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    posted a message on No Texture on unit when built

    what are you using as your event to trigger the TextureSelectByID?

    If you are using Actor Creation -> TextureSelectByID, perhaps try a UnitBirth.VoidRay -> TextureSelectByID

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Alert Sounds

    OOPS. To deal damage to other units, just add the Validator "NotStructure"(A default Validator) into your Alert Combine Validator.

    Hmm, the sound effect.... I knew it was too good to be true.

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    posted a message on Alert Sounds

    @Zero0018: Go

    You should be done by now. ;P


    1. You duplicate the damage effect for each unit(And ONLY that effect, don't duplicate weapons/actors, etc). On the duplicated effects, just uncheck Notification. Rename them if you like(organizing is good)
    2. Create a Set effect
    3. Duplicate Set Effect 29 more times. Rename them/organise them
    4. 2 damage effects into 1 set effect(IE Marine Guass Rifle Set - contains NoAlert Rifle Damage and Rifle Damage)
    5. Each weapon gets a set effect(IE Marine weapon should now first call upon the Rifle Set effect, instead of Rifle Damage)


    1. Create 1 Unit Type validator, either change the unit now or wait
    2. Duplicate the Validator for each structure USED in your map(including lowered/flying/upgraded/uprooted/add ons), specify proper Unit in the validator
    3. Create 2 Validator, type Combine, set to OR(by default), name it Alert Combine and NoAlert Combine
    4. Depending on how many buildings/variations, you may need more than 1 combine(I believe there is a limit to the # of validators you can add to a Combine)
    5. Use multiple OR Combine validators, kind of like a pyramid scheme if you have ALOT of buildings

    Back to Effects

    1. Throw your top-most OR Combine validator into the validators+ field on all Damage Effects
      1. For the NoAlert damage effects, give those the NoAlert Combine validator
      2. For the Alert damage effects, give those the Alert Combine validator

    It looks like alot of work, but most of it is duplication and typing.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Cast while moving

    @sunblazer00: Go

    Cool necro, bro.

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    posted a message on Alert Sounds

    "X is Under Attack" sounds/alerts are all linked to a Damage effect's Effect: Flags+ field ie: Marine - Gauss Rifle(Damage) effect. As long as that effect has NOTIFICATION checked in that field, and you are not looking at the location that is being attacked(Radius of 15, I believe), you will get notified. If you uncheck Notification, well, it doesn't matter what is under attack, be it structure or unit, you will not get any alert, ever.

    Other abilities(most notably Nuclear Strike) has a field UI: Alert Array+, which has "CalldownLaunch" in the Cast phase. CalldownLaunch is in the Alerts, under Advanced Data.

    All in all, not easily possible, most likely EXTREMELY difficult IF not impossible.

    Currently trying to think up a hacky method :D

    EDIT: OMG! Can it really be that simple... mm testing time(Ok so no testing needed, should be straight forward)

    Yea, it should be really simple, will require 1 validator per building. 2 Damage effects per weapon, one with Notification, the other without.

    So, the marine's weapon has Effect - set to Marine Guass Rifle (Set). The set effect has both Guass Rifle(Damage) and Guass Rifle[no Altert](Damage).

    Let's say you only want Main/Production facilities to give an Alert when attacked, like the Command Center, Barracks, Factory, Star Port. Every other building will not display an alert.

    So, in the Validators+ field of the Guass Rifle(Damage) effect, add an OR Combine validator.

    The OR Combine validator will have multiple Unit Type validators, "Is ComCenter" "Is Barracks" "Is Factory" "Is Starport".

    In the Validators+ field of the Guass Rifle[No Alert](Damage) effect, also add an OR Combine validator.

    This OR Combine validator will have multiple Unit Type validators, "Is Depot" "Is EngBay" "Is Reactor" "Is TechLab" "Is Armory" "Is GhostAcademy" etc etc, depending on any custom building or whatnot.

    In effect, your marine should fire his weapon, and depending on the structure being attacked, only 1 of the damage effects should get validating, giving you an Alert or not.

    Don't forget validators for Flying Building, Burrowed Depot, uprooted Crawlers, Gateway/Warpgate, etc etc.

    Attached a quick map for your viewing pleasure. Top right of the map is a blue marine, with your Command Center. Bottom right of the map is a blue marine with your Supply Depot. Start the map, and you get an alert at the CC only(Visible on the minimap). The marine does 100 dmg to the CC. The marine does 1 damage(and without alert) to the Depot. Lower the supply depot, no damage.

    That should give you an idea of what to do for the rest. Setting it up at first might take some time, but once you have those OR Combine validators(I suggest making an OR Combine for each race, then combine those 3 races OR Combines into 1 OR Combine) setting up every unit's weapons will be quite easy. 1 validator for every weapon in the end.

