4. copy the tripper stuff like what i have shown and in trigger editor create a New Custom Script
5. paste that trigger stuff into it
6. now back to the script you will need to know the name of the unit you are referencing mine is downLevel search for it it should come up as gv_downLevel
Hello everybody this is directly related to the event Any Unit Enters/Leaves Distance From Unit.
normally you cannot use a defined variable you will have to use preplaced units.
well there is a galaxy workaround for this and i have the code for it here:
1. first create your trigger in gui so that we can reference it in the script
2. after that click on Data->View Script
3. in the script you use find to find your trigger it will look similar to
4. copy the tripper stuff like what i have shown and in trigger editor create a New Custom Script
5. paste that trigger stuff into it
6. now back to the script you will need to know the name of the unit you are referencing mine is downLevel search for it it should come up as gv_downLevel
7. replace this line
8. to something like this
9. now at the top of that custom script add a declaration to the trigger something like this
should look similar to this:
10. Now whenever that variable unit you are referencing is created you will call a custom script action like this
Note: i know i am not using good galaxy skills as this is ripped from gui code but feelfree to use whatever formatting you want