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    posted a message on Blizzcon 2013 Information Thread
    Quote from progammer: Go

    @Renee2islga: Go

    There are no mentions of links between HotS and SC2. Everything they tried to show it being a standalone game even though what they showed heavily hinted the game running on the SC2 engine.

    Here's my guess based on the whole situation. There will be a modified editor made specifically for HotS that will be otherwise identical to sc2's editor. The main functionality will be limited to terraining and inserting certain standardized waypoint/spawn point and units etc... Triggering will be limitied. The game client will be standalone but is the sc2 engine.

    We're all hoping that everything links together to make storm a mod of sc2. That's the best case scenario but I highly doubt it. Everything is just a plan right now and the game is still in a very early stages.

    They call it the "galaxy platform" which both games are using, according to this .
    But that doesn't tell us, if sc2 can access heroes' data... that would be cool, though.

    Also, it would mean that arcade users need to download even more archives, but many people might have just both games installed already. They just need to find a way to make SC2 find and use the heroes mods. I really hope that will be possible.

    In the end, we can always ask them publishing a mod with the assets. They should work fine in SC2, since it's the same engine. There won't be work required to make models compatible for SC2 like the wc3 orc hero model update process.

    Else, the coolest models will be transfered into SC2 anyway. I need that Diablo model... I need it... badly... :D

    Quote from caparosmith: Go

    When arcade becomes free, can people with sc2 starter edition play arcade maps with HOTS dependencies?

    Well, they used the word "completely" in front of "free", so I assume that. Else, it just adds even more initiative to not use expansion's assets. Atm, I'm already not using them because I've only little benefit from them in my flagship map.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Pandaren models =)

    The textures have a local path so they won't work. This one for example:
    "C:\Users\Alberto\Desktop\WCT\Pandaren\Chen\Chen sc2\assets\textures\Chen - Arma.dds"

    Someone could fix the model or you could try to use "Texture Select by ID" to apply the textures via code to that unit. Search it to find a tutorial about that, if you want to try it.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Blizzcon 2013 Information Thread

    Custom Games are free, too. You've missed that.

    Here are my notes:

    - 2.1 PTR next week
    - group & clans (2.1)
    - - events with date, notifications for friends when data comes closer
    - upload clan logos that you can use ingame and you and the enemy will see it
    - mods for bnet easily usable with existing maps (extension mods), examples:
    - - big game hunters mod on bnet
    - - monobattles
    - - imba league
    - level cap 30 => 35
    - decals & portraits from "STARCRAFTS"
    - more soundtracks (SCBW music remastered)
    - orc hero models for sc2 (far seer, shadow hunter, blademaster, tauren chieftain) [for next year, eventually all heroes one day]
    - starter edition receives all races
    - custom games free for all (so, basically only ladder & campaign aren't free)
    - balance patch next week, changes are tested balance changes

    - 2.1 arcade completly free for all
    - release this year
    - no more afk hosts (afk after time -> notification, no response => removed from the game, other player becomes host)

    reconnect feature?
    - continueing to working on reconnect feature (patch 2.2 comes next year). they continue to look at it

    art tools importer?
    - cloaken had no info about that. They plan to make the plugin for other modelling programs too

    depth of micro video thoughts?
    - amazing comparison. It was cool, but the viewer doesn't understand that. They try to do aspects for the casual viewers, so skill visibility is important.

    TvZ is dominated by bio+mine
    - we want more diversity in the matchup. => patch changes next week
    - if that is not enough, they try to continue to make mech viable before next year's wcs season

    skins for units and unit sounds?
    - excited about skins, but there is a memory cap when they add new skins. They need to solve that first before they can offer more skins.

    - they talk about it all the time. they know when they launched arcade that it was an intention for the team to do that and they continue to look at it. Atm they had not the time to invest into the tech-infrastructure to make it work. the good part of that is that they are spending time building a tech-infostructure that works for heroes. So they hope to potentially build on that and eventually reach that goal. They have no timeline for that and
    atm they will learn from heroes and look at that in the future.

    tournament size is shrinking, plans to get more people into the game?
    - free arcade and custom games, ....