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    posted a message on Model/Actor Problem

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I don't mind duping now as much as I did before, because at first it's very confusing, but now that I know more about it, I usually now just dupe the main unit and main actor and nothing else. I'll tweak what I need to be custom, or revert to default on whatever fields if need be.

    Another thing I've done from time to time is create a new actor, same type as whatever I need another of, and just copy certain fields from Original Unit to New Unit and custom build the remaining fields.

    All in all, especially in regards to the Events+ field, you need to go over it top to bottom(and have a good understanding of what's what and how it all connects) to be able to have next to no problems arise from duping.

    But yea, too bad the editor can be a little unforgiving at times.

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    posted a message on Model/Actor Problem

    @Zero0018: Go Instead of duplicating every actor for a buildable unit, just change

    • UnitConstruction.CommandCenter2.Start
      • Create CommandCenter2Build


    • UnitConstruction.CommandCenter2.Start
      • Create CommandCenterBuild

    CommandCenterBuild is those large pillar/platform that comes out of the ground to help construct your building when it reaches the later stages of the build.

    Did you change how long it takes the building to build? Modify any Blend In times? These could have an adverse affect on the default timings and thus why nothing pops up when it should. I remember making a Bunker build in 10 seconds(and a Spine Crawler) and I had to manually specify each of their construction phases with timers and AnimPlay events in the actor just to get a model to show up, even though I used all default.

    I imagine you mean that no Command Center pops up until the building is FULLY finished? Command Center should NOT be visible AT ALL until approximately 3/4 of the default construction time is finished. However, at 0 seconds, a platform should be placed as a placeholder, aka the "base" of the command center(which happens to be the CommandCenterBuild actor [uses TerranBuild.m3]), and during the first 3/4 of the build time, it should eventually raise up with 4 pillars and a welder arm helps to construct the next "floor" or whatever, of hte Command Center. At the end of the construction, these pillars/weld arm normally disappears into the ground.

    @TheAlmaity: Go But... Terran and Zerg DO have their own Create actors... Create CommandCenterBuild is basically the same as the ProtossBuildingBirthLarge(though I believe each Terran Bulding has their own specific Build actor, all using TerranBuild.m3). If you take a look, all that CommandCenterBuild controls is the platform/contruction arm/welder structure that pops up around the building.

    Same with Zerg, except they use those "red/purple sacs" with the drone swimming around in a circle inside it, which at the end gets destroyed and replaced with the building's actual model.


    Ok so I was gonna do a quick test see what I get when I duplicate the Command Center (Unit) and JUST the main Actor, and tried to build that.

    I modified the event I specified above to say Create CommandCenterBuild

    then I went and added the second command center to the SCV Build ability and I noticed when I added it, the default Info-Time was set to 15 instead of 100(as per normal CC build time).

    EDIT 2: Tested in game with 15 second build, and EVERYTHING works as normal.

    So, just change Create CommandCenter2Build to Create CommandCenterBuild and all should be fine. I'll post my map for clarity's sake, since IT WORKS.

    EDIT 3: HA! One thing that I noticed, is that CommandCenter2Build is entered as a CUSTOM entry, and not an actual ACTOR entry, thus why duplicating CommandCenterBuild did not work. Zero probably left it as CommandCenter2Build, resulting in mass confusion.

    For future reference, any DUPLICATED actor/unit/ANYTHING will be original name2. Not original2 name. I do not understand why the editor goes through so much trouble to screw everyone up when all you want a duplicate of is the unit and base actor... why can't the rest DEFAULT AS NORMAL?

    Stupid editor...

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    posted a message on [Solved] Creating a structure that can be "captured" by moving a certain amount of units near it

    So I just woke up, and it would be nice to have a few extra details about some specifics, because what I was thinking last night will not be possible.

    Here's what might help me out.

    • # of teams
    • # of players per team
      • Only 1 player can own the cargo building, so you could not have player 1 have 3 units in cargo and player 2(his ally) with 2 units in the same building.
    • Do you need the 5 specified units BEFORE the building becomes owned? Is this important at all?
    • Can the enemy enter Cargo if you have 5 units in the Cargo building?

    I have a hackish-method that could POSSIBLY work, but it seems like alot of work... Just thinking about it gives me a headache right now lol. I'm pretty sure it would be ALL data aswell.

    This method would involve

    1. 1 cargo building PER player, SMALL sized
    2. 1 Dummy building at the location, LARGER sized(big enough to cover all the player Cargo buildings)
    3. Alot of Actor work to "display" to enemy teams how many units the enemy has in Cargo.
    4. ALOT of Validators depending
    5. Probably alot of other work I just haven't thought of yet.

    Basically, you place all your Cargo buildings(1 per player) in a circle, then place the dummy building OVER them, with a visible corner sticking out so that the player can see which cargo is theirs. Place some kind of visual on the ground, colored to each individual player(even easier to spot). Or, you make a duplicate of each cargo and just tint each cargo to that player's team color and leave the corner sticking out, removing the necessity for the ground visual. That means, for 4 players, you would have 4 Cargo Buildings, each with a separate tint. This eliminates the need for neutral cargo ownership switching, obviously.

