SC2 is using 2 styles for the unit name to make sure it fits into the label: one for short names, one for long names.
Therefore, the used styles are hardcoded.
> Override the style instead of using another style.
The text module doesn't properly support this. So, it's easiest to copy and paste the entry you want to override, save the map as componentsList and edit the SC2Styles file's ID manually. Then make the changes you want to do.
Remember, there are 2 styles for the unit name. So, you would want to override both.
Btw, you can delete "template="InfoPaneUnit/InfoPaneUnitTemplate"" in your code. All frames are already created when your code is processed.
Im trying to change unit`s name style.
My Layout :
Strange, but nothing happens. If i`ll add <Visible val="false"/> units name label disappear. It means path is correct. But why i can't change style?
Bump. Still need help!!!
SC2 is using 2 styles for the unit name to make sure it fits into the label: one for short names, one for long names.
Therefore, the used styles are hardcoded.
> Override the style instead of using another style.
The text module doesn't properly support this. So, it's easiest to copy and paste the entry you want to override, save the map as componentsList and edit the SC2Styles file's ID manually. Then make the changes you want to do.
Remember, there are 2 styles for the unit name. So, you would want to override both.
Btw, you can delete "template="InfoPaneUnit/InfoPaneUnitTemplate"" in your code. All frames are already created when your code is processed.
Thank you Ahli634!!! It is exactly what i need.
Also i can replace all fonts using this method, and don`t need to dig into layouts to do this.