Hi, I've got a problem that I don't know how to solve at all. I'll try to explain it the best way I can. In my TPS map the main unit who has cameras following him and such, enters a vehicle. Then the trigger below is run (with modifed camera depth and height) so that cameras are applied for this vehicle. When the main unit exits the vehicle, the camera is supposed to go back to normal by running the trigger again but for main unit but instead it's like the cameras from the vehicle and main unit "collide". The camera is no longer following the main unit. It's centered between the vehicle and the main unit. As a temporarily fix I made a trigger that re-runs the camera trigger for main unit when the main unit a certain distance from the vehicle. Then the camera works, but as soon as he comes within certain range of the vehicle the two "collide" again.
The camera trigger is as follows:
Camera - Lock camera mouse relative mode On for player Player
Camera - Turn camera mouse rotation On for player Player
Camera - Turn camera height displacement Off for player Player
Camera - Turn camera height smoothing Off for player Player
Camera - Pan the camera for player 1 to (Position of PlayerUnit) over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity, 0% deceleration, and Do Not use smart panning
Camera - Follow for player 1 (Unit group(PlayerUnit)) with the camera and Clear Current Target
Camera - Apply camera object Rotation (Facing of PlayerUnit) for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 10% deceleration
Camera - Apply camera object Angle Of Attack 0.0 for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 0% deceleration
Camera - Apply camera object Distance CamDistance for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 0% deceleration
Camera - Apply camera object Height Offset CamHeight for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 0% deceleration
When you use Follow Unit group with Camera you also have to unfollow the group if you want to follow another one (use the same action with Stop following as first parameter).
Hi, I've got a problem that I don't know how to solve at all. I'll try to explain it the best way I can. In my TPS map the main unit who has cameras following him and such, enters a vehicle. Then the trigger below is run (with modifed camera depth and height) so that cameras are applied for this vehicle. When the main unit exits the vehicle, the camera is supposed to go back to normal by running the trigger again but for main unit but instead it's like the cameras from the vehicle and main unit "collide". The camera is no longer following the main unit. It's centered between the vehicle and the main unit. As a temporarily fix I made a trigger that re-runs the camera trigger for main unit when the main unit a certain distance from the vehicle. Then the camera works, but as soon as he comes within certain range of the vehicle the two "collide" again. The camera trigger is as follows:
Camera - Lock camera mouse relative mode On for player Player
Camera - Turn camera mouse rotation On for player Player
Camera - Turn camera height displacement Off for player Player
Camera - Turn camera height smoothing Off for player Player
Camera - Pan the camera for player 1 to (Position of PlayerUnit) over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity, 0% deceleration, and Do Not use smart panning
Camera - Follow for player 1 (Unit group(PlayerUnit)) with the camera and Clear Current Target
Camera - Apply camera object Rotation (Facing of PlayerUnit) for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 10% deceleration
Camera - Apply camera object Angle Of Attack 0.0 for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 0% deceleration
Camera - Apply camera object Distance CamDistance for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 0% deceleration
Camera - Apply camera object Height Offset CamHeight for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 0% deceleration
When you use Follow Unit group with Camera you also have to unfollow the group if you want to follow another one (use the same action with Stop following as first parameter).
@Talon0815: Go
I thought I had tried that already, it worked perfectly! You have no idea how much that helped! Thanks a ton dude.