I should point out I did hide a lil bug with novas mind control. Because the re-spawn system doesn't care what player(x) unit died it will just spawn another ghost for them and subtract a life. I suppose you could get around this when spawning a ghost setting it to an array so that you can check the unit that died against the array.
hey mate, I made a map to show you how to do the specific things as much easier then typing everything out. Now im not sure if some are the things are the most efficient way of going about it but have to start somewhere i suppose.
Each player will have a unit spawned at the start if the player exists. Each unit has 3-4 lives (cant remember what i set it at :P ) and the way i did this was to simply create a new unit at a checkpoint. The map also contains checkpoints and a few units that patrol.
Best of luck, just leave any questions and i will hopefully get around to answering them.
@csisac: Go
I should point out I did hide a lil bug with novas mind control. Because the re-spawn system doesn't care what player(x) unit died it will just spawn another ghost for them and subtract a life. I suppose you could get around this when spawning a ghost setting it to an array so that you can check the unit that died against the array.
hey mate, I made a map to show you how to do the specific things as much easier then typing everything out. Now im not sure if some are the things are the most efficient way of going about it but have to start somewhere i suppose.
Each player will have a unit spawned at the start if the player exists. Each unit has 3-4 lives (cant remember what i set it at :P ) and the way i did this was to simply create a new unit at a checkpoint. The map also contains checkpoints and a few units that patrol.
Best of luck, just leave any questions and i will hopefully get around to answering them.