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    posted a message on Map visibility set to none? how?

    map -> map options -> black mask?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Reload Time?

    Period is the time between 2 attacks (which is modified by the min and max delay).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (Solved) 2 Buttons 1 Spot

    You can use triggers to show/hide them.
    You can use requirements in data to control under which circumstance they should appear (as far as requirements can check information, so not directly with a mineral amount, etc...).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Zoomed Camera, resolution & camera boundaries

    ^ 1024x768

    ^ 1920x1080

    Is there a way that makes the screen with 16:9 to be able to scroll far enough to see the same area as the 4:3 ration?

    In both pictures the screen is centered on the hero.

    My settings (modified default camera)

    CCamera_BorderSizeX	0
    CCamera_BorderSizeY	0
    CCamera_TargetSmooth_SmoothTimeMax	0.100000
    CCamera_TargetSmooth_SmoothTimeMin	0.100000
    CCamera_TargetSmooth_VelocityMax	222222224.000000
    CCamera_ZoomTable_Param_Value	((0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|21.111111|56.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000)|(0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|30.000000|52.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000)|(0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|26.000000|48.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000)|(0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|22.000000|44.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000)|(0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|18.000000|40.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000))

    Basically I set the distance from 34 to 21.111111.

    Can I adjust how much space the camera takes up or do I need to adjust all camera boundaries and shift everything in my map more far away of the edges of the map?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Gui and Code - Copy Paste tons of triggers etc..?

    @ slow trigger changes in GUI problem
    1. duplicate the function
    2. Go into the duplicate. Chose a part of the code you want to edit like first 33% of the trigger, delete the rest of the code.
    3. do your changes
    4. delete that part of the code in the original function, place your changed code into the old function.
    5. Cut out the next chunk of code, paste it in the other function and change it, cut and paste it back into the original. Repeat that until you changed all code.
    6. delete the duplicate function

    I know how it is to use long functions. :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Zombie defence development

    Script limit of 3.3mb?
    Ignore the trigger size in the overview window as it doesn't give you a clue how much stuff in your MapScript.galaxy file is and how much memory need to be allocated for all variables.
    This is mine from some time ago:
    Do you think the map is unplayable because of the trigger size?

    The uncompressed size of the Mapscript.galaxy file within the map is a better indicator. DarkRevenant found out that it's limit is around 2mb uncompressed.
    Allocating a ton of variables reduces the available amount, too, I think.
    So you are better of testing the limit by copying all your functions and check if the last function can still run or if it has been removed from the map (which is the effect of having to big script file in the map as far as I know).

    Oh and, my map still works with these values, so I guess you got plenty of space left.
    If you have 10 billion dialogs in your map, you might need to check, if you can't make them more modular by reusing variables for dialogs that shouldn't be allowed to pop up at the same time ever, etc...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on unit selection circle, when unit isnt selected

    Use this.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on making a projectile hurt when unit is in the path of it

    Buff which executes a periodic search effect which applies a damage effect on all properly filtered out targets.

    1. create a damage effect, set an amount

    2. create a search area effect, add an area, set the radius, set the effect to the damage effect, set the filters to ignore some kinds of units like invincible, dead, items, hidden, stasis, buildings

    3. create a buff behavior, give it a period and set the periodic effect to the search area.

    4. add the buff behavior to the projectile's behaviors in the unit tab.

    -> Every [period] units found by the search effect after [filtering] the units in the area of [radius] around the unit with the buff receive the damage effect applied dealing [amount] of damage.

    edit: oh yeah splash damage instead of search+damage works, too, like DrSuperEvil said below this post.
    You can basically do everything you want it to do. You could give the found units a buff that slows them for a second, etc...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Trigger][GUI] Keeping your code clean and organised. (Beginner Difficulty)

    Very good writeup and well done, DarlD and FockeWulf. :)
    I didn't know about the folder's icon. I wondered about these a lot already.

    But I think one good thing is missing which you didn't apply in your screenshot:

    - Disable the default value in action definitions, if you want the user to see what the parameter's name is. That's great if you have a function/action definition that uses multiple integers, so you can easily identify which parameter slot had which meaning instead of seeing "MyActionDefinition(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)".
    Default values are really only useful for fields that you won't use with a value different from the default value very often.

    - If you some things are special in your function/action definition like having a boolean with the following meaning: true -> team A, false -> team B, you can use the hint text to make this information visible, if someone uses your function. Then the user won't have to look it up or guess it.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Mouse/Key Input Delay

    The delay of 2 * ping is the delay you got from your connection's latency and the used architecture for the game. It's running synchronous while shooters run on a local data basis to display your mouse movement effects instead of waiting for the server to tell you where your mouse pointer is pointing at.

    Starcraft 2 runs synchronized, so all players are at the same state of the game all the time and if one guy lags the complete game is delayed.
    That's reasonable to use in strategy games.
    This, obviously, doesn't work for very well for shooters, which makes it's impossible to make a shooter based on precision with that delay as long as you can't use the local, expected position of the enemy and until you get the verified server data.
    Basically the whole architecture would need to be reprogrammed to make that work afaIk as seen in pretty much every shooter.

    Sadly, SC2 limits these trigger inputs which is noticeable with the mouse moved event. Offline it's awesome and fast, online it's jumping because it updates only a few times per second. For example, if you play my diablo map, you will notice that your character doesn't run smoothly in a circle, if you move your mouse in a circle in battle.net. It's very smooth offline.
    I don't know how much other inputs are delayed or limited, but I think key inputs are as fast as abilities in tests from what I've heard.

    I can't tell anything about the mouse -> camera stuff every shooter uses, but I guess it might be delayed, too.

    I also think that battle.net simulates a minimal ping of 125 ms or something like that like it did in SCBW.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hide dialog for specific player?

    You can form a player to a playergroup, if that is your problem...

    Else, how do you determine who the specified player is?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Save Data to Access Unlockable Features

    The answer is: Banks.

    To help people understand how to use banks correctly in games, check out my attachment in that post:

    Also, check out the bank facts which seem to be true atm. It also contains to a tutorial with banks:

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on disable cancelation of queued units

    I would like to show the training queue to the player, but I want them not to be able to cancel units within the queue.

    I'm using a queue (1) with a requirement that is basically "Never" [1 equals 0].
    So it theory it shouldn't be able to be used.

    BUT I'm able to cancel it via clicking the image in the production queue.

    How I will use it in my grand plan:
    Make Nexus train a probe which can't be canceled (because it's part of a workaround to make an allied building train units for a player per interact because of error: "can't spend other player's resources").

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adjusting Life Armor through triggers

    Use "LifeArmor".

    working code directly out of my map:

        catalog: c_gameCatalogUnit
        entry: entryID
        fieldPath: "LifeArmor"
        player: p
        value: FixedToString
            val: ArithmeticReal
                val1: value
                op: +
                val2: StringToFixed
                    val: CatalogFieldValueGet
                        entry: entryID
                        fieldPath: "LifeArmor"
                        catalog: c_gameCatalogUnit
                        player: p
            prec: 4
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Werid bug on every cliff face

    ctrl + t

    Posted in: Terrain
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