    I'm going to write an article on staredit.net. :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blizzcon 2013 Information Thread

    2.1 PTR starts next week. 2.1's release is scheduled for later this year.
    Patch 2.2 will arrive next year.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Host Site Operations Bug?

    Select it and click on choose.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Why is the Sc2Galaxyeditor not hyped as wc3we?

    The publish space limit is around 154mb (or was it 157?). So, that is definitely not a problem. The size limit for a map is 20mb as far as I know, but you can put everything that eats up a lot of space into a mod file and add a dependency to it into your map.
    The file limit of 20 might be a problem after a few years. It depends what you are working on.

    So, here are my thoughts:
    - SC2's editor is more complex, at least the data module
    - SC2's battle.net only consisted out of a popularity list for a long time after release
    - old editor guys might not want to re-learn editing aspects for SC2 like learning the data aspect
    - SC2's data editor is more time consuming to use
    - you do not own the files you publish, content might be more strict than on WC3 where Blizzard had no control about the maps
    - marketplace was mentioned, but never created
    - getting players to test new maps is more difficult as you can't advertise your lobby
    - maps can be rated and commented which might create a fear of bad ratings for new/unfinished maps

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Thanks for everything!

    People that announce that they leave will come back anyways...

    Until then!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Buttons showing as "Button/Name/ID" instead of real name

    You have incomplete locales in your map. The other players use it and it's missing an entry, so the button name's ID (Button/Name/ID) is shown instead.

    To fix your problem, delete the incomplete locales or complete all locales.

    Supporting multiple locales during development is not advized as it creates extra work and bugs like the one you are experiencing can occur. So, I would advize you to delete all locales except for the one you are using to create the map.

    1. Make a Backup of your map
    2. Data or Trigger Module -> Map -> Locales -> Modify Locales
    3. Uncheck the ones that you aren't using -> ok
    4. save the map

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dialog Labels help needed
    Quote from Mugen245: Go

    @unclesatan: Go

    Is this with the UI Feature and edits the Dialog Label text variable?

    He means the "Set Dialog Item Style" action. It controls the style the label uses. A used style sets the defailt color, vertical & horizontal alignment, font and a few other things like the text size.

    To answer your question in a short way: no.

    It's possible to alter the used style in the labels of the default UI, too. You can do that with triggers or with UI xml code in the UI module.
    With triggers you need to hook up the element. The path to the element does not include the leading "GameUI/". The rest of the path is just following the tree in the UI module.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Leaderboar UI

    I just published a template to edit the whole original leaderpanel.


    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on [Template] Original LeaderPanel editing code

    I've created the code to edit the default leaderpanel a while ago. But now someone asked me about something wich led me to finally complete the last missing parts and publish it for everyone.

    I've put the code into an interface file:

    The code contains every aspect of the original leaderpanel with a few small changes. For example, I've added code which lets you control the space between the unit buttons in the leaderpanel. You just need to edit two constants to change it:
    - "UnitIconOffsetReduction" controls the amount of space that is reduced. 10 means that there will be 10 pixels less between the buttons.
    - "UnitIconWidth" controls the width of the button. This value + "UnitIconOffsetReduction" should result in 69.

    In case you've digged through my gameheart interface, you will find similarities in the code. This code was the first milestone for the creation of gameheart's leaderpanel.

    There is another method to create leaderpanels which adds new elements into the contained frames and moving the original content offscreen. That method is not discussed here.

    So, happy LeaderPanel editing. :)

    ~ Ahli

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Reaper AI

    Unit -> Mover -> Set it to "Ground"

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make auto-cast ONLY happen within range?

    Are you sure that you are using "Null Ward" because that unit doesn't seem to be used (right click -> "used by" has only actors)?

    The "Null Ward (Sphere)" unit has an ability that has an autocast range of 5. It would fit to your description.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Blackthorne PC edition FREE
    Quote from Exaken: Go

    It seems this download is only for the US. :(

    You need to log into the NA page.
    It doesn't exist on EU's page, yet. :D

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Ability targeting height bug

    Try modifying the height field of the map in the terrain editor.

    I've had that problem once when another person modified the terrain and I ended up fixing it with that.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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