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    posted a message on What is wrong with this trigger?

    The variable needs to be a global variable (= variable where the trigger names are [LEFT SIDE]).

    Local variables are within the trigger and functions and aren't saved between trigger starts.

    With a global variable to track the kill count, your code will work as intended. ;)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit click to move (Diablo 2 style)

    Impossible with data, afaIk.

    You will need triggers to order units to use the mouse position and order the unit to the mouse position.

    For ordering the unit to another point, while holding the mouse button, you need to start a trigger that contains a loop that orders the unit to the position with a special offset whenever the mouse button was pressed down. This offset should be the difference of the hero to the mouse point and be updated whenever the mouse has been moved.
    This is the system's base I created for my map.

    At least I only used triggers, variables, orders in my map. If there is another way, feel free to use it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ever wondered about your career choise?

    I'm studying information systems and I slightly dislike it. It's too theoretical in my opinion, but I guess that's because I'm a mapper. I've a need to create something and not just learn something in theory without any application just to get a good mark in the exam.
    The only real application I've have atm is my project seminar and it's awesome. Programming a plugin for a big tool which will never leave university, but it's kind of fun to create something big even if the start is difficult because documentation wasn't great (but at least something was there), never used visual studio before, never programmed in c# before (actually it's my favorite now).

    For my future, I think it's not bad that I'm educated in economics, programming and information systems.
    I wonder where I will end up because my marks @ university are more bad than good. :S But at least my degree is coming closer and I studied at the best university for my discipline in my country.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Hey guys, uh.. got a new map.

    It might be named "The Battle of Agria: All Bets Are Off"
    Here is a link to the map (I guess): http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/allbetsareoff/

    Quote from LongLivetheTalDarim: Go


    -Lowered prices on most units.

    -No Stimpacks

    -Everything has been added for all 3 races: Scouts, Goliaths and Lurkers to name some.

    -Immortal has been replaced with the Dragoon (model credit to UltiDrgn)

    -Hyperion model (from the cutscenes) is huge. It replaces the Battlecruiser because the regular BC wasn't big enough (model credit to UltiDrgn).

    -Selendis actor and portrait replaces the Carrier's actor and portrait.

    -Infested Marines are created from the Infestation Pit.

    -Ultralisk has the Deep Tunnel ability that works like the Stalker's Blink, due to his slow speed and his innate behavior of getting stuck.

    -NO YAMATO CANNON! Oh my. This is a big flub-up on my part. When I swapped dependencies, the Yamato Cannon has been disabled.

    Have fun and let me know if you experience any problems.

    I posted this because you didn't include any details about the map's name, features why the map is cool and what it is about, where to find it (page, battle.net gateway, map title).
    Now you could add screenshots and/or a youtube video advertising your map because visual media is a great advertising tool and stops people from instantly going back to the page where they found the link on.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on HOTS and the New Staredit/Data Editor

    I wouldn't hope for a much more user friendly editor.
    I guess that they will improve the actor events dialog and add much more tooltips explaining fields.
    The data editor isn't that hard to use after you understood which fields are needed for what. Then you can do already implement most abilities.

    It's unlikely that there will be a fundamental change. Better documentation and more examples will help us to learn more (-> Blizzard Dota, hots campaign).
    The max I would expect would be a small dialog based wizard to create a basic unit types like a Stalker (projectile shooting), Marine (non projectile), a building and Archon (beam attack).

    Don't expect that everything becomes super easy. The editor was made pretty reasonable and is therefore very powerful.
    If they make it easier, people would start to complain about the lack of stuff they can do. I'm already at a level where I could demand for more complexity in the editor (better water usage [not: huge squares], terrain texture changes per trigger, minimap changes for players [add fog, remove the unit images, range display on direct ability's button mouseover like LoL], cliff change per trigger, more cliff levels).

    There was no info about HotS after Blizzcon, as far as I know.
    You should be able to find info about it using the search. Also there was one episode of mapcraft where Mozared and Alamighty took a detailed look at everything that was shown on Blizzcon including doodads like bridges and cannons, cliffs.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Moving replay progress bar

    Tried setting the relative to something higher?
    You can use relative="$parent/$parent" if I remember correctly. I think you can attach frames to every other frame with that.

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Killboard bank for players.. not units.

    Try to learn how you save and load values from that tutorial. Ignore what you are saving there. Just imagine you are saving integer variable A and load the integer into your variable at map start.

    I've my own tutorial map which was useful for others, too.
    I've just included the detection of first time players.
    It contains a function that copies everything except stored units from 1 bank to another.
    Have fun with it.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on How to apply imported textures?

