I didnt dupe the spine crawler, i followed the step by step instructions in that tutorial to add the tendrils to my hungerlisk. I had already duped the ultralisk to make the hungerlisk before I went about doing that.
Ive recently transferred from using world edit for wc3 to the galaxy editor. Ive just been getting myself use to the data editor so I had no idea those other tentacles existed or at least that I could use them. Unless its just a matter of changing the actor models.
So I went through this tutorial here, titled Working with Hosting and Site Operations - The Uberlisk, Axis Alignment and More!
I managed to give my Hungerlisk (a variation of an Ultralisk) 6 attached spine crawler weapons that seem to be functioning very well, although there is a few errors where the tendril will not return to its original location. Every time the tendrils strike at an enemy my screen is flooded with error messages and Im not sure what I did wrong. I probably messed up a small step or something in the tutorial and so I am posting this to get some experienced eyes to help me find what I did wrong.
In addition, I plan on making an upgrade that will provide these tendrils (1 for each level of the upgrade researched) and I could use some help going about doing that. It has to be as simple as sticking a requirement into something but im not sure where to start.
One more thing, I started out creating my Hungerlisk by duplicating the Ultralisk and a couple linked objects like the weapon and actor. So now whenever I change anything about my hungerlisk, the ultralisk unit has its name reset to hungerlisk. To prevent their names showing up as the same in certain menus I added an editor suffix labeled (not the ultralisk) to my hungerlisk unit just so I could tell them apart. I would like a more permanent solution otherwise I'll just keep changing the ultralisks name back to ultralisk whenever I finish working on my hungerlisk.
To summarize:
Why is my screen being flooded with errors when my hungerlisk's tendrils attack? How would I add a requirement to the visibility and use of my hungerlisk's tendrils? Why exactly is the name of the unit Ultralisk being reset to Hungerlisk whenever I alter my Hungerlisk in any way?
@DrSuperEvil: Go
I didnt dupe the spine crawler, i followed the step by step instructions in that tutorial to add the tendrils to my hungerlisk. I had already duped the ultralisk to make the hungerlisk before I went about doing that.
Ive recently transferred from using world edit for wc3 to the galaxy editor. Ive just been getting myself use to the data editor so I had no idea those other tentacles existed or at least that I could use them. Unless its just a matter of changing the actor models.
So I went through this tutorial here, titled Working with Hosting and Site Operations - The Uberlisk, Axis Alignment and More!
I managed to give my Hungerlisk (a variation of an Ultralisk) 6 attached spine crawler weapons that seem to be functioning very well, although there is a few errors where the tendril will not return to its original location. Every time the tendrils strike at an enemy my screen is flooded with error messages and Im not sure what I did wrong. I probably messed up a small step or something in the tutorial and so I am posting this to get some experienced eyes to help me find what I did wrong.
In addition, I plan on making an upgrade that will provide these tendrils (1 for each level of the upgrade researched) and I could use some help going about doing that. It has to be as simple as sticking a requirement into something but im not sure where to start.
One more thing, I started out creating my Hungerlisk by duplicating the Ultralisk and a couple linked objects like the weapon and actor. So now whenever I change anything about my hungerlisk, the ultralisk unit has its name reset to hungerlisk. To prevent their names showing up as the same in certain menus I added an editor suffix labeled (not the ultralisk) to my hungerlisk unit just so I could tell them apart. I would like a more permanent solution otherwise I'll just keep changing the ultralisks name back to ultralisk whenever I finish working on my hungerlisk.
To summarize:
Why is my screen being flooded with errors when my hungerlisk's tendrils attack? How would I add a requirement to the visibility and use of my hungerlisk's tendrils? Why exactly is the name of the unit Ultralisk being reset to Hungerlisk whenever I alter my Hungerlisk in any way?