Hello all, I've done some research and searching however I have not found exactly what I am looking for so here goes...
I'm not here to ask for exact code just some ideas on how to implement a quest system the easiest way possible. As of now the way I have quests set is that each time I want to make a quest I have to start each piece by scratch ie create the dialogs, format them, add the title/info/button triggers for dialogs, and also no quest progress status is included.
So I ask whats the best way to create a well developed organized quest system with dialogs, that I can easily add new quests to later, while trying to have the galaxy editor do most of the work for me.
List Box (a dialog item) is a list of selectable options. The list items contain a line of stylable text to fit your need.
You can only add list items to the bottom of the list, but you can remove a list item at any index, which should be good enough for a quest list without categories. Create multiple lists if you want main quest and sidequest categories. Use arrays to remember which list item correspond to which quest.
Hello all, I've done some research and searching however I have not found exactly what I am looking for so here goes...
I'm not here to ask for exact code just some ideas on how to implement a quest system the easiest way possible. As of now the way I have quests set is that each time I want to make a quest I have to start each piece by scratch ie create the dialogs, format them, add the title/info/button triggers for dialogs, and also no quest progress status is included.
So I ask whats the best way to create a well developed organized quest system with dialogs, that I can easily add new quests to later, while trying to have the galaxy editor do most of the work for me.
List Box (a dialog item) is a list of selectable options. The list items contain a line of stylable text to fit your need.
You can only add list items to the bottom of the list, but you can remove a list item at any index, which should be good enough for a quest list without categories. Create multiple lists if you want main quest and sidequest categories. Use arrays to remember which list item correspond to which quest.
Ahh yes exactly what I was looking for, dont know how I missed list boxes. Thanks!