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    posted a message on Blizzard Arcade Contest and Launch Event
    Quote from xxxNEARBYxxx: Go

    Lol, Russian also cant participant in this contest. Racism =) gg

    Quote from BlizzXordiah: Go

    We have updated the ruleset and now GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND, RUSSIA, THE CZECH REPUBLIC, CROATIA, THE UKRAINE, POLAND, BULGARIA AND HUNGARY are included. Unfortunately due to many regulations for contests in different countries it is not always possible to include all countries though we would like to. Here in this case however it was a mistake that we didn't have those added from the start.

    Nearby, you can participate.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on WTF Is... : Blizzard Arcade ? (TotalBiscuit)
    Quote from JacktheArcher: Go

    @Charysmatic: Go

    I believe the reason they don't support the lag less key input/ local inputs has something to do with hackers taking advantage of it. Not 100% on that one though.

    What? How would you take advantage of that? Are you frequently typing your passwords into sc2 while playing sc2 maps?
    How about sending input from your computer to the server back to everyone's computer as an explanation for delays (just like every other game input)?

    Quote from Charysmatic: Go

    Nowadays, my only problem with the editor (technically Bnet) is the lag associated with the key/mouse pressed and mouse moved events. If they were to have the same delay as, say, commands, I could avoid data entirely and make my own ability systems.

    As far as I know, mouse pressed and button pressed is delayed by 0.0625 game seconds in comparison to ability commands.

    Mouse move is truely lagging as it is limited to only appear avery few game ticks and seems to occur multiple times at once for a player. So, this can potentially be improved to a level comparable to button presses.

    Making responsive UI stuff would require local triggers which wouldn't be able to alter shared data. But SC2 doesn't have such a concept in triggers. So, only data is capable of supporting super-responsive stuff like targetting markers.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on WTF Is... : Blizzard Arcade ? (TotalBiscuit)
    Quote from Bounty_98: Go

    @LosTacos: Go

    I could be mistaken on this but last I heard "Heroes of the Storm" will be separate from the Arcade.

    Yes, it will be. So far, there is no interaction between -S-C-2- Heroes! and Arcade. I've asked about it on the influencer summit.
    Also, Mr. Browder couldn't answer, if the arcade can use Heroes models, but he noted that one down. So, I hope we will receive an answer soon-ish.

    Also, I've dropped off some suggestions about arcade:
    - some kind of lobby advertisement (not necessarily free text; tags definable within the map itself could work, too) -> "map test", "beginners", "experts", "diamond+", "bronze-silver", ...

    - "recently updated" category that shows maps that is frequently worked on

    - something that prevents new maps from being rated. Imagine a new editor user testing his map via publishing it. Then a few people play it and there is a bug that prevents proper play, so the players rate it with 1 star. Then the map appears with 1-star on battle.net and nobody would join it as all other open lobbies have at least 3 stars. Bad ratings and nobody joining his lobby could demotivate the new editor user making him stop tinkering with the editor.

    - Singleplayer category (realized as a flag in map options -> map is in a category, so, it's more like an extra to the map as most maps support multiplayer and as a bonus: singleplayer with AI). The Devs didn't like putting that as a category as the maps still belong to another category. But I assume we will receive some checkmark on the arcade browsing UI, if they want to implement some support for singleplayer browsing.

    - a Page where you can see all maps or files a player published. The devs said that some of their team wanted to do something like that for a long time now. I assume they implement it.

    - Better support for user-made Campaigns: a UI listing all maps of the campaign which might be capable of reading out the progress from a bank file. Also, creating another lobby after one map.

    - arcade icon in the tooltip in the open lobbies to help recognizing maps in it. ("Browse" shows bigger icons, open lobbies only contains text, custom games display minimap image in tooltips => open lobbies needs arcade image in tooltip)

    So, I assume they will focus on arcade and development tools this year, since they've asked about feedback regarding these.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Diablo III] Taylor Mouses Import scripts

    Ctrl + E doesn't work for me or the animation isn't imported. Which window do you focus when you press ctrl + E?

    Where does the animation appear? I'm a 3dsMax noob, but I try to figure out how to get D3 models into sc2. So, I would love to see each single click one has to make to import an animation and make it usable for sc2, so that I could potentially export it and use the model ingame. :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Show upgrade count in a button?

