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    posted a message on Blizz Contest - 79 Entries got through
    Quote from TyaStarcraft: Go

    @ArcaneDurandel: Go

    This seems like the fairest method. I'd happily pay a fee to be able to upload custom maps.

    They should just have the requirement to have at least 1 payed game on the account, e.g. Wings of Liberty (SCBW not so much, since it's possible to steal other people's keys by just being on the first battle.net making it a worthless protection, no idea about wc3). So, if you are banned, you loose something.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Tower dont facing targets
    Quote from BioBecker2: Go

    nobody can help me??

    this is a post of an other forum... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4479839/marineTowerComplexButPerfect.SC2Map

    but there is no marine model displayed :(

    That's my map, let me check what is wrong with it as that was working at some point when I created it...

    Alright. I fixed it.

    The problem was that the connections were destroyed when I renamed some IDs. Now it's tested and working fine and has a few extras like marine actor settings (sound, portrait, wireframe, icons) and a proper selection radius for the ground base.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Minimap Icons

    unit -> fog visibility -> set to visible

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on WC3 Orc Heroes Remastered
    Quote from Renee2islga: Go

    I have a whole wc3 mod with full data prepared just waiting for that rumored wc3 asset pack. I surly don't want my last 2 year's works to be wasted.

    Blizzard seems to work on a mod with WarCraft units, too. JademusSreg found a file about the editor's legacy map (sc1, wc3) conversion and he stated that it received unit names for wc3 units... so, most likely Blizzard is working on such a mod, else that file shouldn't have those names.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Defining actions for multple players
    Quote from WingedArchon: Go

    What would be the best way to check these choices then? Currently I have:

    "Player Group - Pick each player in (Active Players) and do actions - General - If (COnditions) then do (Actions) else do...
    [condition]: If 'TERRAN B' = 'choose Faction' value for picked player
    [action]: Melee - Create 'Terran B' starting units for (picked player)

    I also added a remove unit action before this to make sure it would not try to create new units on top/next to the older starting unit. In principle the action works, but not on the correct players. I'm a bit confused how I can make it find the correct player.

    Not for the correct players? Can you elaborate on that? Your approach looks fine and in theory it should work unless something else is wrong.

    I assume you are already using it like this:

            Melee - Create NewRace melee starting units for player (Picked player) at (Start location of player (Picked player))
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Defining actions for multple players

    @ choice
    At the start of the map, you need to have a loop over all players and then process the player's choice within it meaning that you require checks for the player attribute's states.
    So, you will end up with a trigger firing on "map initialization", looping over all "active players" and checking their player attributes within that loop in order to spawn the correct units for the selection made.

    @ creating units
    I would create new race entries (or better, duplicate & modify existing ones) in the data module and use the action that creates the starting units of a specified race at a specified point for a specified player. The point should be the starting point of that player.
    Also, this allows you to easily transition back to a proper system once battle.net's lobby starts supporting custom races at all.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Alternate Default Units Break victory/Defeat Conditions

    That's defined in the unit flags.
    For example, "Prevents reveal" prevents you from revealing all structures to your enemies, for example.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Library] StarMovie: Play a video inside map
    Quote from StarGazingContinuum: Go

    Just bring the camera in closer to the video and there's your fullscreen. Anyway, I'm having problems with the speed of the video. The video is running slow, and last few minutes is cut off because of it.

    Set the frames per second of the video and set it to synced in your actor via an actor message. That amount refers to the amount of frames played per game second. Synced makes it skip frames when it is delayed due to FPS/resource loading.

            Actor - Send actor message "TextureVideoPlay video 11 Synced" to main actor of unit (Last created unit)
    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Help,How I can reduce the shade and footprint in a building
    Quote from m4nUkun: Go

    And how can reduce the shade?

    Bunker Splat Actor

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Diablo III] Taylor Mouses Import scripts

    Oh, btw, I solved the script problem that prevented me from importing animations. After commenting out the lines starting with the "ECHO" command using two hivens (forum software, I hate you, so I won't write it here because it starts to cross out the text), the script started to run though.
    I've no idea why those commands only cause problems on my computer, but since they are just output messages to the console, they don't matter and can be deleted without a problem. TaylorMouse, you might need to consider commenting out the line for your release version, so other people won't run into the same problem. ;)

    If you encounter further errors, just reevaluate it (ctrl + e while script window is selected), close the script window and rerun the animation importer after chosing the file again as suggested earlier.

    Oh, btw, I would be interested in beginner tutorials for some stuff you need to do with the model to make it great for SC2. I've already learned to apply materials as shown in a tutorial video on Taylor Mouse's youtube account and how to add and name animations.
    Things I really would like to know more about are the multiple model parts a single model from D3 can consist of (e.g. skeleton, multiple weapons, ...) and how to create a death animation as the models don't have one. Also, everything I would need to know about SC2's attachment points (I didn't try those, yet) and how to create the texture aspects you usually add to a model in SC2 nowadays.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Solved] Names of all custom triggers have been reset

    Which locale are you using and are there multiple in your map right now (Map {at the top} -> Locale, the one you are using has a checkmark next to its name)?
    For your info, a map usually requires exactly one locale.

    How does the TriggerStrings.txt content look like (-> import module, click the checkbox, find the file in a localized folder, does it have content)?

    Having the map file would greatly help to try to understand what is wrong.

    Also, make sure to tell Blizzard about that weird issue in their Editor Issues forum.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Downloading Map from Published Files

    You were downloading the terrain image of the map.

    It is possible to recover maps, but you will lose everything you've put into the triggers as that information isn't included when a locked file is published.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Custom UI - Gives param errors?

    Accidentially added multiple locales to the map?

    Param\value errors should be caused by trigger actions. Do you hook with triggers and do you alter a lot or are you creating panels with triggers using UI xml templates?

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Function question
    Quote from joemart06: Go

    For each integer i from 1

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Customize Existing UI with triggers

    The path of the frame you want to hook up excluding the leading "GameUI/".

    So, you would want to hook something like "UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InventoryPanel/ContainerPanel00/Slot00" for example. I didn't test this path, but it should work.
    In the UI module, you follow the path starting in gameUI and when you reach "InventoryPanel", it uses a template which causes the content of that template to be added into that frame. So, you open the InventoryPanel layout on the left side and continue with "ContainerPanelTemplate" whose content has been added to the "InventoryPanel".

    Posted in: Triggers
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