Not sure if that is the proper title for my problem or not but there it is.
ive spent the last few hours implementing a 4 way risk reward structure in my map. ive set up all except how to make the effect random.
I have a thing that is supposed to go underground and time out (which it does) then in triggers i have 5 set for when that time out effect plays then play 1 of 5 effects 4 of which trigger an event.
i cant figure out how to set it up though... for the best one ive tried setting it like
condition random percent >=97
not random percent <=96
that way there would be roughly a 3% chance of the best one triggering.
for the ok one i have it set for
Condition random percent >= 60
not random percent >=97
i have a horrible and a bad effect set up in the same manners except using 3 and 50
and ive had a dud condition set up like
Condition Random Percent >=51
not random percent >=60
and then in the game i test it out and the buildings work like normal but i get things i shouldnt get. sometimes it will show ok or bad. but alot of the time ill get doubles or even triples like "ok, dud" or "ok, bad" or "ok, dud, bad" and sometimes nothing shows up at all no ok dud bad great or horrible.
from what i can tell i have it set up to use a certain % amount between percentages while blocking off it being a % from the lower or upper side of a 0-100% line but i still get mixes of the results or no result at all.
what am i doing wrong? when i set the great number from 93 to 75 i started seeing it more which makes sense but it and horrible never trigger at all normally with there just 3% points. ive tested the building more than 250 times likely and chances are at 6% i should have seen horrible and great pop up from time to time.
i figure they might be the super duds that show no results but i dont see why they would show nothing, they have an event to play to show the results so theres no reason why it should show nothing.
i know someone can help, this is driving me crazy. math has never been my strong suite and its worse when things in the editor sound gibberish. im using "Not" but im not sure if i need to be using "And"s or "Or"s to get it to work.
Jeez, dude, be patient. Not entirely sure I've got an idea of what you want, but I think this might be what you're looking for:
var i = integer
Set variable i random integer between 1 and 100.
If Then Else If
If i < 5
Then Action
If <= 5 < 50
Then Action
If Then Else If is a bit confusing, in that it just shows a condition icon, but if you create an action or condition with the If Then Else If bit selected, it'll set things up for you.
i didnt mean to sound impatiant. 8 hours is just a long time and considering how many people are online i really expected someone to have replied by the time i got up, sirry...
thanks ill try that. i worked out what the problem was with my system, since there are 5 triggers tied to one event with the separate conditions, then they all activate at the same time... sorta stupid for not relizing it sooner but i didnt really consider the possiblity that the random % function wouldnt cancel out others
im trying to make a nuke you drop into a volcano that gives good or bad things. it morphs to a copy of it that has timed life and it plays a timed life effect when its over and that starts up the triggers.
so i guess i need a trigger that picks up the timed life and gets a random number or % and then the 5 triggers to play off of whichever number it picks.
it looks like that might be just what i need, i just need to figure out how to lay it out and the like now. thank u
does the variable shuffle with each new if then else if?
im still getting blank duds where none of the results pop up, "great, ok, dud, bad, horrible". but sometimes i send it down and nothing appears at all.
i have the conditions as comparison random integers, but im not sure if thats the one to use or not or if i should be using the within bounds condition
Not sure if that is the proper title for my problem or not but there it is. ive spent the last few hours implementing a 4 way risk reward structure in my map. ive set up all except how to make the effect random.
I have a thing that is supposed to go underground and time out (which it does) then in triggers i have 5 set for when that time out effect plays then play 1 of 5 effects 4 of which trigger an event.
i cant figure out how to set it up though... for the best one ive tried setting it like
condition random percent >=97 not random percent <=96
that way there would be roughly a 3% chance of the best one triggering.
for the ok one i have it set for
Condition random percent >= 60 not random percent >=97
i have a horrible and a bad effect set up in the same manners except using 3 and 50
and ive had a dud condition set up like
Condition Random Percent >=51 not random percent >=60
and then in the game i test it out and the buildings work like normal but i get things i shouldnt get. sometimes it will show ok or bad. but alot of the time ill get doubles or even triples like "ok, dud" or "ok, bad" or "ok, dud, bad" and sometimes nothing shows up at all no ok dud bad great or horrible.
from what i can tell i have it set up to use a certain % amount between percentages while blocking off it being a % from the lower or upper side of a 0-100% line but i still get mixes of the results or no result at all.
what am i doing wrong? when i set the great number from 93 to 75 i started seeing it more which makes sense but it and horrible never trigger at all normally with there just 3% points. ive tested the building more than 250 times likely and chances are at 6% i should have seen horrible and great pop up from time to time.
i figure they might be the super duds that show no results but i dont see why they would show nothing, they have an event to play to show the results so theres no reason why it should show nothing.
i know someone can help, this is driving me crazy. math has never been my strong suite and its worse when things in the editor sound gibberish. im using "Not" but im not sure if i need to be using "And"s or "Or"s to get it to work.
Please and thank you for your help : )
hmm was hoping someone would have came up with something by now...
Jeez, dude, be patient. Not entirely sure I've got an idea of what you want, but I think this might be what you're looking for:
var i = integer
Set variable i random integer between 1 and 100.
If Then Else If
If i < 5
Then Action
If <= 5 < 50
Then Action
If Then Else If is a bit confusing, in that it just shows a condition icon, but if you create an action or condition with the If Then Else If bit selected, it'll set things up for you.
i didnt mean to sound impatiant. 8 hours is just a long time and considering how many people are online i really expected someone to have replied by the time i got up, sirry...
thanks ill try that. i worked out what the problem was with my system, since there are 5 triggers tied to one event with the separate conditions, then they all activate at the same time... sorta stupid for not relizing it sooner but i didnt really consider the possiblity that the random % function wouldnt cancel out others
im trying to make a nuke you drop into a volcano that gives good or bad things. it morphs to a copy of it that has timed life and it plays a timed life effect when its over and that starts up the triggers.
so i guess i need a trigger that picks up the timed life and gets a random number or % and then the 5 triggers to play off of whichever number it picks.
it looks like that might be just what i need, i just need to figure out how to lay it out and the like now. thank u
Disregard the fallowing msg
does the variable shuffle with each new if then else if?
im still getting blank duds where none of the results pop up, "great, ok, dud, bad, horrible". but sometimes i send it down and nothing appears at all.
i have the conditions as comparison random integers, but im not sure if thats the one to use or not or if i should be using the within bounds condition
Thanks for the help :D i was starting to think it was impossible. Couldnt have done it w/o you thank you so much