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    posted a message on Has the Arcade gained momentum?
    Quote from Vilgath: Go

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    I think you misunderstood, I was not saying that moderators were bad people or anything, I was saying that a few of them are elitist, who don't help anyone hardly, And that most of them are unenthusiastic about furthering the community, meaning despite trying before they have pretty much given up, Though to be fair this is also true about the bulk of the community.

    The unpaid job of a moderator is to keep the forums a non-hazardous environment and not to do extraordinary things.
    If you want things to change, you need to start to change them yourself and try to motivate people to do the same. Sitting on your backside and waiting for others to do something is the wrong approach. That's what most people are doing.
    Also, remember that many people are working on their own projects or on their real life business, so they might have little time available to generously spend for the sc2 modding scene.

    As far as moderating goes, I've never had any problem with it and as far as I know only a few people keep being moderated. Just behave, don't swear, don't fight, stay nice, don't troll, make posts that contribute to the topic or the discussion and you won't have any problems.
    I haven't been moderated on teamliquid, neither, despite that I've heard that they are super strict there... I don't know what people are doing wrong and then complain about...

    The only suggestion about moderators I could make is, that xcorbo could be lifted from his duty as he left SC2 long time ago. Maybe he is still watching, but I don't assume it.

    So, to stay on topic, moderators shouldn't be blamed for any kind of state of the arcade. Also, I don't really think that it was too terrible to only support a single page. If that hadn't been done, people would have moved from one forum to the other to inform themselves. This would spread the knowledge over multiple places making it more difficult for new people to learn if they are looking for answers in the wrong place.
    You need to know that I didn't like Sixen's aggressive advertisement on the other sites, so I wouldn't have preferred this outcome. But that's how he got the leading people to this site which established the community and basically "won". But now the site has no feature development [list of my own posts in chronological order, pls?] and is as stagnant as staredit.net. I assume the Hiveworkshop is still alive due to WC3 mapmaking still existing as SC2 didn't replace all of it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Expansion Reveal

    they add/alter/fix:
    - account wide paragon system replacing the hero's paragon levels. It seems to have new effects and paragon levels are "unlimited" (*cough* *cough*)
    - alter drops to spawn less white, less blue, less rare (but better for your class), more legendaries (which are better than before [it seems like legendaries contain multiple tiers now with stars as indicators for their rarity])
    - make white items important for crafting
    - transmogrification (copy visual appearance of item x to item y) at mystic artisan (mystic re-added)
    - rerolling single affixes at mystic artisan
    - more account bound stuff to mitigate auction house
    - new act, new class, 10 more levels, cinematics
    - loot runs (new endgame stuff that is more similar to D2 baal runs, it seems). Also, "random" dungeons (my suspicion: something like 8 dungeon formats and one is selected) and random monster type appearances in those dungeons (like D2's guest monsters). Also, the dungeons have random lightings, so their huge tiles won't look totally the same every play-through.

    Basically, they addressed most things the community wanted to have changed (which did not mean a complete redesign of the whole game to keep vanilla D3 intact). But, the expansion might be far away, maybe they will add another class... I was hoping for 2 new classes just to match D2 LoD. But all the time they had to spend to fix vanilla and redo loot, might have made it not fit into the expansion anymore. =/

    Quote from Vilgath: Go

    @EternalWraith: Go

    I thought D3 was good, way better then that crappy D2 where if you mess up you have to start all the way over just because of lazy game design,

    D2 received a way to refund a few skill points as far as I know. That was added with one of the last patches. If you throw your hero away because of a few stat points and complain about it, you might be too "elitist", though.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on (Solved) Map loading in editor is too slow

    - water on high ground in starting area flows way too fast. It's creating hectic in a nice environment.
    - flowers in front of the house have a cursor
    - I can walk through the light house when I just walk there after the start of the map
    - "param\value" in the dialog's speaker's tooltip. => Localized strings are missing that string (even if it just might be empty)
    - when walking into the house on the hill, I could move nova around with right click. It might be better to loose control of her.
    - I can move though the fireplace in the house with the ghost. He seems to be able to move through a lot of walls there. Nova has better collision inside the house.
    - the ghost can visually disappear in the house. It happened on the left side of the step from the door to the lower ground
    - when I go up with nova, the kids come from downstairs to play on the piano and nova is moved around. I think I bugged it and made its activation appear much later.
    - during the cutscene directly after the kids playing piano, I could move nova around. After the parent's speech nova appeared where I clicked... inside the wall. And now I moved outside the room and completely broke it.
    - before the first cutscene in the map starts, I can scroll around using the middle mouse button
    - during the first cutscene, I can move nova around and she appears on the screen, too. Then I moved around and they appeared inside the house (and the kids were playing piano...). Then the car scene started and nova was moved there.
    - "EquipmentFounded" needs to be "Found Equipment"
    - I think I bugged something at the car already... when I came there later, another scene started and then the door was closed.
    - when I zoom in the camera using the scroll wheel, I'm stuck to that zoom when I receive nova and the ghost.
    - there is wood targetable near the east ramp (ohh, it's a branch that you can move... maybe make it untargetable before I chose the branch option.)
    - I can interact with the grave before I go to the house, a sound plays... I don't know if that is intended.
    - you can walk through the tree stump near the grave

    The areas seems very well made and the models are pretty cool. But the map is currently too easy to break when you do something unexpected.

    The loading time when I restart the map was 24 seconds for me.
    When I ignore sc2's preparing game files delay, the map was loading within 2.5 minutes.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Unit name style

    SC2 is using 2 styles for the unit name to make sure it fits into the label: one for short names, one for long names.
    Therefore, the used styles are hardcoded.

    > Override the style instead of using another style.

