I don't recognize that skybox, but most of them have quirks like not showing if you look below the horizon (the problem you're having). Is it a custom skybox?
The reason there was no black in my screenshot is that the grey cloudy stuff is actually part of the skybox. That section in your skybox might just be completely missing.
I'm posting this because I noticed a lot of people (including myself) were not sure which skyboxes worked, and dismayed that most (any, besides Braxis) skyboxes don't show in the editor.
Skyboxes in the Editor:
To get (working) skyboxes to show inside the editor press CTRL and scroll DOWN with your mousewheel. This increases your view distance and eventually displays the skybox. If you don't have a mousewheel, you can use Ctrl + Shift + DOWN instead (thanks Kanaru for pointing this out).
Changing Skyboxes in-game:
You may change the in-game skybox/parallax by using the GUI action "Set Background Model", or in Galaxy:
voidGameSetBackground(intinType,stringinModel,fixedinAnimSpeed)// background types:constintc_backgroundFixed=0;// Attached to camera position (never appears to move) (skybox)constintc_backgroundTerrain=1;// Attached to terrain (moves as camera scrolls) (parallax)
@depthsofchaos: Go
I'm confused..what was your previous post about then?
@depthsofchaos I don't recognize that skybox, but most of them have quirks like not showing if you look below the horizon (the problem you're having). Is it a custom skybox?
The reason there was no black in my screenshot is that the grey cloudy stuff is actually part of the skybox. That section in your skybox might just be completely missing.
@s3rius: Go
Will do, thanks.
Bump :)
@Kanaru: Go
Thanks for pointing the hotkey out, and as for rebinding the control....duh..can't believe I didn't think of that :P
Bump :)
Sorry if I posted in the wrong section, still new to this site :)
I'm posting this because I noticed a lot of people (including myself) were not sure which skyboxes worked, and dismayed that most (any, besides Braxis) skyboxes don't show in the editor.
Skyboxes in the Editor:
Changing Skyboxes in-game:
List of working Skyboxes/Parallaxes:
Non-working Skyboxes/Parallaxes:
That should cover it, please post any additional info you have :)