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    posted a message on Diablo 3 - Auction House shutdown

    Bold move... I never thought they would ever do that as they kill a source of income shutting down the RMAH.

    Inb4 Blizzard sells gambling chance improvements or raised xp/gold rewards in RoS to make up for that loss. :D

    The only time I bought items from there, my char was killed some time later because the weapon made me play in areas that I couldn't handle. =/ So it's no loss for me... just good to see more self-found players in HC. :)

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Blizzard losing interest in SC2 and WC3 ?

    Maybe they just don't need people for those teams right now and don't want to clutter their page with empty sections?

    SC2's last expansion is in the works, so they have no need to expand that team unless they need to replace people leaving the firm or being transfered to other projects.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Can we get the clan name of players?
    Quote from Mugen245: Go

    @Mille25: Go

    through Data?

    <d Player="#" GameValue="PlayerName"/> with # as the player ID (number: 1/2/...)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit enters point trigger not firing

    Events are only registered once. Updating the variable you used in an event definition will not change the event as it's only reading its value at the start of the map and never again.

    Better solution:
    Use a circular region and move the region around. Place the region on the map and reference it in the event and in your triggers.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Skillshot's missile actor lags behind its missile

    Use a persistent effect to offset the target point. The impact offset seems to cause this problem.

    Example Skillshot

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Starcraft Universe kickstarter will fail?

    3 people funded 10k $ today... (well, I assume people raised their pledges, if that is possible. I don't see a change in the high pledge reward counts).
    If their bnet multiplayer test works out fine, they might be able to do it...

    Eiviyn (below this post), yeah... I missed that...

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Chinese are stealing maps. I want to know how.

    Cached, locked maps contain the galaxy script, but not the trigger GUI xml stuff.

    THe guy you spoke to edited the script directly. Some people here are usually only working with the script like JademusSreg and Kueken.

    I assume it's possible and not that difficult to put the interesting parts of the mapscript into a custom code section in the trigger list area (= left panel in trigger module).

    I think there was even a tool existing that rebuilds GUI triggers from mapscript, but I'm not entirely sure, I've seen it years ago.

    TLTR: Locking a map is just for file compression, file protection doesn't exist.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved] Bank is wiping itself?

    Use a filename without special characters and without spaces. The effect you describe used to be created by bank file names containing a space which made SC2 able to save them, but unable to load them.

    Is this the case in your map?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Compendium of Lag Knowledge

    Heavy data table usage can cause lags which isn't displayed in the trigger debugger.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on State of Mapmaking

    Scorp, can you give us a list of the core problems you encountered in sc2?
    It might be interesting to know which problems you can identify regarding melee mapmaking.

    I assume the problems would be that people don't play public custom games very often as they aren't as easy to use (very inferior to the easy-to-use ladder). I've heard that the game starts automatically when the player joins and getting an opponent with a comparable skill level is therefore unlikely.

    But I'm just observing it from the outside and making my own assumptions which might not be true. So, having the mapmakers' point of views would be great.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on How to fix the Mapping communities

    Their problem is that there is no good platform for new maps to be tested/played/shown.

    If you think about what players care about:
    - Pro Players are only interested in the maps the tournaments use. Also, they might not like tournaments that use multiple maps the player doesn't know as he needs to invest more time to prepare for the map (or they will end up playing something generic or an all-in on these maps).
    - Tournaments are interested in the maps other tournaments use, the ladder uses and which they like themselves. But the tournaments usually have no idea which maps are good or bad, so they go for the low-risk way and pick more established maps. But I assume they would also like to see some new maps that they can display to their viewers.
    - Ladder players play their ladder maps that Blizzard puts into the ladder. Blizzard might pay people to create some maps from time to time, so they might use their own products instead of community's maps. Also, Blizzard might now have the experience and manpower to be able to pick maps from the community because there might a lot to pick from.

    -> Nobody is really interested in testing new maps.

    -> Solution: battle.net players interested in new maps need to test these. Once maps start to be more popular, pros might join the tests. (Their time is money, so they can't really test new maps often.)
    Problem: Battle.net makes it difficult to test new maps as you might join games with enemies much better/worse than you and games seem to start automatically. It seems that it is much easier to play ladder instead.

    -> Groups of testers need to be formed/supported, battle.net needs to be more friendly to new maps and players.

    Arcade maps have the same testing problem. The old battle.net was able to support new maps as players could advertise their lobby and their intentions: "Trying out new map, skill level: Mid-Master".

    Does anyone have information how the process in the payed Korean mapmaking team works? How do they test the maps: closed/publicly? Are their testers random people or payed or melee mapmakers with a great 1vs1 skill level?

    I think one big factor for melee is that sc2 has an excellent matchmaking + easy to use ladder interface, so a lot of players might never look left/right to play other maps as it is more "dangerous". Maybe the ladder should switch out all maps more often than switching out only 1-2 per season and use community maps. But you still got the problem with the selection of the maps... how to determine which one to pick?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Can we get the clan name of players?
    Quote from Mugen245: Go

    @CrazyRabbitKGE: Go

    through XML , Sotis tried dragging xml scripting with Data.

    ? The tag that JademusSreg posted is code used in text.

    Quote from CrazyRabbitKGE: Go

    @Mugen245: Go

    You're saying that, not to insert the tag directly to the text but using the XML in it? How exactly? I thought that we can use some tags in the text values through just typing, not using the XML stuffs.

    Use JademusSreg's tag in a text. It is a data reference and Blizzard added <d> tags to retrieve player's game information for interfaces. You should be able to receive all score values (data module) with these, too. In addition to that, you can retrieve the map title, too. Have a look at the texts used in the interfaces that Blizzard added into the "Mods" folder of SC2.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Diablo 3 Expansion Reveal
    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    If still have to complete my test of your remake of diablo 1,but i have a question,is the complete remake of diablo 1 or the remake until the butcher kill?Anyway congrats is really great remake,also if i don't like so much the diablo 1 upgrades system.

    Cathedral, Catacombs, Caves are basically done. Hell is incomplete as I require wall models, a diablo model (currently I've D3 diablo without death animation :X ) and need to implement the last 2 quests. Then a normal playthrough would be done.
    I'm planning to add skills to the map as the spell book system isn't great for Warriors/Rogues and the default attack all the time isn't great neither. That was working in 1996, but not in 2013. The spell books should provide synergies to the skills, though. The sorcerer should rely on the spell books, but receive something to alter the spells... I'm not too sure what I will do and I'm lacking ideas what to do.

    Right now I think D3 keeps heading into the right direction. They made mistakes, but they are willing to correct them. When I will get more info about D3X on gamescom tomorrow, I will drop the info here in approx 24 hours. :)

    Also, there is another new feature I forgot in my list: "Nephalem Trials". So fare there is no information about that.
    I've no idea what it is, but Lylirra (I think) posted on twitter that the developers will share more info about that in some interviews and that it is their brain child (-> so most likely nothing that was suggested by the community in the form they've planned to add).

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Official Custom Observer UI Information & Guide
    Quote from dsjoerg: Go

    Would it be possible for a custom observer UI to include trigger code that would save data to the XML banks?

    Interfaces can only change the default UI, a few images, a few texts, all fonts and add a frame hiding/showing & collapsing/expanding hotkey to new frames (which can alter existing default frames).

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Expansion Reveal
    Quote from Fullachain: Go

    Is there actually even PvP in d3 yet? Or is this going to come with the Expansion, despite being promised shortly after d3 release?

    There is the one-hit-kill PvP area. I assume they failed to alter it to something that wasn't suffering terribly in some aspects. So, they just took the default rules and added it to the game and maybe revisit it someday.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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