Var CurUnitType(UnitType)
Var CurUnitCatalogName(String)
- set CurUnitType = Unit Type of (triggering unit)
- TextMessage( conversion(Game Link to Text(CurUnitType)))
- set CurUnitCatalogName = conversion(GameLink to string(CurUnitType))
- Set Catalog Field Value (Units, CurUnitCatalogName, "LifeMax",500,Triggering Player)
This would basically set the MaxLife for any type of unit that enters the region .... it would set the maxlife for the [unit type] for the triggering player it effects all units of the type owned by a specific player when you modify the Catalog
Event - Unit Enters Region
Var CurUnitType(UnitType)
Var CurUnitCatalogName(String)
- set CurUnitType = Unit Type of (triggering unit)
- TextMessage( conversion(Game Link to Text(CurUnitType)))
- set CurUnitCatalogName = conversion(GameLink to string(CurUnitType))
- Set Catalog Field Value (Units, CurUnitCatalogName, "LifeMax",500,Triggering Player)
This would basically set the MaxLife for any type of unit that enters the region .... it would set the maxlife for the [unit type] for the triggering player it effects all units of the type owned by a specific player when you modify the Catalog