blo - Mortal Shroud

    @LongLivetheTalDarim: Go There are 3 classes atm: Warrior, Rogue, Sorcerer. I plan to add more, but there is much more stuff to do before I can even think about adding more.

    @Bommes: Go What would be a cost efficient way for vision simulation? What would be a good way to make monsters to not run straight lines to your position?
    I've never made an actual AI in my life, so I only know the basic stuff. Basically everything I know about sc2 mapmaking, I've learned while creating this map.

    A few things are already happening, but there is plenty of room for improvements:

    -All Fallen One types have a chance to flee for a short time, if one of their brethren dies (data only).
    -There are enemy archers existing that shot arrows like a hero (if they have a line of sight [= no walls in a straight path between the target and the enemy]).
    -The guardian spell searches for enemies around it itself which it has a line of sight to.
    -Melee monsters that are attacked by ranged attacks move to the attacker (despite of seeing them), ranged ones try to escape the fire.
    -The golem spell has some "AI" to stay in range with your hero. But I wouldn't consider that a real AI.

    general settings of monster behavior atm:
    -sight range: 5 for melee, 7 for ranged
    -they will chase the enemy until they lose vision, so they won't stop because you ran to far (game setting)
    -the alerting radius has been reduced from 4 to 2 (game setting).
    -respawning monsters can wander around freely, first placed monsters have a boundary of 10 to their spawn location.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Dia Blo - Mortal Shroud
    Quote from grenegg: Go

    And I never heard of this why?

    Because I'm from staredit.net and EU and I didn't make a project page here and I didn't ask here for help, if I had problems.
    The key to all information is my signature since a couple of months.

    Quote from FuzzYD: Go

    Amazing work with the customized look. Hats off to you :)


    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Dia Blo - Mortal Shroud
    Quote from yukaboy: Go

    Just played it again. Combat...sorry to say...isnt very good. Is it possible to make it better somehow? I end up running all over my enemies getting crushed. And sometiems I dont attack when I target an enemy.

    Just learned it auto saves hero...that's a great feature! If only runling run had that!

    Town needs perfecting...

    Enemies constantly spawn...I dont like this...Id rather be safe knowing Ive killed everything...

    Good job!

    you run more than you attack:
    - use shift which makes you attack into a direction
    That's a typical mistake. Did you disable tips or did you miss both tips about that important button (controls tip at start in town and right before entering the cathedral)?

    I already tried it with a help overlay screen at start, but people couldn't even read the first line to find out that that screen could be toggled with 'H'. So I can't just smash the info into their faces. With tip usage, I can slowly throw them at you and hope that you notice AND read them.

    Town needs perfecting?
    -ok, if you mean that you pick up every item you buy, that's a mistake in some recent changes. I already fixed that on EU.
    - else, please clarify what needs improvement. I can't read your mind, sorry. ;)

    Monster respawns:
    I added these to lower the monster count per level to an amount that won't result in 40 monsters straight running into you.
    The main problem of that was that all monsters belong to a player and share vision rather than having individual vision.
    So I either lower the monster population and add respawns or I trigger sight vision of every monster itself (-> massive computing -> terrible performance) or let the players be overrun by more than 50% of the dungeon's monsters at once.
    I had the latter scenario in the beginning which always resulted in death after entering next level.

    If I lower the sight radius, monsters won't stream into your room from the rooms on the other side of the walls, but they won't even notice you and a Rogue can roflstomp each monster one by one.

    At first there will be 40 monsters per level all the time until a fixed amount of monsters respawned. For 1 player it is 40 that respawn. After that only 8 monsters remain as the minimum population per level.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Dia Blo - Mortal Shroud
    Quote from yukaboy: Go

    I don't. I tried it out last night and it was fine. Btw, I was wondering if ctrl clicking an item auto sold it when speaking to a merchant.

    No, it doesn't. But I could add it.

    Quote from LinkD: Go

    The game crashes and I get this error immediatly upon map startup (on US):

    ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005) occurred at 0023:009457AE. The memory at '0x00000008' could not be read.

    Does anyone else error?

    Is your editor running? My sc2 is crashing, if my editor is running and I try to play my published map. If not, can you try to clear your map cache ("C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II\Maps\Cache") and try it again?

    Multiple people seem to be able to start it without crashing. The map can randomly crash because the exported WoW models aren't fully supported (they have random errors). If you crash, report it. Blizzard already fixed a devastating after map crash already (it used to crash at every map loading attemp after the user played my map without restarting sc2 afterwards). Also their Application needs to become more robust regarding user imported map data.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Dia Blo - Mortal Shroud

    it should be on US now.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Tonight on Sc2Streamster: Mapcraft with Freespace!

    You got Freespace, nice! ;D
    Also, when does that guy with the commercial rts campaign come (I forgot the name of that project)?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Dia Blo - Mortal Shroud

    I see what you did there. ;D
    Also, you might have showed off a few more spells.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Denmark

    Google translator can translate most stuff.
    Else you can use other online dictionaries.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Revived!] Map Night

    I won't attend the map night tomorrow, but you will be able to play a demo version of my diablo map during the evening, if you want.
    I will publish it public after an interview tomorrow.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Does adding mod (blizzard ones) dependencies make the map file size bigger?

    Keep in mind that if you publish a protected map, your trigger file (for gui triggers) size can be ignored.
    You can check out the size of stuff in your map in the overview module (except the imported files, you can check them in the import module).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Script load failed: execution took too long

    @Bibendus: Go

    The trigger size that you can see in the editor is the GUI trigger file which will be deleted, if you publish the map as a locked map. The real trigger size is the MapScript.galaxy file in the map's mpq.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on what programs i need to download detect dds and m3 files with link please

    Isn't there something like "save linked content", if you right click the link? The problem is that your browser attemps to open and display these files and "fails".

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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