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    posted a message on Map about Illusions and Manta Style.

    You can just use one create unit effect to create units with the same type as the unit using the item.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Street Empires

    In case you want traffic in your map, you might want to check my map "Korhal City Simulation" on bnet. I didn't see a map making use of it, yet, but you could make your map more beatiful with a train moving around. :D
    Cars might be problematic as you have a lot of civilians and structures that could lock them in their place.

    More details about the map are here.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Quick Bank Questions

    Preload & Sync
    - fake action in the trigger editor causing the editor to transfer the information into a BankData.xml file inside the map when the map is saved. The preload action will have no trace in the galaxy code the GUI editor produces.

    Enable Signature
    - just enable it at the start before you read any bank data. It's just a flag that controls whether the saving of the map will generate a signature or not.

    Open Bank
    - I assume it converts the distributed bank file (during loading screen) to be opened and stored in a cache. You will manipulate the cache with save/load value actions.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on My trigger action's being run repeatedly, need some explanation or recommended readings

    Specify a stage in the event. "Generic3 - Execute" might be a good one.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Make a unit stand still before it shoots?

    Damage point and range slop do what you want.

    - Damage Point controls the duration that the target unit needs to stay within (range + range slop).
    - Range Slop controls the extra range the target unit has to move away before the attack is cancelled. You might want to set it to a smaller value than "1.0".

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Importing multiple models
    Quote from Zolden: Go

    Different textures with the same names?

    Are you using m3 exporter (or m3 plugin for blender)?

    He used WowModelViewer. The models have the exact path of the default textures stored within the m3 file.

    You need to replace the textures via TextureSelectByID. Here are a few outdated screenshots. You only need to add the prefix to the texture object, too (2nd picture).

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on SCII Demo Software for Custom Hardware Questions
    Quote from GuNSl1nG3R: Go

    Sounds like it'll be worth the investment to find out. I know where to find help or volunteers. So unless anyone has more discovery to contribute, this topic is solved except for one last question:

    In order to fully use the modding tools, do I need to purchase HotS, WoL, or can you mod with the free trial?

    You require WoL, I believe. AfaIk, the starter edition has no access to the editor. But it's worth a try anyway as you would need to download the game in any case.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SCII Demo Software for Custom Hardware Questions

    1. Reloading banks online can cause lags, that's why it shouldn't be done unless necessary. But your map will run offline on your machine, so there are no latency/lag issues. Blizzard added proper support for bank reloading just a few patches ago.

    2. AfaIk, it should be fine. I believe Enexy created something like that for his RPG Rise of Nigma. If you encounter problems, you might want to contact him.

    3. I assume it would load local bank files instantly. So, you would be able to update it every game frame. One game second consists out of 16 game frames. On "Faster" speed, it processes 1.4 game seconds in one real time second. This means that you can update 0.04464 real time seconds without any problems.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SCII Demo Software for Custom Hardware Questions

    You can reload a bank. Therefore, it is possible to receive input from other programs.
    This map should be run locally (via editor's "test document") else the bank would need to be uploaded during the map's runtime which can cause delays.

    Bank files are written in the XML. They contain "sections" which contain stored elements accessible via a "key". I would suggest that you just use one section and store the 3 integers in it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Converting Java to SC2 code
    Quote from Yaksmanofage: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    Well right now I think I got the creation down. I use regions to load in the points and so I am using a point array of [84](regions)[47](maximum points) and then manually adding offsets where applicable.

    What I really need to figure out now is how to make sure each room is reachable and that the doors leading to the next room (or basically that generate the next room) are also reachable.

    If you wouldn't mind my asking, what is the basic premise you used?

    I'm starting with the creation of a single room and then keep trying to add a random room to a random existing wall. That's how it's automatically creating connected rooms. The chosen wall will form a door.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Converting Java to SC2 code

    The code in the link was how I've started with my random dungeon generators. In my map, I've implemented it with functions that create a room within given coordinates into a specified direction. For the walls, I used a 1x1 building and their HP value determines what it actually is: walls, walkable ground, stairs, chests, walkable ground that can't spawn anything...

    I started with a function that creates a room with walls on the outside and walkable tiles in its inside and on the starting point which acts as a door. Then I've created a function that checks if a room is possible to be created on the specified point with the specified dimensions in the specified direction. Then you can create a loop that creates rooms at the walls of the other rooms and with enough attempts, you fill out most of the area. I'm using 2000 attempts to add a room to a random wall which is executed very fast.

    After the layout of the dungeon has been created, you can remove/replace the non-wall tiles and replace the unit's models and rotate them, etc.

    Today I would try to create a system that creates the dungeon in an array and then just creates the final dungeon structure out of it. It would require you to use a global variable with integers an array which you just translate into units on the map. That should be faster than my current implementation.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Multi-Region Publishing Mods/Dependencies Fails

    Same problem, no solution. :( The problem seems to be that it's not trying to get the mod files from the other regions or it just doesn't try hard enough (-> too low timeout).

    The normal publish window sometimes has the problem of not being able to find a dependencies header file, too. Then you need to look at your published files and it works...

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Adding Values to Overhead Unit Health & Energy Bars?

    Use a custom status bar, put a labels inside it, hook that up for every unit and edit the label's values periodically/on change.

    Have a look at my testmap for status bars.
    Status bar things are defined in the UI editor and referenced in the unit's actor. Then you would hook that thing from the unit via triggers and edit it.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Map mods explained?
    Quote from Talon0815: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    Are you talking about online updating or just offline for your local files? When I tested some stuff with mods some time ago I had the issue that when I had a map uploaded that used an uploaded mod, I could upload a new version of the mod, but the map still referred to the old version of the mod (AKA I couldn't tell the map to use the latest bnet version of the mod just like it does for the blizzard mods). Has that been fixed by now / is there a way to do this?

    The map needs to have to have checked the "use newest version" option.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Map mods explained?

    Mods can decrease your workload when you update your map:
    - Scenario 1: you can edit and update the mod and your 10 maps are all updated along with it. You won't have to updatie all of your 10 maps manually.
    - Scenario 2: you put everything that is big and won't change in near future into a mod. Then you update the map and the users won't have to download your big mod again with every update you publish.

    I'm using scenario 2, but other people use scenario 1 like GameHeart or every other project that have multiple maps in a project.

    Mods are loaded before a map, so you can always override the mod's data inside your map to fix small problems in the mod. Then you won't have to upload a fixed version of the mod. It's working like using Blizzard's mods: Core, Campaign, Story and Multi.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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