    Command card buttons display the amount of charges.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Arcade Map name not available!
    Quote from TyaStarcraft: Go

    On topic, once you delete a map, that name is gone forever. Not even the original author can access it anymore.

    That is wrong.
    The original author is the only person that can publish the map again. I've done that on a friend's account to fix a bug they had with removed maps remaining visible on battle.net. I published a private map version with the identical name after deleting the map to hide it from the search and browsing on battle.net.
    My goal was to find a way to take over the name of my map to publish all of them on my account, but that wasn't possible.
    Note that this was nearly one year ago, so things might have changed.

    So, in the end, I had to use another name. I've published a private, empty map with a description that they should use the other map instead as this won't be updated anymore to inform the bookmarking players about the change.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Maximum Map Size Potential

    further disadvantages:
    - Footprints and their properties like vision blocking and path blocking won't scale.
    - Pathing cost loses accuracy as it remains an integer

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Command Card
    Quote from Forge_User_33159862: Go

    Looking at this video, you should be able to do it (tutorial from onetwo)

    The main difference is that you can use the UI module of the editor for that instead of exporting/importing any files.

    So, open the UI module, right click the left panel and add a new layout. Then you can add the code like onetwo did. All of Blizzard's layout files are in the left panel. You don't need to alter it.

    After changing the code, you need to compile it using the green XML button at the top. Then you can save the map and test it.

    I suggest you to use a more advanced text editor and copy and paste the changed code into the editor's text field. It's easy to lose your code or beak something in it. Other editors work properly with their undo operations, so you can revert your last changes easily.

    Also, you can find tutorials on how to write the UI xml code here on mapster.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Bodies not disapearing on death

    The unit actor "Yagdra" has set "Unit Death Model Yagdra" as the death actor. That one has the "DeadAnimationMacro" added to the actor.

    So, I modified that. Also, the base actor had to be destroyed, too...

    Here it is:

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Moving Command Card (*.SC2Layout)
    Quote from Alevice: Go

    This reminds me, is $this a valid value? All the time this error is thown up, makes me wonder if it didnt just reset anchors due to being an invalid value.

    You can ignore most errors, if it is doing what it should. The error output for UI is just terrible. If error messages would have stopped me, I wouldn't have made a single observer interface with it...

    Some errors are important though. For example, if your frame has only 1 valid side left, it won't appear ingame, I believe and throw an error. But there are other error messages with the sides that can't be removed, afaIk. So, just check if things are working or not.

    $this is a valid value. Blizzard used it in their UI xml example that they posted in their forums a long time ago.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Bodies not disapearing on death
    Quote from TheSC2Maniac: Go

    I'm implementing Yagdra as a hero in my new started map and I'm having the same issue. Im' trying to find a solution but no lucky by now. If I get to something, I'll post it here.

    DeadAnimationMacro contains the code that makes it not disappear. Its events check if the unit has the "Dead" animation and if it exists, the actor remains there playing that animation forever.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Save/Load in an arcade map


    But you can save information into banks and compress the information using starcode.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Moving Command Card (*.SC2Layout)

    relative="$this" is only used to reset anchors (think: delete anchor side info), not to alter them and/or move frames around.

    Use "$parent" instead.

    If you have side="left" and want to make the frame use the right side instead, you would add information to the right side and reset the existing left anchor using "$this" as relative.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on [Diablo III] Taylor Mouses Import scripts

    So, it is possible for someone to retrieve animated and textured models of... let's say... Diablo, Goatman, ...?
    Anyone able to get those for us/me? ^^

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Trigger Lag?

    Most likely the map lags because of trigger errors. You should enable the trigger debugger when testing the map to find the problems.

    But this is what I can spot from just looking at the pictures:

    First picture:
    "Triggering Unit()" shouldn't exist there. You would have to use "Triggering effect unit (.)" again.

    Second picture:
    The first loop over the integer uses the Variable to store the incremented integer. But you are then storing "Picked Integer" into it. I assume it will keep setting it to 0, so the loop runs a ton of times creating a bigger lag until sc2 cancels it before it completely freezes the game.
    So, remove the "Set triggerCounter = (Picked Integer)".

    Fourth picture:
    Remove the "Set triggerCounter = (Picked Integer)".

    Posted in: Triggers
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