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    posted a message on Talking Portrait Animations

    The trick with the muted sound is pretty cool. Great if you have no talking sound. Very clever. :)

    But if you have a proper talking sound, you can enter the facial animation ID into your sound and transmit that. The mouth will open more or less accurately to your sound file output.

    The problem is that the facial animation doesn't loop meaning that if the used ID's animation's length is too short, your character will stop moving his mouth. But if it is long enough, this would be better than your method.

    The ID names can be found within the fxa files in the archive, if opened with a text editor.

    I'm using that in my Diablo map when you talk to the NPCs in case you want to see that in comparison.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Unit from UnitTag
    Quote from MasterWrath: Go

    @EchoedRequiem: Go

    What do you mean by unit tag?

    He means the unit tag. It's a unique string for each unit which won't be re-used.

    Worst case scenario: grab all units on the map and check their tags. :S

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Making it so player cannot see outside of playable map area

    You can place vision blockers, but that won't work for flying units.

    So, in general: you can't block vision, as far as I know.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Using action functions or triggers for initialization actions?
    Quote from Truun: Go

    @Mille25: Go

    For the initialization, I do like the idea that the "initialization blocks" aren't added to the actions list. Is there some way to hide those functions from the list after I've used them?

    Check the "Hidden" flag in the action definition.

    Quote from GlornII: Go

    My init trigger just says to run a dozen action definitions. The biggest problem with this (really the only problem) is that it can run multiple action definitions at once if you have (create new thread) enabled on them; which many people do. It will run the actions side by side. The problem being if you use variabels set from 1 of them in another. It may take a little bit of organizing.

    I don't think it's really running side by side. It's very deterministic in which order the code is executed:
    Triggers above other triggers in the code run before these other triggers when their events fire in the same event. Already running threads/triggers are executed before new triggers. Threads started from triggers are executed last. Threads executing a wait(0) will continue to execute their code after all existing threads.

    So, actually, threads are executed in order of a list.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved] How validate damage effect to specific unit type with specific alliance state?


    A: combine OR:

    -> D: unit filter validator with player, neutral, allied
    -> B: combine validator with negation

    . . . |-> C: unit type validator: target unit, marine

    So, 4 valdiators ABCD. A contains B and D.
    B negates C making it pass for everything that is not a marine.
    D checks if it is player owned or neutral or allied.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Set lighting trigger [SOLVED]

    Open the "Tilesets" folder or use the list view.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on PTR 2.1.0 Editor new stuffs
    Quote from GannicusBaltar: Go


    How were you able to get triggers to work?

    So far my experience has been:

    When copying triggers from old maps, the paste function is unresponsive. I can import trigger libraries, but they don't register when testing the document. The new trigger button itself is grayed out.

    Mods can only contain libraries. So you just paste the triggers into a newly created library.

    To make a map use the mod's triggers, you need to reference the trigger or add the library into the gameplay data as a library that should be loaded, I believe. It's a setting that is very hidden.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map Doesn't have Lobby

    Map -> Map Options -> Enable lobby or something like that

    For some reason the default setting is to not have a lobby.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Search Area Arc direction problem

    Validate the launch location with a trigger.
    The event is effect used. Then just display the names of the effect units (source/caster/target...) and check if the location field is properly set to your unit.

    If it has no valid location unit reference, it should always target downwards.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on What's your current project?
    Quote from Enexy: Go

    Working on an RPG myself as well. Compiled script is at 49,000 lines of code. Map will never be done if only I work on it, unfortunately.

    Common. Sometime after LotV at least. ;)

    I'm working on my Diablo RPG (see signature) and a few Observer Interfaces. I'm getting really close to having the whole Diablo 1 story implemented. Basically, I just need to add Diablo and the mechanics in his level. But I hope to add skills one day, too. The gameplay without them is kind of boring. So, the classic Diablo part is nearly finished.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Out of curiosity... Is this normal?

    @MasterWrath: Go

    Super detailed health pie diagram...

    What else would you need that many images for? :D

    Ok, it needs to have some special texture on it, else I would just use the same image and rotate it...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Swap missile model problem

    Other solution:
    Use a switch with your validator and execute another launch effect with the other missile.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Remove Creep Tumor from Lava rising
    Quote from Mereelvion: Go

    i tried it but now nothing dies in the lava anymore.....

    here is the download link: Link Removed: http://www.mediafire.com/download/sq1xa5thks275z2/New Polaris Rhapsody.SC2Map

    You have used "=" which means equal. You want to have "!=" for the unit type checks.

    The "flyLow" mover doesn't even exist, it seems.
    Instead of checking the mover, you can set the attribute "ground"/Boden to be required in the first action.

    Also, it needs to be "picked unit"/"Ausgewählte Einheit" (not sure about translation) anstatt "Triggering Unit"/Auslösende Einheit.

    I'm testing my changes and when it's fine, I will provide a link.

    fixed damage trigger

    Also, I've excluded invincible units. Else, it might be able to kill mineral fields and vespene geysers.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Remove Creep Tumor from Lava rising

    Lava Damage trigger that filters out creep tumors.
    You just add more conditions to the if-then-else inside the loop.
    There are three creep tumor units. You need to filter out all of them.

    If you need the German version of the triggers (teamliquid states "Germany" for you), just ask me for it.

    Btw, enjoy your trip. Also, most likely you will see my interface work used. :D

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Whiteout - My Blizzcon 2013 movie contest entry [Machinima]

    Very well made movie.
    I didn't find Iskatu's voice fitting for the older Marine with his gray hair, but I can imagine that it is very difficult to get the perfect voice. But the female voice was great and Gradius' ones were perfect, too.

    Apart from that, it's definitely going into the direction of Blizzard's quality. The only visual "problem" I noticed was the glowing engine in one shot. Maybe it would have been possible to add an effect in front of it to give the illusion that it is not a static. I didn't spot anything else watching it meaning that the rest was fitting.

    So, I think this is quite an achievement. :D

    Is there a list of the movies that were considered "better", already?

    Posted in: General Chat
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