PFs are good, but perditions are alwais viable from the start of the game and on every part of the map / your base, you can't say the same thing of PFs and personally i had no problems with disruptors/perditions on the last mission, plus PFs steal range from siege tanks by being so massive, the tanks are actually really behin them and lose like 6 range or so of effective attack range... It's also a question of taste, you want reliable and cheap defences, choose Perditions:if instead you want to build a wall, to make terrans great again, choose PFs...
Lurkers are still usefull on very few missions, can't say the same about impalers, plus they can be used on assault on every mission, they deal more DPS of a siege tank for example, that OP damage is simply insane
Blink DTs... Another proof of David Kim retardation, we had Rob Pardo that left after his disgusting diablo 3 milking strategy on launch, Metzen that (THANK GOD) finally decided to gtfo after writing awfull stuff from 2010... Where the time will come for David Kim leaving blizzard? Even Jay Wilson (other retarded that simply doesn't listen to feedback, plus he made project titan fail... lol) decided to leave blizzard this year after ruining diablo 3 on launch... C'mon David Kim... You can do it, get the hell out, talentless and arrogant developer, go to balance candy crush...
DarkKazoie: Wrathwalkers are great, but since you use them on the last two mission, they lose a lot of their utility, still viable on -the host- but totally not the case on salvation, plus being forced to other AoE sources for a t3 units with high burst single target damage is not exactly as good as a colossus that opens up all the tech you want since it's the god of AoE, again Wrathwalkers are good, but not the best
TChosenOne: Didn't say CCR is useless, but considering that every new mission will require more vespene to be completed, the Automated Refinery is far more usefull, it's not so unfrequent to be flooded by minerals but with no vespene to upgrade your tech
PFs are great, but are so big and expensive that could be troublesome to place them on the right spot on time, plus you need 550/150 only to build one that is not your mining CC that usually is very far from your defences, other then that it proves itself really usefull only on the last mission... And the other missions? Not so inaluable imho; Perdition Turrets instead are small, cheap, don't cost vespene, do great AoE and can take enemies by surprise
The problem of lurkers is that they can be easily killed if a detector is present and take care of units that are not a threat by themselves, low health light units like marines/reaper/ghosts/hellbats, the real problem are armored units, that usually have a shitton of health... Plus he has a ridiculous short range for a unit so expensive, i can't even place it behind spine crawler or he will end up hitting nothing
I said it on the guide, with good CD management Annihilators are great, if instead you want raw defences / power you choose the other two
Mothership is good, ONLY if you have an exact plan with it, and considering how late does it joins the party (last two missions), you gotta have a good plan, especially on last mission
DarkKazoie: Salvation was hard, but with the karax exploit (don't know if it has been patched, i believe it was) it was too easy, plus with the ridiculous tech you unlock, you can do a lot of cheesy strategies like mass void rays (broken unit) or dt / corsair, just to name some... All In on the other hand was with terran, the hardest race to use on the campaign, this applies even more on sc1, it needed a specific strategy and to execute it well, if not you would lose on no time, hardest mission at the same level of the terran hold-out mission of the epilogue that needed the exact same skills of -All In- but with even more mutitasking and attacks to hold against, two hard ass mission on brutal.
Nolanstar: I agree wih metabolic boost, great close gap choice to engage first terran defences
Hydra roach on my book is the dumbest idea ever on hots campaign, except vs protoss and zerg / very first missions vs terran, queen are far more reliable of hydras and usually i have so few hydras that i prefer to have them more healthy / bursty then have them with a not so usefull +1 range... For the kerrigan/hydra build, for sure viable, but i never tried it outside of coop (where is the actual meta)
Mass Recall is usefull to recall units on your base, ok, but you have hope they are not recalled on the mid of the enemy army, it doesn't give you any type of advantage in battle and i sincerely prefer a shield / talandar when assaulting an enemy base that otherwise would rape half of my units when ingaging it... I think that with a precise battle plan Mass Recall can even be very good
Adepts apply a very short buff (5 seconds if i remember correctly), can't be healed and clump up that is the worst thing possible on the campaign where there's AoE everywhere and even worse then that they have awfull stats and an air attack that deals extra damage against light air units... I don't really see a big problem with mutalisks/scouts/phoenix/wraiths, we are talking about low health/damage units that are not even this big threat (except for scouts that have a ton of HP), only banshees are actually scary, but we still don't see a lot of them so... Yeah... Adept is basically trash imho, not tanky as a dagoon and not agile as a stalker... It doesn't even have a good DPS against non light units (even ground ones are not a big problem as i've already stated)... Could work at best vs zerg because of zergling/hydras...
I see we agree on Nexus Overcharge, very powerful but also very situational
Favourite unit on SC1 were siege tank/BC/marine/medic - zergling/hydra/ultra/muta/devourer/guardian - reaver/archon-zealot/carrier/arbiter
On sc2 (still waiting to see what Nova pack 3 will bring) they are marine/medic/marauder/goliath/siege tank/viking corpser/impaler/brood lord/torrasque sentinel/stalker/vanguard/energizer/corsair/reaver/void ray/arbiter/carrier
PFs are good, but perditions are alwais viable from the start of the game and on every part of the map / your base, you can't say the same thing of PFs and personally i had no problems with disruptors/perditions on the last mission, plus PFs steal range from siege tanks by being so massive, the tanks are actually really behin them and lose like 6 range or so of effective attack range... It's also a question of taste, you want reliable and cheap defences, choose Perditions:if instead you want to build a wall, to make terrans great again, choose PFs...
DarkKazoie: Wrathwalkers are great, but since you use them on the last two mission, they lose a lot of their utility, still viable on -the host- but totally not the case on salvation, plus being forced to other AoE sources for a t3 units with high burst single target damage is not exactly as good as a colossus that opens up all the tech you want since it's the god of AoE, again Wrathwalkers are good, but not the best
I love this thread about campaign units, i can't wait to answer to the replies and strategies i saw here, good stuff
My thoughts on campaign units (will update when Nova Covert Ops will be finished)