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    posted a message on Submenu's not showing up for SCV's

    In the command card the new barracks button says undefined. I made it reference the build ability and linked it with constucting the new barracks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Submenu's not showing up for SCV's

    You need at least 1 visible button on that page to have the button to show the command card page.
    I fixed your experienced barracks building settings in the command card of the SCV and everything shows up correctly.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on unit's model variation

    Could you prove that it exists or how it is used?
    I can't find it either.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Kingdom of Strife [turn based, medieval RTS]

    awesome models :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Smoke attached to a unit

    I guess that the smoke that you can see consists out of particles and I think we can't move particles around.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Photon Cannon AI help?

    I just tested and it works.
    I guess the AI doesn't have vision of the units. Therefore it can't attack the units.

    Also, I'm not sure which sense it makes to be able to shot at "hidden" units.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Photon Cannon AI help?

    Tried raising the min scan range?

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    posted a message on is it possible to use sc1 models in multiplayer?

    Why should it be impossible?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Make units not clump up!

    It's in the advanced category list of the data editor. Gameplay data or game data or something like that should be the name.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Make units not clump up!

    @Kabelkorven: Go

    Quote from zorbotron: Go

    You can also increase formation sizes somewhere in Gameplay Data

    Gameplay Data -> Mixed Formation Diameter
    (name might be different, I'm using the raw data as my source for the English name as I use a localized editor)

    Air units have their own formation diameter.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Spawning waves like in Sotis/Dota

    Spawns ever x seconds:
    - use a timer and spawn units when the timer runs out, give them orders and save the checkpoint ID within the unit's custom value

    Ordering for checkpoints:
    - use a regions for each checkpoint
    - use a custom value to track the next checkpoint destination (checkpoint ID)
    - order units based on their checkpoint ID within their custom value
    - if a unit enters a checkpoint region, set a new checkpoint ID and order them [if you have multiple paths using the same checkpoint ID you might want to add a path ID as a second custom value]
    - if a unit starts being idle, order it to attack the checkpoint based on the ID saved in its custom value (-> so units will go to their checkpoint after being immobilized or lose their order because of blocked paths)

    As you can see it can be pretty complex to do that easy task properly.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Make units not clump up!
    Quote from Kabelkorven: Go

    But if I for example add twice the radius to a Zealot, when thay are clumped up, a siege tank still splash damages the same number of zealots as if they had low radius. They just look to be standing far apart each other, but in actual gameplay, area effect have effetcs have the same effect on them as if they would stand close to each other.

    How can I change that? O_o

    Reduce the splash size of the siege tank. Yes, that's a silly answer to what you really want to accomplish, but that was an answer to your question.

    Your problem (SCBW vs SC2):
    - SCBW units blocked each other while units were moving -> units didn't clump. They walked in a chain as they tried to move around the unit that was in front of them (if they had to change direction because the path finding was terrible compared to current games, but awesome at its time).
    [there are other blocking sources like the weapon range scan timing (unit walks to far), strange paths like walking in a "v" form to reach the target point, delays in pathfinding while moving around other units (unit stands thare for 2 seconds before moving sidewards)]
    - SC2 units don't block each other while units were moving -> units walk in clumps. If units block each other due to actions (-> attack) they intelligently move around each other and even move in circles around the target to find a free spot. There are no delays because a unit is in the way of another unit.
    - SC2 has 255 units as selection limit. -> you can move your whole army within the magic box to clump them.
    - SCBW has 12 units as selection limit. -> clumping all of your units is harder because each group has their own magic box.

    The result:
    - Moving the army as a big ball is the default behavior for armies in sc2 because grouping and ordering is easy.
    - Due to selection problems, you naturally split your units in scbw and together with the blocking pathing you have a few lines running around (if you order them far enough).

    The magic box and formation range:

    Both games have a "magic box" which allows units to stay in a formation pattern. If you click inside the box, the units will clump. If you click outside the box the units will move in a formation to their position inside a formation box.
    The "magic box" is defined by a rectangle around all the selected units. The formation area is defined within the data editor and has a fixed value.
    This is what Zobotron refers to.
    It's a value that controls when all ordered units will decide to move to the target point and ignore their position inside the magic box. If you set that value to 0, the units will always clump as they all will always walk to the target point.
    If you set it to a very high value, every unit you select will always stay in formation regardless, if it is on the other site of the map
    (EXAMPLE: your army is south east and that one unit is at south west; you click to attack north east and the unit in south east will attack north west because it stays in formation).
    -> So if you raise that value to high, you might lose control over the units as you want all units attack the target area.
    -> If you lower that value to low, your units tend to always ignore their formation, so they all move towards the target point instead of a point around the target point defined by their own position.

    SCBW had the same system. If some units are to far away from the group, all units will move towards the target point and try to cluster there. Else they move to a point within the target area based on their formation.

    @DrSuperEvil: Go


    The movement seperation radius does not effect ground units. As TheAlmaity stated it controls the spreading of air units when they idle.

    Inner radius only effects how close you can walk to buildings. This radius is max the unit's radius, so bigger numbers have no effect.

    The unit's radius defines the borders of the unit. This is how much space it requires on the map to move and interact with other units.


    Your problem is that units don't block each other because of the improved pathfinding.
    (A good side effect is that units can push other units, so moving a ghost out of your bio ball is super easy and fast).

    Currently there is no good way to f*ck up the pathing of units to make them more retarded (-> scbw dragoon) or to make them block each other while moving/turning or block them longer while other units perform actions (-> scbw's marines attacking a building).

    Raising the unit's radius will make them visually spread out much more. But they can be hit with that radius and fire from the edge of the radius, too. Also splash damage and search effects can hit in a bigger area, if the flags are set up for that. Else they will mostly hit less units because the units raised in their size. Melee units might look stupid (-> visual distance between units), if you only raise their radius and not their actors scale.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Make units not clump up!

    - Raise units' radius.
    - Lower units' weapon ranges.
    - Do not use 1 big group to order units.
    - Tinker with footprints that the units create every now and then to block the pathfinding through the area they stand on.
    - Create a trigger that orders units to a formation at the destination point, so the units won't have the same target point for their command.
    - Uninstall SC2 game engine.
    - Define SC2's clumping.
    - Define your problem in a way that it can be solved better instead of solving it with the general solution of modifying the game engine (especially pathfinding algorithms) which we can't.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Order Unit - Not working

    Click on the green "(". It lets you chose which type of command you want to give.
    It's indeed hard to see, if you don't know it. I missed it at first, too.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on add units to unit group problem.

    Use the trigger action that adds a unit group to another unit group. Then chose "last created units".

    Posted in: Triggers
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