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    posted a message on How to disable sound for dialog buttons?

    I've created a template in the UI editor.

    I've used that template to create a dialog item, a button... works.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Wanna Experience Diablo on Starcraft?
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    Curse of tristram. There is also some other one which has randomized dungeons.

    Dia blo - Mortal Shroud... my signature... the one with random dungeons and proper UI.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Constant mouse location?
    Quote from Drunkenseagull: Go

    My idea is use the mouse moved event to update the cursor point variable any time you actually move your mouse, but as well have a trigger that constantly offsets the cursor point variable in the direction your unit is facing, and factor in its current speed. So my question here is how does SCII actually recognize speed, would a unit speed of 1 mean it moves 1 distance per second?

    Sounds a bit like you need the controls I put into my map.

    I'm saving the offset from the hero to the last input point and then I'm starting a trigger that keeps using a calculated point for orders as long as the mouse button is pressed. Click for more details how I've set it up.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating an animated unit image in a dialog

    1. Create a portrait dialog item.
    2. Make it use LDR render mode to make it able to appear above the other dialogs.
    3. Send actor messages to the portrait dialog item's actor to change the animation played.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Q] Map problems

    @3: That is a general problem of locked teams. Battle.net still lets you move players into other teams by dropping them onto the team name label in the lobby.

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on Text Tag with Image

    Use this as text.

    <img path="Assets\Textures\btn-ability-terran-stimpack-color.dds" height="52" width="52"/>

    edit: lol necro, anyway, it's now solved, too...

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Can't edit BehaviorBar at all

    Don't use default templates when editing the default UI. These modifications have been made already, so they shouldn't make a difference at all.
    But I assume you only copy pasted the code.


    Editing the behavior bar exists out of two parts: area for images and tooltip area. For unknown reasons these are separated.

    One part is in the GameUI and the other part is in its template. The comment in the code should suffice.

        <Frame type="Frame" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/UnitPanel" file="GameUI">
            <!-- Behavior bar's tooltip area -->
            <Frame type="BehaviorBar" name="BehaviorBar">
                    <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="6"/>
                    <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="10"/>
                    <Height val="192"/>
                    <Width val="32"/>
        <!-- Behavior icon (not the area that has the tooltip, just the icon... these are separated) -->
        <Frame type="BehaviorIcon" name="BehaviorIconTemplate" file="BehaviorBar">
            <Width val="32"/>
            <Height val="32"/>

    You have to make sure the width is identical. Also, the behavior bar needs to have a height for 6 icons. I don't know if it could display more, but that is the amount the original UI can display, so we might want to support that, too.

    The values displayed in my code are the default values, so you should think about changing them when you test it.

    Changing the position of each icon is not directly possible. But I found a dirty trick that would allow a free positioning of behavior bar icons anywhere in the whole UI. I didn't release the interface that uses it, yet, but I hope to finish it this week.

    At least I will write something about it in this thread.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Removing waypoint mover icon for specific units
    Quote from Forge_User_27948935: Go

    You mean waypoint line and circle? You can hide that by changing "UI: Order Display Minimum" (Data/Unit tab)

    Quote from Forge_User_27948935: Go

    That's odd you should check again because it works just fine for me (on single unit)

    He doesn't mean that. He means the "Current Order Indicator" from the game options. Not the waypoint when you shift queue commands.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Bug/Issue In Tutorial from Wiki

    You are using "Triggering Unit" instead of something else.

    If you can't find it out, you can copy your triggers and paste them here and give us the link/links to see it/them.

    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on cant make a 0.xx variable?

    You need to convert one to be a real value manually. Else, the system will always use the integer math when 2 integers are used.

    Blizzpost about that.

    Seems like they didn't change anything or didn't you use arithmetic (real)?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Map about Illusions and Manta Style.

    Is your editor updated? It looks like it's a really old version. Which version is it?
    2.0.11 is the current one.

    If its the current one, try to reset the options. :S

    Well, yeah... uhm... but your game is updated? :X
    Bnet support would tell you to reinstall the game.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Map about Illusions and Manta Style.

    Big orange buttons, Mugen245.

    Mugen245, big orange buttons.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Street Empires
    Quote from IggNight: Go

    Ahli that map is cool. I loaded it up in SC2. Looking at the source would be interesting too. I haven't seen that yet.

    Just open it in the editor. It's unlocked. :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Why use record?

    I don't use them. There is/was a problem when you copy paste code that uses records from one map to another. I had to fix all record appearences. Now I won't ever use them. I'm using names to group variables together.

    The only benefit I can see is that you can collapse/expand them in the trigger debugger. But other people just love them. So, I expect it's personal preference.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Q] Random colors?
    Quote from SpoR919: Go

    Someone was nice enough to create this for me. Problem is, I don't understand how to implement it.. http://peeeq.de/gui.php?id=3254

    Someone was me. :)

    Posted in: Melee Development
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