    Eh... like I said, it's pretty god damn complicated, and I'm sure you might run into some issues if you try this.

    Perhaps ask in Trigger section first before doing it all data?

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    posted a message on [Solved] Creating a structure that can be "captured" by moving a certain amount of units near it

    As far as I know, once you have 1 unit inside the neutral cargo, ownership is transferred to you and thus the enemy cannot enter the building.

    I've never tried giving 2 cargo abilities to a unit, though I imagine one will override the other, though I may be wrong.

    As for changing the color of the bars associated with the cargo bay, that is very possible.

    • Actors Tab
    • Cargo Building
    • UI: Status Colors+
      • Cargo: Background Color (colors the "border" of the cargo bar)
      • Cargo: Selected Value (colors that an "occupied" spot is)
      • Cargo: Empty Color (self explanatory)

    Although this would make ALL of that building have the same cargo colors, but only visible to YOURSELF/allies.

    I've got more ideas, but I'm really tired and about to pass out... I came on mapster real quick to pass a minute or 2 before bed and end up trying to answer this fully... and I know what I want to say but cannot get it out, in an understandable way.

    I'll see if anyone else cares to throw you an answer whenever to see if I should bother finishing my idea after I wake up(and hopefully uunderstandable).

    Sorry for the (temporary) false hope ;)

    Passing out`~

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    posted a message on (Solved) How do I change these values?

    You look in Unit tab, Cost: Cost+ field.
    By default, Selendis has no Cost.

    That is where you want to edit the cost and it will update accordingly on your tooltip/button.

    You COULD use the build/train to adjust the price, but by default all units have their cost in the Cost:Cost+ field.

    An example.. Zealots cost 100 minerals. You have your Train(Gateway) and you leave Zealot cost as blank, so the Zealot costs 100 minerals when building from the gateway(as normal).

    Now, you take Train(Warpgate) and you modify the Zealot field of the Train ability, select Info - Cost Display Minerals checkmarked, and then input 33 in the Info - Tech Resource Cost field.

    Now, when you train the Zealot at the Warpgate, it now costs 133 minerals in total to warp one in.

    You(or anyone) could use this in any map, where upgrading to a Warpgate is beneficial because of the fact that you can warp into a power supply as per normal, but incur an extra cost, for power consumption(or whatever reason you like/that works for your map).

    Hope that cleared some stuff up, and revealed something else :)

    Speaking of which.... an interesting idea popped into my mind... it's been a while.

    EDIT: It worked. Gave the Gateway both Train Warpgate and Train Gateway, made submenu's for both, you can build AND warp in at the same time. Cooldown works as normal, and you can only queue as normal for the regular warp in.

    Thought occured to me wondering if it would affect each other, and nope. Also gave all Warp Gate type warpins a 33% mineral/vespene cost increase and it worked like a charm.

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    posted a message on Weekly Data Exercise #22 - I'm carrying What!...

    @Photoloss: Go

    Usually people will post something of their problem and where they are stuck, asking what's wrong with their ability, and that's fine asking for help if you are stuck at that certain part.

    You basically just went right out and asked "How do I do them all" without even trying.

    When the WDE's were much more active when I first started, there were no cheat sheets and easy answers. I threw myself fully into the editor to learn it. Not copy someone else's stuff, which would usually leave me wondering(especially with more complex abilities) how this connected to that and vice versa.

    Building from the ground up, and possibly tearing an another ability down for the sake of curiosity, is how you get better.

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    posted a message on (Solved) Two things that might not be possible...

    @illidans911: Go

    If you look at the second post... that's already been said.

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    posted a message on Cloak only when unit is standing still
    • Give the unit permanent cloak Behavior, like Spectre - Cloak (Free)
    • Create new Validator, type Unit Compare Speed, leave everything as default except Validator: Unit+ set to Source
    • in your permanent cloak Behavior, set Behavior: Validators(Disable)+ to your custom Validator
    • Win!
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    posted a message on Here's a crazy and stupid idea; lucky for you, I like crazy and stupid.

    a well micro'd probe can end up killing several scvs or drones, just because the shield regen.

    Do you watch any pro replays? Have you seen Warp Prism storm drops? Immortal drops, DT warp ins... Warp Prisms are very useful, even more so after the update that gave them 100 shields.

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    posted a message on Off sc2mapster for a while

    My condolences.

    I myself lost my mother suddenly, almost 13 years ago, and it was quite a change. Spend the time with your family, and don't bottle it up. I can tell you from experience it is not the way to go. It's ok to cry, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Bottling it up will just hurt you in the long run.

    Talk about it. Cry about it. Remember the good times. Life must go on, and make him proud.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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