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    posted a message on Let's read StarCraft II Custom Game Acceptable Use Policy

    The only thing I struggle with is the corporation names in credits of a map. =/ I would find it wrong to not mention them as I've recreated their crafting items in my map (which kind of originated in Diablo Hellfire with oils).

    Their recreation rule means that you aren't allowed to recreate Hearthstone, project titan, Blizzard AllStars nor HotS or LotV in SC2, but you are allowed to use and recreate stuff from their other games.

    The thing with donations is that it shouldn't be used to hide sales. A donation is something where you don't expect anything in return. If you expect something in return, it's selling/buying.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Best way to reduce game speed in HoTS?

    There are things that are changed via global time scale only... Global time scale changes everything except for the structures... So, you might want to look into a trigger solution that fixes the amount of life a structure receives per tick when it is build. At least that is the solution I would go for.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on 2.0.10 (Undocumented) Editor Changes
    Quote from Mille25: Go

    @zeldarules28: Go

    I agree that it kinda sucks, but I guess Blizzard tried to remove the small performance overhead which existed prior to 2.0.10 by using the new for loop implementation (The old one was really odd), and I personally hope they dont go back.

    I don't think they should go back. Just informing us that they change something that can create bugs in future would have been nice. That's what I did after having that change verified by zeldarules28.
    Don't forget that old maps that aren't updated, won't be affected by that change as they still use the old loop's implementation in galaxy. But it's an improvement for new loops. There is just the bug-creating transition phase when the map is ported to the new patch.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How to make a trigger work in a MOD-file?
    Quote from Kabelkorven: Go

    Btw, if I need to add a trigger to each map anyway, canĀ“t I just add the trigger immediately to each map? (No need to add it in the MOD-file at all)

    It's not possible to copy paste everything related to triggers from one map to another. Also, it's more time consuming and with the new "use newest version" checkbox for dependencies, you won't ever need to update your maps, only your mod.

    Regarding the mod... I've tested it and I've no idea. :o

    That mod's triggers create the galaxy code that initializes the triggers... other mods don't.

    When I copy paste the triggers, it's adding the initialization code, too... I'm a bit confused. :D

    edit: I've no idea why it's loading that... :X

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Best way to reduce game speed in HoTS?

    Global time scale has a problem with the health of constructed buildings, so it can't be used, if your map has structures that are constructed. (THe health uses the default time.)

    However, the cheat "speed #" seems to work fine. Luckily we can use cheats in a map using the console command trigger action:

            Game - Run console command: "speed 1" (Enable defaults, Enable macros)

    1 would be normal game speed. 1.4 would be faster (despite of people stating things on other sites, faster is 1.4 times the normal time and not 1.38 or 1.39 or something [tested with ingame timers counting game time and real time]).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make a trigger work in a MOD-file?
    Quote from Kabelkorven: Go

    Ok, hmm. I will apply the MOD file to a couple of maps. Would be easy if the trigger was only in the MOD-file, so I do not have to add triggers at all to each map.

    Is it not possible to add another kind of event so everything is "kept in the MOD-file"?

    You add a reference within the map's triggers to the mod's triggers to each map and it will use the mod's triggers.
    You should be able to just copy paste that trigger between the maps.

    Here is what it looks like:

    The action definition "Register Mod in Map" is empty. I've used a new, empty one for the referencing purpose to not accidentally delete it because that would make all maps not work anymore (I assume).

    Then the init trigger in the mod will be executed as the mod's code is added to the map when played.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to make a trigger work in a MOD-file?

    Also, you can just disable the trigger that you put in the map. The trigger editor only needs to have one reference to add the whole mod's trigger code to the map and that reference doesn't need to be in the code that the map has.

    -> Make one trigger in your map that references something from the mod. Then disable your new trigger via "ctrl + i", so it won't appear in the final map. => Editor acknowledges the connection to the mod's triggers and adds them to the map.

    (It doesn't really make 100% sense, but that's how it is working...)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to change the production tab?

    Give us the map or a smaller example map where that problem is occurring (-> copy paste the elements belonging to the vulture).

    General advice for this kind of problem:
    Try to revert the vulture to the default vulture again to see, if this problem was caused by user data or Blizzard's Vulture settings.
    If the default Vulture doesn't have that problem, then revert your vulture step by step to find the data element causing this issue.

    If the default vulture has that problem, you could drop that piece of knowledge here and we could start to research that problem from there.

    You didn't get an answer because nobody experienced & solved this kind of problem before. So, normally you need to give us something to work with or you figure it out yourself and post the solution. ^^

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on 2.0.10 (Undocumented) Editor Changes

    "For each integer/real" seems to work different now. After finishing the iteration, the variable won't end with the end value that you set in that function.

    For example, the following code ends with A being set to 10.0 after the loop:

            General - For each real A from 0.0 to 9.0 with increment 1.0, do (Actions)

    Due to the way sc2 translates GUI to mapscript's galaxy code, maps can only be bugged when you update them. So, if you update your map, you might be adding bugs to it without knowledge...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Current status of map/bank security

    Nothing has changed. Banks are still saved on the user's computer and cached maps can still be opened.

    Blizzard's signature algorithm has been figured out and programs can resign banks already. So, signatures only stop the normal edits via notepad.

    Currently, the best way to protect your bank, is to make it more difficult to properly edit it. For example, you can save has values in your map and the hash value that you generate with the saved data needs to be identical to a hash value that you store. Then, the cheaters need to do more than resigning the bank.

    Mafia protects itself via active Moderators playing the game and player handle bans (which can be spoofed afaIk... but I've read it only once quite a while ago).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 2.0.10 (Undocumented) Editor Changes
    Quote from Renee2islga: Go

    @Zolden: Go

    Yes, if you uncheck the 'Validate Teleport' flag, the missile would still follow the target even if the target teleports.

    Check it and it will miss if the target teleports.

    Yesss... that makes workarounds with redirect missile + arrays to connect missile&target obsolete... :)

    edit: No, actually not in my cases as I want some teleports to break it... this would have been better defined within the teleport actions itself.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Solved] "Expected a return value." trigger error

    Works for me in 2.0.10... But I only added it at the end of a trigger for testing...

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.10 has been deployed to the server, AND here are some good news...

    The interfaces provided by Blizzard are missing the enGB locale causing enGB users to see the text IDs instead.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.10 has been deployed to the server, AND here are some good news...
    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    @KorvinGump: Go

    Seems pretty live to me.

    It's delayed in every other region.
    Also, if you patch on SEA, your installation is stuck to SEA for the moment.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.10 has been deployed to the server, AND here are some good news...
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    @maverck: Go I was thinking about that too. My mod is pre-global Bnet so it has different names and versions for NA and EU. I guess I wont benefit from this new feature unless I delete both and start it again, which isn't an option for me.

    Same problem. :S My favored filenames are blocked by a friend's account on Americas because I gave him the map in 2011. =/ Support wasn't able to clear it in February this year... Using another name will clear reviews/bookmarks/ratings.

    Posted in: General Chat
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