Before I start, I'd like to thank Helral, greythepirate and all the others here at the mapster for all their commitment and time providing precious tutorials, snippets, and love. While some things are intuitive, others tend to be so mind boggling... like how the commandtooltip frame's parent is actually not the commandpanel but the clayer or something?
Anyways back to topic - I've made a decent start to my UI but another road block again }:< I think I've read (a long time ago, very vaguely) that it wasn't possible to move these. But I can't seem to find any threads about them anymore. Is it possible to move these - or will I have to meet my nightmares of creating another cumbersome system..
are you sure yo can move them? I've found a different way to move them by moving the inventorypanel instead. This guy says that you can't move them directly.
Before I start, I'd like to thank Helral, greythepirate and all the others here at the mapster for all their commitment and time providing precious tutorials, snippets, and love. While some things are intuitive, others tend to be so mind boggling... like how the commandtooltip frame's parent is actually not the commandpanel but the clayer or something?
Anyways back to topic - I've made a decent start to my UI but another road block again }:< I think I've read (a long time ago, very vaguely) that it wasn't possible to move these. But I can't seem to find any threads about them anymore. Is it possible to move these - or will I have to meet my nightmares of creating another cumbersome system..
Thanks in advance!
ctrl + alt + F12 ingame, then click on it, then create a new UI layout and move it.
Have you tried? It's not working I'm pretty sure I have the right container too lol
post your xml. i'll test then. dunno which container you are moving but the ones i am using move very well.
are you sure yo can move them? I've found a different way to move them by moving the inventorypanel instead. This guy says that you can't move them directly.
Can you put up a test map?
indeed, i am sorry, moving the inventorypanel too.