There is a condition called "Get Relationship Between Players" where one would be the triggering player and the other the chosen player. Here you can check if they are allies, enemies etc. Hope this helps
That's perfect, thanks a lot. I stared myself blind at this yesterday and still didn't find a solution, i used a team check condition and made a lot of advanced tracking systems just for this and it worked, however it requierd a duplicated trigger so i decided to skip it. I never realized it was that simple :D
You could add some triggers like 'player x sends chat message containing kick player 1' and then turn on a vote trigger which counts 'yes' or 'no' from each other player except the one that is going to be kicked and then checking how many yes or no's. Kick if yes > no by simply defeating the player you wish to kick?
I used a similar system where the votekick system were based on chat commands and Variables (Int), the votekick "number" was based on the player position in my Leaderboard and this worked fine for a global votekick system where all players are in the same team.
However, i'm creating a 8vs4 and i want to prevent the votekick feature to be used cross-team. I know there must be some excellent "Condition" for this but i've not been able to found one. I need something like "Votekick Player equal to allied with Triggering Player = True". Where Votekick Player is the player that the vote is all about, and triggering player are the player that started the vote. Without such a condition it's possible for the team with 8 players to kick all players in the opposite team since they have more player to vote. There is probably a simple answer to this, any ideas?
That's perfect, thanks a lot. I stared myself blind at this yesterday and still didn't find a solution, i used a team check condition and made a lot of advanced tracking systems just for this and it worked, however it requierd a duplicated trigger so i decided to skip it. I never realized it was that simple :D
I used a similar system where the votekick system were based on chat commands and Variables (Int), the votekick "number" was based on the player position in my Leaderboard and this worked fine for a global votekick system where all players are in the same team.
However, i'm creating a 8vs4 and i want to prevent the votekick feature to be used cross-team. I know there must be some excellent "Condition" for this but i've not been able to found one. I need something like "Votekick Player equal to allied with Triggering Player = True". Where Votekick Player is the player that the vote is all about, and triggering player are the player that started the vote. Without such a condition it's possible for the team with 8 players to kick all players in the opposite team since they have more player to vote. There is probably a simple answer to this, any ideas?
Any help would be very appreciated.
I am interested of a votekick system as well, i will start experimenting with it and return to you if i explore something interesting :)