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    posted a message on My nose is bleeding...


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    posted a message on n/a

    Players can't really influence their player number, so I wouldn't make the map dependent on that.

    In theory, you should be able to ignore the player number and only use it to reference the bank in the bank array.

    Like BlacKcuD said, banks are separated from each other.

    Best usage is, preload the banks, then open all of them and store them into an array with the player number as the key for the array.

    Then you read the values out of the bank array "Banks[player]" with a section "stats" and the keys "WinAmount" and "LossAmount".

    If you save a bank, the game already knows on which player's hard disk the bank has to be saved.

    As BlacKcuD said, it's impossible to store other players' banks on your computer without writing code that copies all entries into another bank.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog button right-click/shift-click

    Right click equals left click on dialogs.

    Detect pressing shift down and up with 2 triggers which set a global variable (boolean & array) for the player.
    Then check the state of the boolean when the dialog button is clicked.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Re-check all triggers?

    You can get units within a region as a unit group.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger help please!

    1. Create a global variable with a timer where the triggers are listed.

    2. Create that trigger that sets the timer and creates a timer window and makes it visible for all players.

    3. Create a trigger that triggers, whenever the timer runs out and then spawn stuff.

    In SC2, you can have multiple timers and you can move the timer UI around. That's the main difference to SCBW in this case where you only had 1 timer with its UI visible for all players on 1 specific spot on the screen.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hiding Game UI causes black screen?

    Make sure you are not hiding the game UI multiple times for a player.

    Hide Game UI is capable of showing the credits as a big surprise for most mappers. I don't know if they changed that behavior already.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on how to create a unit through actor events?

    Actor events can't create new fully working units.

    You need to create a new unit via effects or you just use triggers to create a new unit and hide the old one.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to change range for spider mine following enemy units?

    Spidermine needs vision of the target -> raise the sight range of unburrowed spidermine from 4 to whatever you need.

    The game's radius for automatic following is 21. You can alter that value in the game settings, but the changes apply to every unit ingame.

    So, if you want to let it follow the unit forever without altering all units, you might need to use an ability that casts itself, if a targetable enemy is near. Its effect should be that the spidermine is ordered to attack the target unit.

    Then it has a real command and tries to fulfill it until the enemy is out of vision or the path is blocked or the target unit died. You might need to alter that, too.

    I'm not sure what the automatic cast of the burrow ability does. It doesn't make sense in my head atm. :S

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Non-square image in a dialog

    Or you make a lot of pictures for all states you want to show and always use the fitting image.

    There is no good solution because images are always squares.

    Your chart might need to be a little bit abstract. Creating the details to display 1% changes would be a lot of work.

    I would implement 13 states of the pie chart (like hours of a clock including filled/empty), if I would need to use such a display option.

    @Edicitsep: Go Fuzzy's idea is using a square image that has transparent stuff around.
    It would be like a slice representing 1 hour on a clock then.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Silly Question Involving Water

    As long as you don't enable the reflections in the water, they shouldn't lag that much.
    The easiest way to find it out is to test it...

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on (Solved) hero shortcut image

    @Rice87: Go Uhm, the file is no .dds image file. :S

    I hope this works. Follow the instructions in the readme:

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) hero shortcut image

    @Rice87: Go You need to browse to the directory where you saved the image, then uncheck everything, then check the image and press ok.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) hero shortcut image

    The problem is a missing file on Blizzard's end. That solid blueish color is the color applied, when textures are missing.
    The problem is that the Zerg UI is missing its hero button frame border file.

    This should be able to fix it:

    Click on "click me", then click on the last image attached to the post (image with 2 squares), save the file on your computer and import it to your map (-> import module), move them to the path "Assets/Textures/", save the map.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Cannon fires (existing) ability

    Follow the path from the weapon over the effects to the effects you want.

    For your task you would need to set the impact effect of the projectile to the psi storm's starting effect which should be a "create persistent" effect.

    If you are shooting projectiles, you need an actor with the type action which contains the projectiles starting and end effect to perform actions like finding attachment points from where it is launched and where it visually will hit the enemy.

    You might want to create an effect set containing the photon cannons damage and the psi storm effect as the projectile's hit effect to deal direct damage to the target and cast the psi-storm in addition to that.

    Posted in: Data
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