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    posted a message on Resetting Parent?

    Switch to xml view and delete the data objects which you don't need.
    That should get rid of the remaining custom names.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on alpha evolution chamber files in data

    I would consider that "alpha".
    In the beta, the evolution chamber was already final as seen .

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Tinted chat message
    UI - Display ((Text (Combine ((Name of player (Triggering player)), " - ", (Name of (Unit type of (Triggering unit))), " has used the right teleport and is...")) with color (Color((Current player (Triggering player) color)))) + "... the other text which is white....." for (All players) to Subtitle area

    There is an action that can color text with the color. The non-colored text is outside of that function...

    Maybe this helps more to see the structure:

    Text Message
        Message: Combine Text
            Text 1: Text With Color
                Text: Combine Text Multiple
                    Text <Text+>
                        Text: Name Of Player
                            Player: Triggering Player
                        Text: " - "
                        Text: Name Of Unit Type
                            Unit Type: Unit Type Of Unit
                                Unit: Triggering Unit
                        Text: " has used the right teleport and is..."
                Color: Convert Player Color To Color
                    Player Color: Player Color
                        Option: Current
                        Player: Triggering Player
            Text 2: "... the other text which is white....."
        Players: All Players
        Message Area: Subtitle
    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Add Text to Health Bar

    Text tags would be possible, too.
    They can contain text and images, too.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Variable Armor

    Easy solution: You could trigger the damage. But if you have tons of units fighting this way, it can cause performance problems. If you only have a few, it's ok.

    More difficult solution: If you need to do it with data, it might be possible with buff's damage response somehow. Or maybe you can integrate that into the damage effects, somehow (different damage effect applied with different angle).

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on 101 Guide to Player Handles

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    Except that there is the limit of ~ 8.5kb that will screw with the banks in multiplayer and render them useless (incomplete data or you aren't able to load it always safely).

    Also, lol @ wc3 system. Typing in a code is a terrible way because you need to invest into false codes and rely on players typing in their codes.

    I already feel the bank system is limited because of the arbitrary limit of ~ 8.5 kb which can safely be uploaded in multiplayer without corrupting the cache data. But maybe I'm just relying to much on saving a massive amounts of data. ;)

    But there are already some cool statistics possible and being done like the leaderboard showing a highscore of all players you ever played with and the people they played with up to that game.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Catapult attack?

    @Kabelkorven: Go

    The actor has a launch attachment query.
    You can edit these attach patterns or create new ones.
    You can even define an attachment point (which the unit should have).
    Use the previewer to check the available attachment points on the unit out.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Path Of Exile Beta Key Giveaway

    Just don't play softcore league.
    If you die, you are thrown into softcore, so just start in hardcore league. :)

    I got my key from Zany at first beta day. :)

    @Nardival: Go If I had know that you need a key I would have given you my friend invite that I just threw into SEN a few days ago.
    But I guess it has been used by now.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with Making a Pylon Model=Mineral Pylon

    Changing Model -> Actors
    Make sure that you edit the actor event that switches the model on ultra settings, too.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Zealot sounds through fog

    I can hear default Zealot combat sounds through the fog.

    I've more than 60 Zealots in an area on the map. These belong to player 13 and 14 which fight against each other.
    You, player 1, have no vision of that area, but you can hear some sounds.

    This map was a real map once, but I reverted/deleted everything to find the cause of the problem, but I failed.
    There are no data module changes left in the map.

    Map file:

    Feel free to tinker with it and try to solve the problem.

    I would like to fix the problem, but I don't know why this is happening. Maybe you guys know more or got an idea...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Bank not working on B.net

    1. Preload doesn't work with variables as stated in its description.

    2. The first loop is irritating because you are looping over the players and use your own timer instead.
    This will fail, if player 2 is missing because then you try to load player2, but the next player would be player3 which results in skipping players...).

    3. You can use an "action definition" with the player as a parameter instead. It's a much cleaner and simpler way than using a global variable to pass an integer value around.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on (solved) Editor crashes when viewing an imported DDS pic?

    @JakeCake26: Go "paint.net" can edit those images and has no errors unlike gimp's dds plugin which sometimes creates some squares. You just need to install the dds plugin to paint.net (= extract into the correct subfolder).

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on The egg mc muffin of...

    the commercial:

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on StarCraft I working on Win7 64-bit?

    I think, yes, because there exists a color fix for 64 bit windows versions, too.

    Please read my comment in this link to learn what you can do to improve Starcraft and it's battle.net for Windows 7/Vista:

    Blizzard screwed up their Support article with the color issue because they are linking the registry fix for wc2. -.-

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (solved) Editor crashes when viewing an imported DDS pic?

    The dds files need to have sides of multiples of 4!
    So 120, 124, 128, ... but not 121, 122, 123, ...

    Else it can crash either directly on importing (bad x dimension) or when trieing to view it in the editor per previewer window (bad y dimension).

    This happened to me 2 days ago after importing a few of Blizzard's assets after rotating them (because rotate dialog item inherits a problem that you cannot work around [-> ignores dialog borders]).

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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