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    posted a message on Some Galaxy Discoveries

    @Deaod: Go Would each the 3 points raise the script limit ingame because you won't fill the memory with code that you don't need?

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Angry Pro Editors

    I've noticed how each type of feedback makes me act differently, but I think that my mindset is rational.

    Feedback and effects on the mapmaker:

    • map lovers
      -> you start to work more on the map, you tackle systems that you delayed over and over, but which were nessecary [motivation]
      -> try to find out what they believe to be the weak aspects in your map. Map lovers are motivated enough to think about systems and will listen to you argumentations.
    • map haters
      -> try to find out why they hate the map (I had one that complained because my diablo map isn't like one starcraft broodwar diablo2 map). If they can't provide useful info, ignore them as they tend to not cooperate and only try to destroy your motivation. Try to ignore them as there are always haters which can't state their problems with the map.
    • bug reports
      -> Check them, try to understand them and try to fix them or give the reporters some info about what they should do the next time that problem appears like taking a screenshot, trying to remember their last item interaction, leave game and copy the bank file, etc [-> bug fixes]
    • constructive feedback
      -> leads to discussions and new perspectives about the game. The mapmaker needs to argue which direction he likes most and why. Discussions can make the map better.
    • feedback without real content, just their feeling ("it's ok, it's good")
      -> try to convince the people to think about what could be improved or which systems could be problematic, etc...
    Quote from Zolden: Go

    @ProzaicMuze: Go

    Hey, I totally disagree :)

    I totally agree with Zolden. :D
    You just need to accept that everything in your map can be improved (at least in theory) and nothing is perfect. Nobody does everything right at first try.
    Also, these people don't try to hurt you, if they criticize some aspects of your map. They try to help you and that's a good thing.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Actor/Effect Issue.

    Create the actor on the search effect or whatever effect you are running directly at impact (could be a persistent effect, too).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Bank Facts
    Quote from Hookah604: Go

    -The maximum size of bank you can open/load is about 8kb (=8000 character) (+/-0.5kb). This includes all the banks with different name in the map. But doesnt effected by how much player opens it. If the game started with only 1 player than you can open any size of bank. Otherwise bank's keys gets replaced with other bank's keys or other player's bank's keys.

    So if you have 4 players in a map, you could only load 2kb/player without problems?

    Very useful list.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on check for items in invent

    Items are units. All items in a unit's inventory form a unit group. Get that group from your hero, iterate through it and search for that items and count them.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on testing custom campaign maps HELP!!

    Tried disabling all initialization triggers to test if the triggers cause this?

    You can accidentally play the credits with hide game UI actions. Maybe something similar is causing your problem.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on SC2 - Y u no be warcraft?!

    @SheogorathSC: Go

    I think with the cliff elevation footprint you could add the vision effect, too. But I didn't test if that works. That flag has been added with some recent patch and footprint editor works now, too.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Auto blink / infested terran

    Tried changing the target in the order effect to unit/point or point?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on A very strange bug please help me..

    Screenshot the settings of one of these units please. ;D

    - check the collision of the units.
    - check the mover of these units. Should be "Ground"
    - check your painted pathing on the map (terrain editor).
    - check if you modified the ground mover

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on PiMP MY FOOTMAN

    Best casual gameplay map I've seen, yet. :)
    I like it.

    Go ahead and add AI support to boost pages.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Asteroids movement updated

    We can still make singleplayer maps distributed outside of battle.net.
    So if you make a WASD game, use offline singleplayer as a backup plan for your map.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Misc] Text Styles (75% done)

    @MaNtEc0r: Go Write your own text style in a ".sc2style" file, import it, add it to the list in game UI data, use it.
    Use search to find info how to do that. You can add new fonts, too.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on add % to Hp and damage.

    I'm to lazy for an example right now, but I write something anyway.

    First you need to save the amount of active players in a variable. Active players is a player group. That's the count of your players.

    You can use upgrades, catalog for the bonus. That's the way with the best performance, but just adding a buff to every unit of a player shouldn't eat up many FPS.
    -> So you should add a buff to every unit of player 15 which is created (event: enters region which would be "whole map"). The buff can adjust the damage and the health. You could adjust the health with triggers, too.

    I would use 4 buffs and update them (delete old, apply new), if a player leaves the game (event).

    @ricklypop: Go Executing code every 0.1 seconds is terrible.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Fields of Glory [Medieval Conversion]

    Great to see that your team is working on that map again. :)
    Need to observe your forum again in future. :D

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on r/sc2mods (subreddit)

    I can't see the thing that I posted.
    I'm new to reddit. So is there something that I need to do to make it visible or something like that?
    I can't even find it with search.

    Posted in: General Chat
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