    The text module doesn't properly support this. So, it's easiest to copy and paste the entry you want to override, save the map as componentsList and edit the SC2Styles file's ID manually. Then make the changes you want to do.
    Remember, there are 2 styles for the unit name. So, you would want to override both.

    Btw, you can delete "template="InfoPaneUnit/InfoPaneUnitTemplate"" in your code. All frames are already created when your code is processed.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Trigger created actor with Snapshot

    Attachment to unit actor that generates a snapshot:

    I found a solution for actor-only things, too. But it's not perfect. I get warnings because of the visual radius and some models are still "bigger" in their revealing radius that they actually are... so, sometimes I can see them through walls which I wish to be able to fully eliminate.
    Anyway, here it is:

    Also, I've set the "Trigger model" actor's fog visibility to "dimmed".

    I had a problem with creating actors via triggers. That's why I'm using models. There might be a better solution to make trigger-created actors work that are visible when "scouted" once.
    Play my map and every stone and blood patch you can find is created with this.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on MSG From Blizzard.

    Dogmai asked me to spam in here and not in irc (-> better documentation). So, I just note down everything that comes to my mind. This is no priority list, just my pool of ideas.

    - local lobbies (you can do that in custom games already) => helps singleplayer maps relying on player input. This is great & basically already existing in bnet!

    - linking maps => campaigns (also easier for SCU to do multiple areas; also, I've seen quite a lot of people asking for something like that.)

    - bank requirements for map entering (-> maps for people with higher leveled heroes in their bank, campaign mission played, etc... + message for the user that is displayed, and maybe even working link to other map like the first campaign mission)

    - bigger terrain dimensions in maps (not really important I assume, just something I would benefit from, but linking maps + bank requirements -> no need for bigger terrain as you can just enter the next area via map)

    - open games list that makes use of the visual memory of a human brain. Add a way to see the map's icon. Custom maps has the picture inside the tooltips. One could add a second view option for the open games list, too, which is displaying the maps similar to the browse screen.

    - maps page in profiles to find all maps a user published (could help campaigns/consecutive maps, too. This also helps tournaments as the players can find the correct maps via the tournament's bnet profile)

    - local triggers/asynchronous support: helps to hide the delay user inputs have and gives us a chance to make interfaces like TPS controls feel more responsive or even the UI. This would be sick if implemented.

    - better bnet performance (when I move my mouse, the FPS go to 0 and screen updates like 4 times a second, except for the mouse pointer)

    - find a way to make sure players won't accidentally play on rigged maps in custom games (as recently happened in a streamed tournament and all static defenses shot across the whole map... quite a lot of people thought it was a bug on Blizzard's side)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 2.0.10 (Undocumented) Editor Changes

    - The approach event of a morph ability isn't fired in every morph ability anymore. (This might be true for multiple stages now.)

    - "Suicide Remove" effect starts "Unit dies" event with invalid triggering unit and player.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Has the Arcade gained momentum?
    Quote from FockeWulf: Go

    I only saw 40k and change viewers for on the last day of the WCS. That's a very poor number. And once again no adds made in the North American Region.

    Viewer numbers for recent events.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Locked/ Unlocked map question
    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    Now, it used to be possible to break the security on a locked public map, but I'm not sure if that's still possible.

    Nothing has changed.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Cannot create custom item in units inventory

    "Create Inventory Item" is the trigger action. It takes to parameters: the item's unit type and the carrying unit.

    Items consist out of:
    "unit" + "unit actor" and "item"

    Unit describes the item on the ground.
    Unit actor controls its representation on the ground.
    Item defines all aspects inside an inventory.

    I assume that you've only created the "item" and not its ground representation "unit" + "actor".

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on EquipmentPanel
    Quote from ESLIcicle: Go

    Yeah Vertical isn't a problem :) But it would be nice to move it flush against the right side.

    Since there are no anchors from the EquipmentIconTemplate I take it this is going to be reallllyyyy hacky to move?

    I'm trying those things right now...

    Funny thing I'm just looking at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4479839/IbrokeEquipmentpanel.SC2Map
    I played with anchors within it and ended up with that. I'm trying to find a way to control the spacing between the icons, but the icons itself is the image and contains the tooltip, I don't think this is possible... that would only work if it was contained within another frame, so you could control the dimensions of it.
    So, we have even less control over those than we have over buff icons.

    No, I don't think we can control spacing between the icons or their alignment. :(

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on 2.0.10 (Undocumented) Editor Changes

    Ingame UI editor's frame property lists' elements are now displaying their name in a tooltip, too. It's that table where you can edit the properties of a frame. The labels in the table aren't all readable because there wasn't enough space for the text. Now, we can read the full name in the tooltip.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on EquipmentPanel

    I think moving it vertically wasn't a problem. But I experimented with that last November. Maybe something was changed. At least, I remember that I was able to move the icons around separately with the HotS Beta ingame UI editor, the one where you could destroy the whole UI with 2-3 clicks via dragging elements around.

    I'm tinkering with it now.

    Oh I remember it now. It's always centered in the "InfoPaneUnit" Frame and ignores its own frame's left and right anchors.
    The icons that you can see are EquipmentIconTemplate instances which are created and moved from internal code.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Bank works in testing, not in multi-player

    Preload is a dummy action and doesn't do more than adding the bank name's string and the player number into an xml file within the map itself. So, no, this is not the solution.

    According to the code, you are storing the wins[2] value in "Bank File"... but you stored the bank that you are using in "Bank File 2". This should be a problem as it seems that you are storing the value in another player's bank cache.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to make a UI Dialog appear ontop of the menu buttons

    What's UI dialog? Is it a dialog created by triggers via "create dialog" or is it a frame created within the UI xml code?

    What's the "part of the screen with the menu buttons"? The area on the screen where the help, social and menu button is?

    Posted in: Triggers
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