    If the textures have the correct name which you can see in the model previewer under materials of your imported model
    -> if the path is special like ("mytextures\marinetexture.dds"): Try to move the textures to the path that you can read
    -> if there is no path, you can move the textures to "Assets\Textures\" with the correct filename.
    -> you can move the textures to the root of your map, too. For example, this works for exported WoW models.

    Notice that in most cases imported models are blue in the editor because the editor didn't load the new textures. They will be loaded after editor restart.
    But they should have their texture ingame, thought.
    If they have a bluish texture, only the texture is incorrect. If they are invisible, black, different, the model hasn't been correctly exported (I don't know what is wrong then in detail...).

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Custom loading screens

    other dds conversion programs:
    - paint.net is pretty good, if you only want to convert images to dds.
    - Gimp needs a plugin and makes mistakes during conversion, but is more powerful than paint.net.

    Posted in: Terrain
  • 0

    posted a message on Issuing orders to newly created units

    1. Add a variable inside the trigger. At top you can see the field "local Variables". RIght click there and add one OR select it and press ctrl + w.
    2. Make the variable store the type "unit".

    3. use the trigger action under variables which allows you to set variables
    4. set the variable after creating the firebat to "last created unit".

    5. Add order action.
    6. Change order type to the correct one with target point in the name.
    7. chose unit (-> use your unit variable), the command (maybe move or attack) and the target point (point or center of region, etc)

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Issuing orders to newly created units

    Save the firebat reference in a local unit variable.
    Then order the unit in that variable to move to target point after your drop landed (-> after the drop pod action).
    You need to change the order type in the order action. You need to click the green "(" for that and chose the correct order type.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on (Request for help) A female ghost with black hair

    I'm to lazy to open the editor and check that ressource, so I provide a backup solution:

    "texture select by ID" usage on the nova model for a texture change is your solution because you only need to apply a new texture to some units.
    There are some tutorials for that around here. Just use the search to find them.

    Ok, I try to avoid going to bed, so I write it in a nutshell:
    You would need to extract nova's diffuse texture out of the mpqs and edit it and import it to your map, add a texture with slot "main.diffuse" and path to the texture, add texture declarations to nova's model entry with the name that can be found under materials in the previewer when the nova model is loaded in the previewer (slot is "main", prefix is "WhateverStandsInNova'sMaterailsInPreviewerBeforeThe_" and the trigger is "_WhaterverStandsInNova'sMaterialsInPreviewerAfterThe_") [please include the _ in both things, at least I do that and it works ;D].
    You need to add an actor event that selects the texture by ID to the custom diffuse texture on actor creation.

    I think you can do this to the portrait, too, somehow, but I've never done that.

    Posted in: Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on (Solved) Hydralisk Muscular Augments

    "Hydralisk Muscular Augments" is an Upgrade from Starcraft Broodwar.
    It raises the movement speed of Hydralisks.

    To make all Hydralisks having that upgrade all the time, just raise the movement speed of hydralisks in the units tab.

    To have it as an Upgrade researchable in a building, you need to create an icon, a requirement to check that the upgrade hasn't been researched, the upgrade that adds something to the movement speed of Hydralisks.

    Else, clarify what you are asking for.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on SC2Layout Tutorial ideas or requests
    Quote from NarcoticNite: Go@Enexy: Go Anchors? Sorry I'm not familiar with specific terms.
    Anchor is the thing where your frame is sticked to. Just like dialogs and dialog items have anchors. Anchors tell you where your frame's offsets start.
    An example how you can change anchors is already in the thread:
    Quote from 332588 »
    <Frame type='Image' name='GameUI/UIContainer/ConsolePanel/PortraitPanel/Background' file='GameUI'>
    	<Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="-180"/>
    	<Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="-80"/>
    	<Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="-50"/>
    	<Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
    Enexy already gave you the frame you need.\\ I didn't check this, but without specifications where you want to have your message box, nobody will be able to provide code that you only need to copy and paste.\\ So, check these things out and try to learn from them.\\ You can also check Blizzard's custom map forums as they have a small example there. I will even give you a code snippet from my work where you can see how you "delete" anchors.\\ <<code>> <Frame type="MinimapPanel" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/MinimapPanel" template="MinimapPanel/MinimapPanelTemplate" file="GameUI"> <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="76"/> <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="-27"/> <Anchor side="Left" relative="$this" pos="Min" offset="0"/> <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$this" pos="Max" offset="0"/> </Frame> edit:
    seems like quote and code tags don't like each other...
    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on PiMP MY FOOTMAN

    The supply upgrade needs to be cheaper.
    It's really easy to remax your army within seconds.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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